Fantasy Poem

Dreaming Of A Better World.

This poem, composed as a story, tells of a person who notices a certain place with a gilded door. As he passes by this place each day along his daily route, his imagination and curiosity move him to wonder what lies on the other side of the door...

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The Gilded Door

My ObsE.R.vation © more by My ObsE.R.vation

Published by Family Friend Poems June 23, 2024 with permission of the Author.

He passes by a certain place each day,
on the side of the road along his way.
"A quite peculiar kind of place," he'd say...
"No windows, just a gilded door, -
and walls composed of brick and clay".

Sometimes, he'd see someone or two,
beyond the gilded door pass through,
then, he'd often wonder what lies within
its walls to which he'd never been.
He'd seen them enter, there is no doubt,
but he had never yet seen one come out.

Whatever becomes of those entering there?
To venture in he does not dare.
Perhaps once inside they're taken away,
never again to see the light of day.
But, then again… perhaps they find their paradise,
happiness and all things nice.
Contentment true, their sails unfurled,
with no thoughts of leaving
their new-found world. -

He passed by a certain place each day,
on the side of the road along his way.
And then one day he chose to dare,
to see just what was inside of there,
and passed beyond that gilded door,
returning henceforth nevermore...

Whether he was taken from the light of day,
or found his paradise and stayed,
the only way one can his fate explore,
is to pass beyond that gilded door..



I enjoy writing poetry and sharing my work with others.

I try to keep my poems positive and encouraging for the reader to gain some benefit from them.

I also enjoy writing humorous poems and short stories for children.

Please enjoy my submitted work.

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