Poem about Spirituality

Poem About An Out Of Body Experience

Some may or may not believe in out of body experiences. Whether this was that or maybe just a dream, it nevertheless was life changing...

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I, who wrote this poem, wish to make a final note. After this event, I noticed I was having difficulty staying awake. I went in for a sleep study and found that I desated to 65%...quite...

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There Is A God

Sylvia Stults © more by Sylvia Stults

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2015 with permission of the Author.

There is a place called heaven
This I can undoubtedly say
Without any hesitation
Of what this message conveys

There are no words to describe it
No visuals that can compare
Such as roads of gold or gates that scroll
Beyond Earth's hemisphere

One night while I was sleeping
My soul started to be raised
Sitting up from within my body
With arms in heavenly praise

What brought this spiritual moment
This I do not know
But the feelings felt within myself
Were shared to me by soul

There was an ultimate feeling of self-giving
A surrendering of my total being
No other thoughts came to mind
Except praising God as my king

The love I felt was immeasurable
No past love came close to compare
A love so strong and powerful
Yet seemed to have always been there

The soul itself was not a mist
Or foggy image seen
But an array of electrical colors
Though formed in my earthly being

As my soul descended back
To where my body laid
A gasp of air was all it took
To make me step forth and say...

There most certainly is a God!



Hello my name is Sylvia. I presently work in the healthcare field. I love to paint with oils and often wished I studied art as well. I love poetry of all kinds and someday hope to pick up on the different styles. I'm trying, but until I do...I'll follow the words of my mother, who passed when I was a young girl, "Just say...

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  • Zamaphemba Z. Anele by Zamaphemba Z. Anele
  • 5 years ago

Reading this poem really touched me.

I, who wrote this poem, wish to make a final note. After this event, I noticed I was having difficulty staying awake. I went in for a sleep study and found that I desated to 65%...quite frankly at the hospital if you reach 70's or sustained in the 80's, in oxygenation, there is a high probability you are going to be vented. Apnea-it made me think...was I breathing? How long did I stop breathing? All unanswered...

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