Inspirational Poem

Uplifting Poem About Living A Better Life

I wrote this poem for anybody who needs a daily uplifting reminder. I am a firm believer that one positive thing can make a person's day, and that is the message I try to include in my poems. I know when someone says something nice or uplifting to me, my day is made. I hope this and my future poems help you guys out. For whoever is going through a hardship, stay strong, I'm here for you.

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This is a lovely poem, obviously written by a lovely, caring person. I wish my son had this poem before he took his life. I wish he'd read it daily and maybe he'd have had a wife. I wish...

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This Is A Daily Reminder


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2015 with permission of the Author.

This is a daily reminder
To relax,
To not get angry over small things,
To stay calm.

This is a daily reminder
To be yourself,
To not care what people think,
To know you can be anything.

This is a daily reminder
To love yourself,
To not hurt yourself,
To not work yourself up.

This is a daily reminder
That you are beautiful,
That you are amazing,
That you will succeed.

This is a daily reminder
To always have hope,
To have faith,
To know everything will be okay.

This is a daily reminder
That you have made it so far already,
That you haven't given up,
That whatever you're doing is right,
And that you are going to be amazing.

Don't give up.
Keep holding on and believing.


  • Stories 9
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  • Rating 4.45
  • Poem of the Week
  • Poem of the Day
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Florida Rwejuna by Florida Rwejuna
  • 4 years ago

Recently, I've faced so many challenges in undertaking my studies. I thought of giving up like postponing my university studies. But God never leaves us unattended. So this morning I find myself getting my poem of the week reminder, and it's all about getting your grip and pushing it forward no matter the circumstances. It's a whole new level of motivation! I'm grateful for everything and I can't back down now.

  • Susan Nix by Susan Nix
  • 4 years ago

I want to say thank you. I shed tears while reading your poem. It has touched me gently in my emotional time of need. I promise to remember all of those good things. You have a unique and lovely soul, indeed. Never stop caring to encourage others; it is crucial to some who might struggle mentally. It makes a difference. Thank you! Love, Sue

  • Paul  J. O'Brien by Paul J. O'Brien
  • 6 years ago

This is a lovely poem, obviously written by a lovely, caring person.

I wish my son had this poem before he took his life.
I wish he'd read it daily and maybe he'd have had a wife.
I wish he had children, and I know he had wished that too.
I wish many things, but the world needs more people like you.

Keep spreading the uplifting words of optimism and telling people to be positive about themselves. We're all different. There is no ideal person, no-one to strive to be. We should all be thankful of life itself and share it with everyone.

  • Jean Brown by Jean Brown
  • 4 years ago

This poem reached out to me as I am also a mother that lost her son by suicide. It's a wonderful poem for anyone who is struggling with life's disappointments or struggles. It made my day and am grateful that I stumbled upon it this morning.

  • Ryan Bryan by Ryan Bryan
  • 4 years ago

My prayers and blessings go with you about your son. Your words moved me to tears. Two days ago, I was accused of assault on a workman at my home! As a Christian it is a time of all manner of thoughts and feelings. The detective says not to worry, my solicitor told me not to worry. I have to report to the police 3 days after my birthday. I know I haven't laid a finger on this chap. I place the situation into God's hands and take hope and peace the truth will come out. This poem I intend to print out. Bless the writer and all who read the poem and stories.

  • Patric Preece by Patric Preece
  • 6 years ago

Since my marriage breakup, I have traveled the world trying to find myself. When I have found myself I shall be at peace with myself.

  • Goodness Oj Abah by Goodness Oj Abah, Abuja, Nigeria
  • 6 years ago

I have been really touched by your poem and inspired by it. It is really wonderful.

  • Louise Michelle by Louise Michelle
  • 6 years ago

Your words are so true. It's amazing how a few kind words can brighten someone's day. I remember seeing an overweight clerk at a store. She had beautifully manicured nails and I told her how I loved the color of her polish. She smiled ear to ear! Who knows, maybe one little compliment could raise her self-esteem and encourage her to lose weight.

  • Sherlene by Sherlene
  • 8 years ago

As I prepare to go to a Woman's shelter, today, I wanted something to encourage them and know they are loved. And this poem speaks what's in my heart. Thanks

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