Courage Poem

A poem about continuing to struggle through the most difficult of times. A poem about letting go and letting God.

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I can also relate to your story when I was 28 years old I suffered from 2 ruptured brain aneurysms. I learned later than it was a miracle of God that I had survived because 99 percent of...

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Time To Stop Struggling

© more by Tanya

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2008 with permission of the Author.

Life is unfair; sometimes the misery we can't bear.
This was a feeling I could never share.
I am strong, strong enough to move on from this pain.
I won't feel the shame; my life is not a game.
Tired of these tears and my fears,
I will cherish my inspirations.
I will find my dream, I promise; that's what I will achieve.
I will find a way to leave. 
I'm not who you will deceive.
I believe in miracles; these people laugh like it's hysterical.
I won't fall; I may be lost, but I will be found.
One day I will find the perfect life; life will run beautifully,
I will fly like a butterfly through the night, will have a pleasant sight.
Afraid but I will fight.
No boundaries, free my mind of all the pressure.
Leaving here will be my pleasure.
I want so much to be free; so much I want to see.
I want to reach the sky; I want so badly to fly.
See, I used to be a fool when I let you treat me cruel.
I made a mistake, but I won't let myself break.
Leave me, for God's sake.
So now I kneel down to pray.
For these times of struggle I will just say,
I'll leave in your hands, God. I will let go.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Christina Ferreira by Christina Ferreira, CO
  • 9 years ago

I was touched. I have felt like I've been drowning for quite some time now. No, life is nothing but pain and suffering. And it's definitely not a game. Although everyone around me seems to think so. I want to be that butterfly you talk about. I want to fly so high that I reach heaven and escape the fate of what I've done. I would get lucky and be forgiven.

  • Tina Santos by Tina Santos, Connecticut
  • 9 years ago

I can also relate to your story when I was 28 years old I suffered from 2 ruptured brain aneurysms. I learned later than it was a miracle of God that I had survived because 99 percent of people who have one aneurysm die! By the grace of God I survived but my life was changed forever in the prime of life at 28, my personality was changed and I had uncontrollably seizures and migraines for the rest of my life! I then married by boyfriend who drove me to the hospital that night and stood by me and I thought we could survive anything. I got pregnant and we had a precious little boy who was ultimately diagnosed with Autism, ADHD and Sensory Processing disorder. My husband was in denial about my sons diagnosis which eventually led to our divorce. I then sunk into a deep depression and wondered why God would let me suffer so much and thought about why should I continue to press on when everything I held dearly had slipped away, my health, my marriage! I do press on each day but do ask why!

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