I Miss You Poem

Poem About Grief And Being Gone Too Soon

Being in love, knowing that everything is right, then it turns out so wrong. Your heart is broken, but you must keep your head up and carry on.

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You Will Always Hold My Heart

© more by Ralph P Quinonez

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2018 with permission of the Author.

I remember the first time we met.
It is something I will never forget.

The beauty that was shown in your face
Takes me to a very special place.

A warm feeling as you walked into the room.
Little did I know that I would never again see you; it came so soon.

Did I do something? Was it right or was it wrong?
It still haunts me like a very sad song.

I now have to live without you but know that you are oh so near.
It was such a tragedy, something I will always fear.

I have come to accept it now that you are not here with me.
I guess it was fate, something that was meant to be.

If it were my decision, you would still be here.
It seems that you have disappeared.

My heart has lost you; it hurts just to think
You were here one moment, then you were gone in a blink.

I miss your smile. I miss your face.
I miss your warm and tender embrace.

Who would have known how it would have ended? Who would have known?
I know that because of you, my heart will always be alone.

I am keeping my heart open, trying to be strong.
Loving a woman like you can never be wrong.


more by Ralph P Quinonez

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