Family Poetry Quotes - Page 3

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Silent Strong Dad

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He never looks for praises.
He's never one to boast.
He just goes on quietly working
for those he loves the most.

- Karen K. Boyer

Quote About The Impact Of A Mother

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A mother picks up her children
and wipes away life's tears.
She scares away monsters in the night
and silences life's fears.

Kathryn Ann

Mother To Son Quote

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If you get lost along your way,
not sure what to do or what to say,
know that I'm present in spirit and soul
with open arms
and a hand for you always to hold.

- Wendy L. Nichols


The Mothering Job

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If mothers could put
all of their mothering experience
on their resume,
it would be a mile long.

- Marian N. Kehrley

Quote For Mom

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You are the sunlight in my day.
You are the moon I see far away.
You are the tree I lean upon.
You are the one that makes troubles be gone.

- Champagne S. Baker

Quote Tribute To Grandpa

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You've always been my hero.
You've always been my pride.
You've always given so much love
and shown what's deep inside.

- Lauren E. Garner

I'm Sorry Quote For Family And Friends

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Please take my hand, and together
let's make a stand to form a bond of love,
with the help from above,
and not let little things get in the way,
because we may not have another day.

- Joy Flake

A Sister Is A Blessing

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A sister is a blessing
who fills your heart with love.
She flies with you in life
with the beauty of a dove.

Shiv Sharma

Heartbreaking Quote From Daughter To Father

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I remember when I was
the twinkle in my daddy's eyes.
Then he left one day
without saying good-bye.

- Heidi A. Hopson

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