Friendship Poetry Quotes - Page 5

41 - 50 of 130

Will Always Be There

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You are a best friend
that will always be there
because you are a best friend
that really cares.

- Brian Myers

Quote About Being There For A Friend

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I'll be there when you're crying.
I'll be there when you're smiling. . .
I'll be there when you're happy.
I'll be there when you're down.

- Jasmin Aneta-Mirry Hathlhorn


You Are My Sunshine

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You are my sunshine.
You send color to my gray.

Ariel Smith

Good Friends Quote

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Good friends
are hard to find,
hard to lose,
and impossible to forget.

Valerie M.

Best Friends Are Angels

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Best friends are angels
that God sent along.
They always stay beside you
whenever things go wrong.

- Geraldine

You Are Always There For Me Quote For Best Friends

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You are always there for me
when my spirits need a little lift.
I cannot thank you enough for that.
You are truly an extraordinary gift.

Margery Wang

Friends Are There

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Friends are there
To help you along.
The journey through friendship
Is always long.

Valerie M.

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