Love Poetry Quotes - Page 2

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You Are My Sunshine

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You brought me sunshine
when I only saw rain.
You brought me laughter
when I only felt pain.

- Donna Donathan

Quote About A Constant Feeling

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I know that you love me,
And that our love is true,
That no matter the chaos, the excitement, or the fears,
I know you love me as deeply as I love you.

- Sherri Wipperman

Quote For The Man I Love

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You always know
just what to say.
Just talking to you
makes my day.

- Mrs. Creeves


Love Promise Quote

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I promise to be your strength
whenever you fall weak.
I promise to be your voice
when you can't find the words.

- Emily Thurston

God's Gift To Me

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You are my sunshine.
You are my shining star.
Everything I'm not
you are.

- Kerry R. DeVore

I Love You

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You are my blanket
that keeps me warm.
You are my umbrella
that shields the storm.

Randy Vernezze

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