Inspirational Poem

Make The Most Of Time With Loved Ones

My father passed two years ago, within six weeks of his diagnosis. Since both my parents lived with me, I spent a great deal of time with him. I bought him cards just because. I told him I loved him all the time, even when he made me mad. Although I was grieved on his passing, the way we lived gave me comfort, and I was able to let go of my grief in a timely manner. This poem is just a reminder to everyone that life is very precious. We are here today, but what if tomorrow never comes.

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Wow! This poem is so beautiful and heart-breaking, to be honest. My mom has cancer, and all she wants is for SOMEONE to be around. Anyone. But I get so caught up with my day to day activities...

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Don't Wait Until I Am Gone


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

Treat me with love, dignity, respect and compassion
Now as I am healthy, vibrant and alive.
Don't wait to hear that I am sick and dying
To love me the way I was meant to be loved.
Bring me flowers and candy on any day just because.
Don't wait for a holiday, love and cherish me every day.
Tell me I am beautiful.
See my beauty in my body and soul.
Don't wait to see that I am disfigured
And then tell me that I am beautiful
Because you think that is what I want to hear.
Talk to me lovingly now so I can hear your beautiful voice
And listen to the ringing of your laughter.
Don't try to talk to me that way now
That I am deaf and can no longer hear your sweet voice.
Speak words of love and compassion
So I can remember those conversations
Even though I may not be able to hear them again.
Come one day and you will be sad, you will be sorry!
Treat me like a human being with a life
That needs to be lived my way...not yours!
Remember that our Creator gave you your own life
To live the way you please.
Leave me to live mine!!
I do not tell you what you should or should not do...
I just listen and give you support.
Why can't you do the same?
I am this way and you are that way.
That's because we are different...
We are unique...can't we compromise?
Bury the hatchet and move along.
Free your body, free your soul.
Let's just take the precious time
We have now to live and to love...
Everything else will slowly fall into place.
Now I am sick and dying.
You are now trying to love me, to bring me flowers,
To stroke my hair and to speak loving words.
Why did we waste all those years, all that time...
Just to be where we are now,
Now when I am too weak, too sick to enjoy your gifts?
Love me now...
As your sister, your brother,
Your husband, your wife,
Your niece, your nephew,
Your daughter, your son...
Don't wait until it is too late!
Don't wait until I am gone...


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jessica M Duggan by Jessica M Duggan, Quincy, Massachusetts
  • 5 years ago

I finally met the man of my dreams. He was even better than I imagined. My very own prince charming came and saved me. He is the best thing that ever happened to me. Then one day he said he had to leave; he no longer wanted to make memories with me. I felt as if I couldn't breathe. Then suddenly it was just me. I had no choice but to keep going. I was in disbelief but then little by little I was at peace. Him leaving gave me a reason to believe in God's plan and accept his journey.

  • Ricky by Ricky
  • 4 years ago

Thanks for being strong. Sometimes we have to take whatever fate brings and believe that that's what it is. Yeah, I know sometimes we feel like we can never let go of someone, and we feel like we can't live anymore without him/her. But things come and go and memories do fade. Thanks for being so strong.

  • Author Jason Sandifer by Author Jason Sandifer, Michigan
  • 7 years ago

This is a very thought provoking poem that truly touched me, because I embrace the exact same sentiments as well. People should truly and deeply embrace the ones they love before it is too late. They should not waste time, because time is a very precious commodity and cannot be replaced. The author of this poem stated so many things, and many things she shared are very true. If you have the ability to love someone in the way that she describes, then do so while they are living. Do it today.

The poem had a sad ending, because she described being too sick to enjoy the love, gifts, and sentiments given much too late. We take so many things for granted in life, especially time, love, and people. Love someone today.

  • Heather by Heather
  • 7 years ago

Beautiful words of love and true understanding, I was touched....

  • Miranda N. Martinez-Perez by Miranda N. Martinez-Perez, Porterville, CA
  • 8 years ago

Wow! This poem is so beautiful and heart-breaking, to be honest. My mom has cancer, and all she wants is for SOMEONE to be around. Anyone. But I get so caught up with my day to day activities that I totally forget about her for days. This poem was definitely an eye opener. Gosh, I feel so horrible for not being there for her more. Even though she IS hard to deal with sometimes, she is STILL my mom, and the fact that she is sick should make me want to spend MORE time with her while I have it. I have been letting her go through it alone...I love my mom. Thank you for opening my eyes. Your poem touched my heart!!

  • Ernest Kiiru by Ernest Kiiru
  • 7 years ago

Hi Miranda, sorry for what your situation is. I feel your pain with the situation because my dad is in the same situation as your mom. This poem strengthens those who read it and trickles deeper into those that are in our's like electric spasms blended with cold crisp water on a hot day. Its effect on me can only be truly described in an alien language. Stay strong, Miranda.

Very poignant poem about the fragility of life. The poem is also well written.

  • Victoria Grant by Victoria Grant
  • 8 years ago

I lost my husband nearly two years ago and it's been something that I am dealing with. He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and his death was via suicide. I have struggled for so long with the loss, with the suicide. I was thinking maybe I wasn't enough. Maybe he didn't love me. It's hard to reconcile that kind of loss. Well as I was coming and moving more into peace with this situation, I am noticing all the little signs. All the little tiny things that maybe no one else would notice but I see. And I believe my husband loves me and loves me still. He was suffering inside and I couldn't as much as I loved him understand his kind of suffering. I believe he chose to be free. He chose his freedom instead of a life rotting away suffering mentally. And this poem helped remind me of that fact. And I am so grateful. Thank you.

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