War Poem

Poem From Sister For Her Brother

My name is Alisha McCreary. I'm fifteen years old. I live in North Carolina and my brother Scott has left for the army. I wrote this poem to show him what he means to me. I miss him so much, and when he gets stressed out or down, I write him a poem to bring him up a little. I think this was one of my best poems I have written him. I just wanted to share this one. I also want to say thank you for those who are supporting out troops, and I pray for those with family members in the army.

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My brother left when I was 10 years old, and I didn't know what life had in store for me. A few months after my grandma died from lung cancer, he left. Some people don't know what it feels...

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For A Soldier


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2009 with permission of the Author.

When you wake up in the morning or stay up nights on end,
Know that your sister is here till the very end.
When you gather your equipment and grasp your gun,
Know that you're loved, brother, uncle, son.

When you think of the memories we all shared before,
Think of the future and know that there'll be more.
When you look at pictures and see your wife,
I want you to smile brother because she is your life.

When you're hurting inside 'cause you think you've done wrong,
Lift your head up and remember you're strong.
When you fire your weapon and see injuries dead,
Please hold on tight; don't let it go to your head

When you leave from there and you're packed for home,
I want you to think back and know you weren't alone.
When you see us and we hold you tight,
I will smile and tell you that you held up a fight.

Be strong; I know you can do this.
Because when this is over, your life will be full of bliss.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Fatma Maleta by Fatma Maleta
  • 9 years ago

Hey I think your poem is amazing although quite sad. I hope he comes back soon and wish your family happiness.

  • Lauren by Lauren, South Carolina.
  • 9 years ago

My name is Lauren and I live in South Carolina. I'm 12 years old and my brother went into the army when I was in the 4th grade. Before he left for basic we realized that he was about to leave and we didn't know how long we would be apart so we got close and I'm glad we did. So far, he has been to Columbia, South Carolina; Okinawa,Japan; and now Texas. I may just be a little sister but people just don't understand how much military families go through when they have someone in the military. We sacrifice so much not having them home for holidays, birthdays, and special events. Like my brother missed my cousin's wedding and he missed my very first softball game. It's just hard not having him for all these things. I just got a new boyfriend and I really wish he was home for it but he's not!

  • Tiffanie by Tiffanie
  • 1 year ago

My brother left when I was 10 years old, and I didn't know what life had in store for me. A few months after my grandma died from lung cancer, he left. Some people don't know what it feels like to have someone they love in the military. I've been getting bullied for it, but I keep my head up. I am 13 now. I have a crush, but he wasn't here for that. I haven't seen my older brother for about 4 years. It hurts to know that someone you love is gone, and I don't know if he is okay or not. He missed my very first huge performance for dance. It was around 2,000 people, but he was not there. He also wasn't there for my first talent show or my first ever singing performance.

  • Ryan by Ryan, New Zealand
  • 10 years ago

I am Ryan and I am 15. I am doing responses to various texts and I decided to look for War poems. Your poem inspired me to write a response on it. I thank you for writing a brilliant thought provoking poem. You have helped me in my search for a poem. I also chose your fantastic poem over many more well known war poems. God bless the heroes of war!

  • Elsa Rosenfeld by Elsa Rosenfeld
  • 10 years ago

This is really one of the best poems that I have read here.
Just wanted you to know that all soldiers, sailors, and air force pilots are always on my mind. I pray for them and feel like as if they are my family.
Thank you for staying strong for your brother. You are a great sister.

  • Tiana by Tiana, Michigan
  • 10 years ago

I really loved this poem. It was hard to believe you were only 15. Very grown up words, beautiful. I bet your brother is very proud of you. Please tell him thank you for his military service.

  • Priti Gandhi by Priti Gandhi
  • 10 years ago

Your thoughts brought a lump in my throat....it's a beautiful piece of work. My father was in the Army and my brother is a Pilot in the Airforce .Each time they have been on the front, has been a traumatic time for the families. You have summed up the pride, the fears and the hope we have for all our soldiers in any part of the world. Keep it up!

  • Aisha by Aisha
  • 10 years ago

My name is Aisha, and I am 14. At school we are focusing on war poems, and we have to do research. I never thought I would stumble across something as beautiful as this poem. It really was humbling to read your poem, the words and meaning so incredible it caused me to cry. I look towards all those who are in the army or have family in the army as amazing role models. It is astonishing how strong you all are, and I really admire that. You all have my prayers, Thank you so much for changing how I know act and view the world. God bless you all.

  • Abbey by Abbey, England
  • 10 years ago

Thank-you so much for this. I have a brother and I know that if my brother went to war, I would think exactly the same. It is so heart warming. My granddad died fighting for his country, and so anything about war really gets something inside me.

  • Katie Holt by Katie Holt
  • 11 years ago

I am 15 and my brother is in the army, training to become an airborne ranger, I know he hasn't been shipped out yet. He is my life, he raised me along with my mom and I miss him so much. I know he is safe but it's really difficult.

  • Carmen by Carmen, Rosemead
  • 11 years ago

My son who is 18 is going to the army, he'll be leaving next week, we are all so proud of the choices he is making in his life as to better himself and become a better man that he is becoming. We will all miss him so much, I'm not used to not having my son not around me, so it's not going to be easy in the beginning. I know he'll be in God's hands watching over him as he is out in the military becoming the man he wants to be. No mother can be any prouder of her son doing what's best for his future. God Bless Him.

  • Alisha by Alisha Poet
  • 14 years ago

Thank you. :)
My brother Scott is now home, so for all of you scared and think that they may never return always remember, there is hope.
God Bless.

  • Ryan Brozovich by Ryan Brozovich
  • 14 years ago

My father died in Iraq in 06 and I just wanted to say that this is a really amazing poem. Keep up the great work!

  • Chelsea Ingham by Chelsea Ingham
  • 15 years ago

I am really thankful that I found this. My only brother who is 20 is going to Iraq in 4 days (March 2, 2009). I thank you so much for writing this poem. God bless you and America!!!

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