True Love Poem

We Were Meant To Be Together Poem

This poem is about how two people who love each other influence each other we change and grow through that love and how we are not the same after a lover has touched our soul.

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Beautiful poetry. Love is a multifaceted thing. No matter what or how long loves lasts, love will always be a treasured part of our future and past. Love helps to shape who you become. Love...

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Forever Connected

© more by Silke Wettergren

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2009 with permission of the Author.

Every moment we spent together
Has touched our lives, our souls forever.
The things we shared and learned
Is permanent growth we've earned.

The person I have grown into today
Did not get there by chance, no way.
I am who I am partly because of you,
And you are YOU because of me, too.

The changes I see
And what I have learned about me
Are a response to how we affected our lives
And what we discover in each other's eyes.

It is uncertain if we have to part or one day live together.
Either way, we have touched our lives forever!
No matter what the future will show,
No matter what we are told.

We are connected on such a deep level
That no one can remove, not even the devil.
Our feelings might be different a year from now,
But you are part of me forever somehow.

A part of me will always be you,
And a part of you will always be me.
No matter what happens, that much is certain.
Our souls are one until life closes the curtain.

I will love your forever,
For worse or for better.

You are tattooed in my heart,
And nothing can tear our souls apart.

I will never forget you,
For my love is honest and true.


more by Silke Wettergren

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!

Beautiful poetry. Love is a multifaceted thing. No matter what or how long loves lasts, love will always be a treasured part of our future and past. Love helps to shape who you become. Love changes everything the moment that it's begun.

  • Monique Aka Shawnys Forever by Monique Aka Shawnys Forever
  • 7 years ago

This poem literally took my breath away because this explains exactly how, no matter what or how hard we try not to be, we are connected forever. We feel each other on such a deep level that sometimes it trips me up. I'll love you forever!

  • Choening Zangmo by Choening Zangmo, Bhutan
  • 10 years ago

I feel everyone in this world are glad to be with their destined partner be it a girl or boy. Reading this poem really reminded me of my boyfriend with whom I hardly met due to the distance between us and also because of our own work of life...although I really love him and want to be with him all time; yet we are separated which makes me to miss him a lot and let my love grow stronger due to the distance between us.......I Love You Pala

  • Genia by Genia
  • 10 years ago

My man and I, although we are doing long distance. But we are connected though apart physically. Though many have objected to our love and tried to keep us apart, but we are ready to persevere on as objections become more severe and intense. You are an amazing light that shines in my heart. No words can express how much I love you and need you in my life. You have helped me mature into the strong woman I am today. We have forever to stay on together and each day now are filled with anticipation to love you more and more because I know this is the Love that God blessed me with and come what may, we will make it through. You gave me your word and your heart. YOU are tattooed in my heart forever..

  • Dee.Zzii by Dee.Zzii
  • 10 years ago

This poem remains of me and my boyfriend. We have been dating for almost 2 years and from the beginning we love each other so much, we are planning to get married soon. I Love the way he cares for me, his always there for me when I need him the most and I know I would never be happy without him. I'm so happy to have him and I am thankful to god for sending him to my life, memories that I have with him put a smile on my face, the reason is before we started to date we was best friends I fall for him since he come up to me say hi. I saw the kindness in his eyes and I was dying for having those eyes, hands and love. Until one day we went out and since that time I'm different person, he is my hero he saved my life. I love him so much since the beginning we were spending every minute of out life's together and I believe nothing about us is going to change.

  • Laysia by Laysia, Mississippi
  • 11 years ago

This poem is truely AMAZING , it reminds me of my boyfriend and how we are going to spend every minute of our lives, I love how he helps me with my problems but still makes me smile in hard times and the way he moves my hair from my eyes, and the way he knows how to make me feel special without even trying, we will be together forever, even after death
M+K= <3

  • Tammy Arbini by Tammy Arbini, San Jose
  • 11 years ago

I believe there's only a small handful of people thru out the world who receive the blessed gift of experiencing pure, genuine, true love, and I too found that with my Jeremy. This poem reminds me of the rare and absolutely amazing past 12 years (& counting) we've shared, and if you knew even just a brief, short version, you'd probably think it was completely made up. Though it sounds unreal, it's our rare, 100% truthful story of our personal gift God blessed us with and the only reason why I believe in this infamous thing that the whole world wants and searches for, obsesses over, and never finds, this thing we call "True Love"!

  • Kailey by Kailey, Michigan
  • 12 years ago

I read this poem and instantly thought of my boyfriend and I! so touching! I love it!

  • Jovana by Jovana
  • 13 years ago

As I read this poem, I thought about my husband and I. We have been married for 5 years. And we are still so in love. We hope that the love we share will go on forever..( I know it will) but also that everyone could find a love like ours...

  • Chelsie by Chelsie
  • 13 years ago

This poem reminds me of a guy that I'm still in love with. He was my first true love. We have went through so much but we always end up being there for each other in the end. He has a new relationship but even though I know this, we always get lead back to each other. It's not just coincidence, it's fate. We are meant to be together, but we're both to stubborn to give into it.

  • Jaren Jackson by Jaren Jackson
  • 14 years ago

This really reminds me of me and my girlfriend. I truly believe that we are in love and we are planning on getting married and we are moving in together here pretty soon. I've spent over 2,000 dollars on her visiting her in Britain, and we've been dating for 3 years now

  • Alexis by Alexis, Virginia
  • 14 years ago

This is a really touching poem that I treasure and believe fits me and my boyfriend's description to a T!

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