I Love You Poem

Finding A Love That Makes You Feel Forever Changed

This poem is a rhyme about finding love and how it transcends you - quickens you - makes you come alive. I am a poet/author with publishing credits on online sites such as www.poetrysoup.com and Prolific Press's Haiku Journal and Three Line Journal. I am a member of the Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators and I am near completion of a fiction novel and have penned several children stories for publication. I love to write, paint, antique shop and spend time with family and friends.

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I Found Love

Valerie D. Staton © more by Valerie D. Staton

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2021 with permission of the Author.

Before I met you, I was dead - now I live.
My heart could not receive love, nor could it give -

The moment I met you I was forever changed,
Happiness fell upon me like a torrid rain.

Pleasurable feelings, like love and joy,
Course through my being like never before.

Archived emotions of bliss came alive -
My sorrowed spirit was quickly revived.

You entering my life was like taking a breath
after ejecting pollutants that had been left.

Before I met you, I barely existed,
Struck by your essence, I could not resist it.

I had walked around dead for several years...
Then I met you, love - and now I live!



I am a writer of poetry, children/adult stories and I am near completion of a novel and will be publishing a Christian poetry book in the very near future. I have poems published in two poetry anthologies, P.S. It's Poetry and P.S. It's Still Poetry. I also am published in Prolific Press's Haiku Journal, Three Line Poetry Journal...

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