Mother Poem

A Tribute To My Dear Mother

"Phenomenal Lady" is a tribute to my mother who was mother/father to me and my siblings. She worked hard to ensure we had all the amenities necessary. I could never come up with enough adjectives to describe this dear woman. In this poem are listed a few. Hope it is enjoyed. God bless!

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Phenomenal Lady

Valerie D. Staton © more by Valerie D. Staton

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2021 with permission of the Author.

That Phenomenal Lady...
That fantastically raised me
Lived life to the fullest,
Extended love to the cruelest;
She always had a smile on her beautiful face.
She was a friend to all - no matter the race;
That wonderful, Phenomenal Lady.

That Phenomenal Lady...
Bestowed upon me abundant love,
Protected me as a lion its cub;
When I was sick or sad, she'd pray.
Her love erased my troubles away;
That precious, Phenomenal Lady.

That Phenomenal Lady...
The gem the Lord gave me,
Was more valuable than silver or gold;
She possessed many pearls of wisdom,
Too numerous for one to hold;
That remarkable, Phenomenal Lady.

And though she is physically gone,
She continues to live on and on;
Within the confines of my heart,
Memories of her will never part;
I thank God for the mother he gave me,
That wonderful, precious, remarkable...
Phenomenal Lady!



I am a writer of poetry, children/adult stories and I am near completion of a novel and will be publishing a Christian poetry book in the very near future. I have poems published in two poetry anthologies, P.S. It's Poetry and P.S. It's Still Poetry. I also am published in Prolific Press's Haiku Journal, Three Line Poetry Journal...

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