Prayer Poem

Finding God In The Silence

I'm learning to practice solitude and shut out all other noise.

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© more by Lenora McWhorter

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2018 with permission of the Author.

In the stillness of the morning,
while the world was still asleep,
the sun was hidden under cover
and silence was strong and deep.

I whispered a short prayer
with just a few choice words.
God was there in the silence,
and I knew my prayer was heard.

The restless night had been long,
and uncertainties filled my day.
Nothing calmed my restless heart,
so I knew I needed to pray.

In the silence God drew me close
until on His bosom I did lay,
and there we communed together.
No other word did I need to say.
I felt God's presence around me,
and my worries began to cease.
I gave the Father all my cares,
and He gave me His peace.


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