Hurting Poem

Poem About The Emotions After A Breakup

girl loves boy, boy breaks girl's heart, girl gets hurt, boy doesn't even care

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My boyfriend and I broke up about 2 weeks ago. Our relationship was perfect. We were a great match together and everything made sense. I always give my all in every thing I do, and he had...

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Thoughts Of The Broken Hearted

© more by Carrie

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2008 with permission of the Author.

I want to cry
I want to scream
I want to tell you mostly
I hate that I'm so afraid of everything
I hate that you're the one thing I want the most but can't have
I hate that you let me go before I got even got to say goodbye
I wish that you would come back to me
I wish I were strong enough to say no to you
I wish I could believe my own lies I use to cover up the pain you left
I need to move on, says my head
I need to hold on, says my heart
I need to decide, says my mind
I envy the way this hasn't hurt you at all
I envy her
I envy the fact you don't understand what this feels like at all
I want to hurt you
I want to be with you
I want this nightmare to be over
I wish I could make things how they were before you
I wish I could change time
I wish I could change you
I wish I could have hurt you before you hurt me
I wish I would have given you the letter when I wanted
I need you out of my thoughts
I need you out of my heart
I need to start doing things for me
I hate that you used me
I hate that I gave you something I can never have back
I hate that I wasted it with you
I'm tired of hoping aimlessly for you
I'm tired of wanting something I can't have
I'm tired of hurting me for things that aren't my fault
I'm sorry I wasn't good enough
I'm sorry I defended you when everyone else was right
I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy
Funny though how you never once said sorry for hurting me,
for breaking me,
for not loving me


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Riley Danford by Riley Danford
  • 9 years ago

My boyfriend and I broke up about 2 weeks ago. Our relationship was perfect. We were a great match together and everything made sense. I always give my all in every thing I do, and he had mommy issues so I became his mother in a way. I would wash his hair, I would call off work when he was sick, I gave into his fetishes, I would buy him things he needed/wanted, I would do his homework for him, I would sing him to sleep, and I even trimmed his nails one time. He wanted all of my attention and I gave him everything that he ever asked me for. He would beg me to never leave him and tell me that he needs me forever. He broke up with me because he felt that we were fighting a lot more and that he needed space. I gave him space because I love him and I gave him whatever he wanted. I thought he would come back to me and that the space was temporary. Space eventually turned into a break up and I wasn't even aware of it. He hung around a new girl. She looks like me.

  • Abhilash Pune by Abhilash Pune
  • 9 years ago

Now this is something I can relate to.. I was a high school senior then, she was a junior, as well as a transfer from another school. I didn't believed in "love at first sight" until I met her.. The first time I saw her, it blew me away! She has long, dark hair, slender figure, tantalizing eyes and lips to die for.. I then started to court her, gave her sweet-nothings, bouquet of flowers, and the like.. I'm romantic, perhaps too romantic that also swept her off her feet.. We were so madly in-love.. I never thought that the madness would end, that no one could ever tear us apart.. Then, it suddenly happened. The nightmare that I was afraid of. We suddenly lost communication for a petty reason, one petty quarrel that ended up into something miserable. I said I was sorry. The next thing I know, she's already with someone else without even saying goodbye nor saying sorry for the pain she caused

  • Hose by Hose
  • 10 years ago

Today, I have gone through a very exciting experience with a girl I had a relationship for 5 years. A liar, back stabbed, a dogger etc. I wish you saw theatrical she was, when the man she was cheating me with appeared at the door. Oh, it's was a pathetic scenario. Besh wake up, label yourself with a tag of respect.

  • Norma by Norma, Texas
  • 11 years ago

I had a boyfriend that said he fell in love with me no matter how I looked. I was 30 lbs over weight then. We lasted three years and I was so happy I was in love and thought it was the perfect person for me. He then said three years later I was fat and needed to lose weight for him if I loved him. He left me. I did lose the weight hoping he would come back to me. Now I am thin and he is with another girl and she is fat and over weight!! I don't understand.

  • James by James, California
  • 12 years ago

This happened to me. I'm a guy I gave her everything all my love, my heart, my body, my soul and she just hurt me over and over again till I finally had enough. I left her but after a short while I discovered she's with someone else and its tearing me apart.

  • Elle by Elle
  • 12 years ago

I've just read this poem and no other words describe exactly how I feel than those above. It's hard being strong all the time and pretending you don't care, but I do care and don't know how to get over this hurt. After 7 years he had someone else and has never even had the decency to explain or say sorry. I have no closure and the thought of someone else living my life breaks my heart. It's a small comfort to know other people have experienced this pain too.

  • Sandra by Sandra, Nigeria
  • 12 years ago

I have been having issues with my girlfriend for a while and it eventually led to a breakup. She moved on and started dating another girl but eventually had issues with her then along the line she and I came back together being happy and sharing more times together, and spending time as well. All of a sudden she leaves me to go back to the girl saying she has made up with her. All I asked her was who I am to her and she called me her "friend". I cried for days and yet still I am. I hope I heal from this wounds. Cause each minute or hour that passes makes it all fresh in my memory.

  • Pearl by Pearl
  • 12 years ago

I'm dating a guy who was heartbroken by his ex and we met he told me he has forgotten her. I accepted him. I love him so much and he claims he loves me too, we make love almost everyday. He never gets tired of making love to me but there is this other side of him he likes girls a lot and he love to cheat and if you catch him he will get angry with me and claim right. He never admits he is wrong once, he is always right, but I still love him and as it is right now he is with another girl in a hotel. I called him he was sounding strange like he don't know me. I love him too much I wish I could close my eyes and his thought and his image will just vanish. I hate him and I love him. I'm kind of confused....speechless.

  • Akshay by Akshay, India
  • 12 years ago

I loved a girl. She was too sweet. The first time I love a girl that was she. She loved me a lot but the local people didn't want to see us together. She asked me for break up between us. But I said no . This couldn't happen because we love each other truely. She is my life my future my everything. Without her I was nothing. Before I met her I used to think to quit myself. Because without her I was nothing. She was the one taught me live my life. She taught me to laugh. She is the only one who taught me to be happy. And know I want if I die. I always's wanted to die in her arms .

  • Ray by Ray
  • 13 years ago

Now this is something I can relate to.. I was a high school senior then, she was a junior, as well as a transferee from another school. I didn't believed at "love at first sight" until I met her.. The first time I saw her, it blew me away! She has long, dark hair, slender figure, tantalizing eyes and, a lips to die for.. I then started to court her, gave her sweet-nothings, bouquet of flowers, and the like.. I'm romantic, perhaps too romantic that also swept her off her feet.. We were so madly in-love.. I never thought that the madness wouldn't end, that no one could ever tear us apart.. Then, it suddenly happened. The nightmare that I was afraid of. We suddenly lost communication for a petty reason, one petty quarrel that ended up into something miserable. I said I was sorry. The next thing I know, she's already with someone else without even saying goodbye nor saying sorry for the pain she caused..

  • Sheila by Sheila
  • 13 years ago

I'm exhausted! Loving this person who really doesn't deserved thee..but whenever I think of dumping him, yet, when he approaches me, I melt fast as an ice's so stupid of me to love this guy...he hurts me oftentimes through his can you help me with this?

  • Dan by Dan
  • 13 years ago

This poem is me in written form. It's just so heart wrenching when a relationship of 7 years ends. We were engaged to be married, plans were being done, tailors booked, venue in hand, then a couple of weeks after the application paperwork signed with the priest she says we have drifted apart and she can't be with me any more. Truth of the matter is after a week of still sharing the same house while I try and find a place to stay and did everything I could to show her I could do better try harder, I find out that she was cheating on me with the 'cliche' singer in the band that was to play at our wedding, and play the organ as she came down the aisle and was supposed to be my friend. You feel you're ready for marriage and everything was starting to turn around and get better then something like this happens.

Just can't believe she tried to make me feel guilty about everything when every time I looked after our kids so she could work on a photo shoot she was actually with him!

  • Ariana by Ariana, Az
  • 13 years ago

I thought I was in love and well it didn't turn out how I wanted it to. He was everything I thought I wanted and then he left me when I needed him the most. He left when things got to complicated for him. I cried for so long and still can't believe how bad he hurt me. He ruined so much for me, I didn't think he would ever hurt me but he did in the worst ways. Now he's moved on I'm happy for him that he's happy, because I'd rather be happy for him than hate him, since the opposite of love isn't hate. The opposite of love is not caring anymore. So that's what I do is forget he ever existed in my life forget all the pain and tears he brought to me. This poem says everything how I felt and how I do feel at times too.

  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 13 years ago

that really hurt when you love someone so much and in the end he left you without any good reason, it's hard to trust anyone else after what happened, I wish if the world become a better place for me and for you all guys, but I think we should look to the bright side, we should learn and learn ......

  • Rita by Rita, Singapore
  • 13 years ago

I knew this mysterious guy who stole my heart. He definitely was what I wanted in a guy.... but after a few months I fell in love with him, he left me just left me, without saying a reason... it hurts so much I feel like dying....

  • Cheryl by Cheryl
  • 14 years ago

Some lines of this poem is what I exactly felt for the one I gave my love, but the saddest part is he never knew it. I want to tell him but I can't because no matter what I do he can't love me more than I wish I never fall in love with him..:(

Wow I wrote this poem about three years ago, at the time I thought I would never feel any better but I did and do. I hope that this poem can help anyone through feeling heart broken, it is one of the worst feelings in the world. Just know that you will only feel better then you do right now and that there is someone better out there who will treat you right.

  • Kencho Dema by Kencho Dema, Bumthang Bhutan
  • 14 years ago

It is very touching poem. I really like this poem & it is relevant to me as I have also been betrayed by first love. He really betrayed my love after giving my true love. My worlds biggest door is closed after seeing him with another girl.

  • _honey_ by _honey_
  • 14 years ago

some lines of this poem touche my heart. I love someone but that someone doesn't love me at all. I want to shout at him but I can't, I hate him coz even once he never said sorry to me. . .the stupid thing is even though he left my heart bleeding I'm still in love with him. . .and the thing that still hurting me a lot is the fact that I want to talk to him to clear things up to say goodbye but is seems so hard coz he doesn't want to talk to me at all. . . .

  • Demi by Demi, North Dakota
  • 14 years ago

Wow. This fits my story to a T. thanks for writing this. I'm glad I was lucky enough to have read it.

  • Statesville by Statesville, NC
  • 14 years ago

This poem is exactly how I felt and still feel.. He made me believe I was special.. He made me feel loved..I quickly fell in love but the sad part was he never loved me.. And never will.. I was left heartbroken and lonely.. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him. Even though he used me and played me I still love him :(

  • Kathy by Kathy
  • 15 years ago

I'm going through the same thing right now I've liked this boy since I've met him and now that I tell him how I feel about him he went out with my bestfriend :'(

  • Liandra by Liandra
  • 15 years ago

OMG this is exactly how I feel.. reading these poems are helping me cope wit this broken heart.. It's PAIN.. physically hurts in the chest.... emotionally distraught...wish there was a pill or shot to take that would make you feel all better..

  • Aubrey by Aubrey
  • 15 years ago

This is what I went through. and now he broke my heart in two. he was my everything until this girl came into the picture and took him

  • Brianna by Brianna
  • 15 years ago

This is EXACTLY what I'm going through right now. He told me he loved me then just broke me off, and saw me cry and make my life miserable. And the worst part. He didn't even say sorry!

  • Shelby by Shelby
  • 15 years ago

He said he liked me more than anyone else, and I was fine with that, but when I started to hang out with him and tell him things about me. I realized that I really liked him back, after a few weeks my little crush had been transformed into a love that I was afraid to tell him about, and when I finally did he broke my heart by telling me that he didn't like me that much anymore, and that he liked one of my friends, and now he doesn't want to talk to me anymore, since he knows. And just last week he finally told me to stop talking to him and he told me goodbye. and the thing that hurts me the most is that when he told me that he liked me I was fine with it but when I tell him he doesn't want to talk to me. And it's hard to say but my friends were right when they said that he wasn't worth it, but I didn't listen and now look what happened.

  • 15 years ago

Being heartbrokened is pain & feels out of the question!! I feel as if I am ready to move with my life because of being tired of being heartbrokened almost everytime. It is useless & pathetic!! This is going out to all the lonely girls: move on & remember there are many fishe in the sea waitng for you!!! You've just got to be patient!!!

  • Emily by Emily
  • 15 years ago

Some of this is kinda like what I went through.
My best friend for years and years knew I had feelings for him. I know I loved him. With everything in my being. Even if people said I was to young to know what love was...
He moved to Serbia last year without telling me or saying goodbye...
I'll never see him again, and it hurt me a lot, that's why I kinda relate I guess..

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