Heartbreak Poem

I wrote this March 29, 2009. I was in a good relationship and nothing was wrong at the time, but the poem just kind of struck me. I liked the idea, so I wrote it out. Now I am no longer with this guy and am now in a relationship with a guy from my school, and we are doing very well.

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He was my first love We started dating while I was in high school. He was at university. We were so much in love, promising each other that we would be together forever. He taught me how to...

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Analysis of Form and Technique

I Tried So Hard


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2009 with permission of the Author.

I tried so hard.
I tried my best.
I gave you my all,
And now there's nothing left.

You stole my heart
Then tore it in two.
Now I'm falling apart
And don't know what to do.

Divided by decisions,
Burned by the fire,
Confused by your words,
Tempted by desire.

I'm living in the present.
My mind is on the past.
Not knowing what I'll lose,
Not knowing what will last.

Blinded by fear,
Drowning in doubt,
Struggling to be free,
Looking for a way out.


Analysis of Form and Technique

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Techniques this poem uses:

  • This poem is made up of quatrains, which are 4 line stanzas.
    Read more about stanzas
  • This poem follows the ABCB rhyming pattern. The last word in lines two and four rhyme with each other.

    Divided by decisions, A
    burned by the fire. B
    Confused by your words. C
    Tempted by desire. B

    Read more about rhyme schemes
  • This poem is written with a lot of emotion, causing the reader to feel what the author feels.
    Read more about writing with emotion

More Poems with Analysis of Form and Technique

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Lila Baynes by Lila Baynes
  • 3 years ago

There is a boy who I have always loved and I watched him fall in love with me more and more until he started falling out of love. All the memories we had, just awkwardness now. He always knew I would do anything for him and it seemed like he really liked me but it was all fake. He'd rather date my best friend and he likes me less. I know I'm going to lose him soon but nobody will ever be like him and nobody else realizes how grateful they should be if he likes them.

  • Nidhi Rana by Nidhi Rana
  • 4 years ago

There's no love like the first love you ever have seen your heart beat to.
I still remember when we sat by the quiet lake looking at the mountains on the other side. It was growing dark and more silent. The silence broken only by intermittent twittering of the birds going back to their homes. The lights were gleaming on the darkening hill. My head rested on his shoulder. And the dreams we dreamt together of a life that was never to be!
Oh! How it hurts!

  • Sarah A. Brown by Sarah A. Brown, Huntsville
  • 5 years ago

I was in a relationship with a guy a long time ago. It's been two years since he even spoke to me, and everyone tells me I should be over him, but there are certain things about him that I will never get over, and I still have a lot of questions as to why it ended. I have ideas, but it feels like I'm never enough. People shouldn't be treated this way at all.

  • Anya Roth by Anya Roth
  • 5 years ago

I am in 10th grade and during the summer I dated a guy. I thought he would be the love of my life, but it turned out he was cheating on me with another girl. At that moment I felt like I was not worth it, even though he said I was. Well anyway, then school started, and I met this guy and I asked him out. He said yes, so he wanted to talk, but every time I get near him he never says hi or feels comfortable around me.

  • Eric by Eric
  • 5 years ago

I just got out of my first ever relationship, my first everything. She was my high-school sweetheart. We've been together for 4 years. When she ended it with me, it definitely left me in shock because we promised each other everything. Marriage, kids, basically our whole future. It left me thinking it was my fault and that I wasn't good enough. Even though I gave it my all I thought she loved me back just as much. This was the only thing I really was so sure about in my life and when it went south I was left inside a sunken place. It's only been a month and I miss her every day. It's the small things I miss the most, like just looking at her in the middle of the night or her smile. It's engraved in me and reminds me all the time, which hurts. Right when I feel slightly better, life just keeps reminding me of this. Well here's to all the heartbroken people, everything will be all right.

  • Jharice Dalida by Jharice Dalida
  • 6 years ago

I was so young. I was only 9 years old and had a boyfriend. My boyfriend was in 5th grade and I was in 4th grade. But when the moment came, he broke my heart. Our relationship lasted for only 3 days. He said sorry, so I gave him a 2nd chance, and 5 days later he broke up with me again. One month later he said sorry again, and obviously I gave him a 3rd chance, and 2 weeks passed and he broke up with me AGAIN, and 2 days later he said sorry, and again I forgave him. But he broke my heart again. I will never give him a 5th chance because my heart has been broken 4 times, and I never want it to break again, so I let go of that person. Now I’m 10 and he’s 11.

  • Plincoh  Jonga by Plincoh Jonga
  • 6 years ago

He was my first love We started dating while I was in high school. He was at university. We were so much in love, promising each other that we would be together forever. He taught me how to love. I couldn’t imagine life without him. With him, I couldn’t worry about anything. He was my friend, my boyfriend, my mentor, my everything. Unfortunately, one day we broke up. I experienced the most painful breakup. My life was shattered. I spent 1 year and 3 months without a boyfriend. Whenever I thought about love, I used to cry at night. It’s something that I never expected to happen. I dated another guy after him, and whenever we had a fight I used to think about that heartbreak, and it made me cry more and more. It’s now 2 years since we broke up. I avoid meeting him or chatting with him because each time we talk on the phone I end up crying.

  • Faith Buyah by Faith Buyah
  • 7 years ago

So after getting over the guy I loved, I am in the same class with my boyfriend (on campus). He doubts me despite me trying hard to meet his expectations. I have tried to let him go, but I see him in class, his friends are my friends too, and worst of all it hurts to see him talk to other girls. I just don't know how to deal with it. I know we can't be anything if there's doubt between us. Every time we try, we both come back to each other crying, promising we won't let go. It's confusing and I'm getting tired of trying and the pain.

  • Shree by Shree
  • 7 years ago

Hey! It's okay. Relax :)
I had suffered from this pain, and now I'm doing just fine. Don't lose yourself over a guy. He doesn't deserve you. Just remember that.

  • Vocal Heart by Vocal Heart, Nigeria
  • 7 years ago

This reminded me of my high school love, my very first love. It took me a long time before I could get over him, but I still can't forget him!

  • Basha by Basha
  • 8 years ago

We were in love with each other for so long, but in the middle she left and got married. But after few years she came back with a son and said, "I want you and I'm divorced." Without thinking, I said, "Yes, I want you, too." I gave her a chance once again. We were happy, but after a year she stopped caring me and made me feel unsafe and fought with me. After many fights I still loved. In fact, I increased loving her more. But she couldn't care. And she relocated her work in Singapore. I see many changes in her, but I still care and love her. But one day she said, "I'm bored to chat with you every day." I had given her 2 months space so she could get well. In just 2 months she got another guy. I just wonder why she doesn't even think of our 11 years of love. She didn't even explain and just left me like she did first time. In this 11 years I never married and never had another girl. I just wait for her.

  • Marilyn Agustin by Marilyn Agustin
  • 7 years ago

If that's what you think is the right thing to do then you can wait, but if there's a good chance or perfect time for you to do something about the relationship then do it. Good luck. Don't do it when everything is too late.

  • Charlize Arcega by Charlize Arcega
  • 8 years ago

I like this poem so much. I'm in my 2nd year high school. I know I'm young, but I fell in love for a transferee in our school. The first time I saw him I thought I wouldn't even try to talk to that person because he looks weird, yet here I am wanting to hug him again, wanting to talk to him again. He said he loved me, and I believed it. He never even did anything for me. No efforts. All nothing. He keeps going close to my friend and he is so sweet to her. And then I knew he just used me. It hurts, yeah. I wanted to give up? Of course! But I couldn't. I always felt like if I let go of him someone is gonna take my place. Until now I'm still in love with him, so please send me your good lucks!

  • Diane McCloud by Diane McCloud
  • 6 years ago

You hang in there, sweetheart. You are young, smart, and have the whole wide world ahead of you. There are going to be so many fellas in and out of your life as you get older. Since this was your very first, you will never forget him. However, it will not hurt like it does now. You hold that beautiful chin up and do amazing in school. Go off to college, have a ball and make a big wig outta yourself. Then come back to one of your reunions and be just as proud. There are so many fellas out in this world, sweetheart...and the right one for you is out there waiting. Hang in there. Sending you hugs, good luck and healing prayers.

  • Prisca Gauteng by Prisca Gauteng
  • 9 years ago

I didn't know this feeling at first, but now I know the feeling and I'm going through it. I was in love with this guy, I gave this guy all I have to prove myself to him but all he did was to pretend to love while he doesn't. It so sad to love while not knowing that you are loved in return. It taught me something about life, it thought me that in life some of us are doing things for the sake of love, we compromise and sacrifice for those we love while not knowing whether he/she loves you in return.......so I'd say this poem describes me. I tried so hard to prove my love to a guy.

  • Meagan by Meagan, New Mexico
  • 10 years ago

I am 17 still in high school, I've already been through some tough boy trouble I shouldn't have gone through yet. High school is horrible people say such rude things makes me wonder who raised them. Anyways, there was this boy he is a grade older than me and I've heard vague stories about him but they didn't bother me. We talked to each other for about two months than we started dating. We dated for about a year on and off. I always knew he was a player but he said the sweetest thing to make me believe, he would constantly flirt with other girls and make fun of my flaws 24/7. He was embarrassed of me because of the false stories everyone has heard about me. He would always be worried I was cheating on him when I gave him my all and was so committed to him I would never do such a thing. In the first 3 moths of us, he cheated on me with his ex girlfriend that was the worst thing ever. So now we are over and within 2 days he's with someone else, this is so painful I love him so much more than he will ever come to know I can't get over the thought of someone else holding my baby boy.

  • Steven Cepeda by Steven Cepeda
  • 10 years ago

If your man can make you feel like that than your man isn't worth the time.If he ever calls you anything disrespectful you gotta make sure you tell him how you feel ,If he doesn't appreciate you then find someone who will. There's nothing worse than being hurt by the one you love and by staying with him you're just putting yourself in the position to get hurt over and over again and once your a victim in the system it's hard to get out. My advice to you would be to cut him off and to find someone who might actually respect you not only as a woman but also as a human being.

  • Hunter by Hunter
  • 10 years ago

So I'm only 15 and people may say I'm to young to love. But there was this guy earlier this year and we dated, I lived with him for 4 months, my so called best friend told him stupid stuff him and I was going through a rough time as it was I done everything for this boy that I possibly could and he done the same for me but my so called best friend took him from me. It's been almost 6 1/2 months and all I do is think about the boy I saw him in town the other day and all we done was kept looking back at each other like we knew we wanted to talk to each other but didn't. I'm so heart broken and can't move on and don't know what to do. I'm lost in this boy and can't get away.

  • Aviwe Masimini by Aviwe Masimini, Gauteng Pta
  • 10 years ago

I have a boyfriend it's been 5 years now. We have 2 kids I love him with my heart but he doesn't see that. I've been trying to show him how special he is but still he doesn't see that. He's accusing me of somethings, disrespecting me telling me things I don't like, he doesn't even support me with many things, if I ask money for something he will tell me face to face that he won't give me his money. If we are happy after 2 days he will be unhappy with no reason but fighting me I don't know what to do. I need advice.

  • Mutia by Mutia
  • 10 years ago

I have a boyfriend, he is also my classmate, we are so close and love each other. We told and shared everything. he's a cheerful and adorable guy, but he is so easy to give up on something. He gives up on his score on school, he almost gives up on me, he gives up on everything. Everytime he fell down, I've tried to comfort and cheer him up, but he always ignore me and asks me to go. And now, I have one question on my mind. Does he realize that he still has me even if in his darkest hours?

  • Palesa by Palesa, South Africa
  • 10 years ago

There is guy I dated earlier this year, he told me he had a girlfriend but he is looking for a girl who is really committed into a serious relationship I fall for that, now he no longer bothers to call or text me to say "hi!" I gave this guy my whole heart and even now I still do love him and I'm waiting for him to come back.

  • Whitney Barton by Whitney Barton
  • 8 years ago

Trust me Palesa, there's no reason anyone should waste their time waiting for the unforeseen when they can go out, and make their own destiny. Don't wait for something you don't know is real. You can continue to love him and keep hope but always remember that even if he does come back, he left in the first place, don't hold it against him just remember it for future reference.

  • Played by Played
  • 10 years ago

I'm not heart broken I'm very bothered he asked for my heart to let go I'm happy I didn't. The love I have can't let go. I love hard I want him to understand I need a man not a child. No girls in the picture, me as a wife, mother, best friend etc. don't have time for silly games man up or go as you please everything you said you wouldn't do, you did. It was all a lie.

  • Keeping Secret by Keeping Secret
  • 10 years ago

Would you grant permission for song usage?

  • Subhankar Dutta by Subhankar Dutta, Calcutta
  • 10 years ago

I love a girl. She lives in my locality. But she loves another guy. When I love her I don't know about it. I do everything for her. But she doesn't feel my emotions. She just neglected me. I can't sleep at night because I used to think about her. I cry alone but there was no one to hear it. Her hate push me inside the death. I hope one day she'll understand when I'll be no more. Because I love her so much. And I can't live without her.

  • Madi by Madi, Lafayette IN
  • 11 years ago

I know how you feel I loved a guy for many years and then one night we were hanging out and we kissed. He then told me he loved me and now he doesn't talk to me or look at me. He has my heart and always will. To this day I still cry about him. :(

  • Mike Spinnato by Mike Spinnato, New Haven CT
  • 11 years ago

I have been with the love of my life for 2 years now. We were both adopted from Romania from different families and found out we lived a town away from each other. We have made so many memories but she has broken my heart many times and has also had sex with another guy at one point. How do you look at someone you love so much and think of all the good memories you've had together and everything you've ever talked about like getting Married. We even went furniture shopping that's how serious I was with her. We talked about baby names where we want to live and how comfortable I feel with her is ridiculous. So how could I look at her and tell myself, it's time to walk away. Even though she has broken my heart several times over I still want to marry her and I don't know if we do get married if I will keep getting hurt. Someone please help me if you can.

  • Vicky by Vicky
  • 8 years ago

Its not worth it...several times she hurted you? That's a red flag that shouldn't be ignored. Do yourself a favor and walk away now and ask God to lead you to your true soulmate that wouldn't think to ever do anything to chase your heart pain.

  • Kamora Jones by Kamora Jones, Miami
  • 11 years ago

I know how you feel I had that feeling since I was 8 years old I tried and tried to do my best I cried and cried with nothing lest (cries,cries,cries)

  • Marco by Marco, Australia
  • 11 years ago

I'm in love with a beautiful woman, who has a 2 year old daughter. She calls me daddy and recently the father got visitation, so she had broke my heart because she didn't want to confuse her daughter with her having two father figures. They're both my world and I don't know what to do.

  • Unknown by Unknown
  • 11 years ago

I was married for 5 years and my husband worked in South Africa. While he was away I got pregnant by my boyfriend. My husband was very devastated he loved me, trusted me but I ruined my life. My life is now miserable I just don't know how I can fix things. The father of my young son is ok but I want to fix things with my wedded hubby. We haven't divorced yet I broke his heart. He has given me all, how do I mend his heart?

  • Chris Talor by Chris Talor
  • 11 years ago

I was with a woman for 14 years and we have a 13 year old daughter. When we separated I lived in my neighbors shed for 8 months trying to sort things out. One day she showed up with another man who said he would kill me if I carried on trying to save my family. I could not believe she did this to me and my heart is so broken now with how it all turned out. Life is so lonely now without them. Knowing that they do not love me anymore kills me every day. I long for them every day and always will.

  • Greg H. by Greg H.
  • 11 years ago

Thank you for that poem. She just broke up with me. She doesn't know how I feel and I don't want her to know. Only because I don't want to cause her the same pain. "I'm living in the present my mind is on the past" Your poem helped a little. It helps to know that I'm not the only one broken by love

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 11 years ago

I loved a guy, I gave him my all we were about to get engaged, but it seems I was not good enough. Without my knowing he became engaged to another girl. They got married some years down the line and then they divorced. He came back begging me to take him back but I couldn't. He broke my heart and make a fool of me to my family and friends. I cried for so long.

  • Nancy by Nancy, Australia
  • 11 years ago

I sang a song using this poem and I hope you can check it out. Copyrights are for you :)

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 12 years ago

I was with my husband for 7 years I'm only 25 now but he recently left me and our two children.

  • Playedwith by Playedwith
  • 12 years ago

I loved a girl very badly she used to stare at me we used to smile at each other. I have a lot of acne scars but she always gave me false hope saying looks don't matter. I was always there for her when she was low when she needed me. but in the end she just said I was not good enough for her. I am so broken up. I won't ever be even a friend with any girl.

  • Anonymous Soldier. Middle East by Anonymous Soldier. Middle East
  • 12 years ago

I fell in love with a beautiful girl and spent nine months with her every minute that I could. She recently stopped calling me and then a few nights later I received a bunch of calls from her friends telling me that they were at a Birthday party and she was there introducing her fiancé. Everyone that called me, asked when we broke up. My whole world just crumbled. I loved someone so much and I will always wonder why and how she could do something like this....

  • Jane Singcoy by Jane Singcoy
  • 8 years ago

I know that feeling, my boyfriend just broke up with me a few weeks ago and the worst is he is my first love. I don't know how to make thing better but I'm trying.

  • Tazewell by Tazewell, Tn
  • 12 years ago

I honestly about cried cause I just recently got left by a guy I thought was my entire world. He told me he loved me and cared about me and wanted to be with me, yet he had a girlfriend and just sort of set me aside when push came to shove. He only wanted one thing from me and I was just so blinded by love at the time that when he left I cried for so long and still am...

  • Camara by Camara, Florida
  • 12 years ago

I loved this song the music teacher asked us to find a poem to perform and I used this I just went back to the first verse as my last she loved it! Thank you!

  • Demi by Demi
  • 12 years ago

So appropriate this describes how I feel about the girl who just broke my heart. I want her back so badly I can't breathe

  • Zach by Zach, Mississippi
  • 13 years ago

I gave my all to a girl. She was mean, callous, condescending and cold, quite often. But it didn't overshadow the good times in my mind. One day I confronted her about her actions and she broke up with me. Told me that to her, it was an ultimatum. She wanted to be close friends still. She'd come over, we'd talk, sometimes cuddle, always hugs. I kept giving my all, because after I told her I needed some time to heal, she broke down and begged me not to pull away. I kept giving my all. So she gets on Facebook and starts befriending guys and eventually she meets someone new. The start talking hot and heavy. Now, the phone calls have slowed down, the lies have begun, and everything has changed. I gave my all....just to have it thrown away. Hurting so badly right now.

  • Cindy by Cindy, Cape Town
  • 14 years ago

was brutally attacked by a couple of guys who took away my innocence and left me bitter and sour towards every man. I dated a guy but we broke up because I couldn't let go of the past. he was hurt and still is and even though I do love him, I can't be with him because my heart is still imprisoned by the past. will I ever let go?

  • Andrea by Andrea
  • 14 years ago

wow... this poem is really good and I wanted to let you know that you really know how to express yourself in poetry God Bless!!!

  • Brandon by Brandon
  • 15 years ago

I know exactly how you feel. I gave this girl my all and she did too for a while, but that faded and I'm spent. I can't do it any more, but honestly I cannot bring myself to tell her. So I'm...
"Blinded by fear.
Drowning in doubt.
Struggling to be free.
Looking for a way out."
Thanks for posting. I hope we both find that way out.

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