Poem about Life Struggles

Poem About Being Tired Of A Hard Life

This poem describes the way I often feel about the place I'm living in.

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There’s so much I have built up inside, so much I need to share. I was robbed of everything, and can’t put my thoughts on paper. The man who physically and mentally abused me should be doing...

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© more by Judy Einhorn

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2017 with permission of the Author.

I'm tired of listening to the sound of my tears,
Tired of constantly battling my fears,
Tired of struggling with challenges that continuously reappear.

I'm tired of wasting my days submersed in despair,
Tired of words piercing my heart like sharp spears,
Tired of living a life that is one big blear.

I'm tired of pretending while deep inside I care,
Tired of being stuck in toxic relationships and atmospheres,
Tired of hypocrisy and lies in a world full of fakes and veneers.

I'm tired of trying to believe,
Tired of putting up a show,
Tired of battling defeat,

Just tired of feeling this way,
Can I be spared?


more by Judy Einhorn

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Stacey Gipson by Stacey Gipson
  • 7 years ago

There’s so much I have built up inside, so much I need to share. I was robbed of everything, and can’t put my thoughts on paper. The man who physically and mentally abused me should be doing time for attempted murder. He’s got my two boys, and he won’t let me in their lives. My son was my gift. God placed him in my arms and showed me that the world can be good and that I was loved. I smiled all the time. I even found the strength to call for help, and they made my husband leave. I have always dreamed of giving my boys the best childhood ever. I was a very good mother, but my ex took my boys from their mother. But I know God is real, and He hears our hearts speak to him. My ex is still abusing me. He is controlling my life with my kids, and I’m constantly reminded of his threats.

  • Lillielight by Lillielight
  • 5 years ago

Get help now. Your children seeing you abused is damaging their sense of safety and self-esteem. Get your power back. If you are addicted to anything, it makes you weak. Best to you. You need you!

  • Beauty Sharp by Beauty Sharp
  • 6 years ago

Hold Fast. I read your words. You need to call the police. Do not stay silent. I am listening and so are many others. Find a center for abused women. They can help you. There are several legal aid centers that can work on custody for you as well. Please get some help. You are worth it, and your children need you. If no one has told you that they love you today, I do.

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