War Poem

I wrote this poem after reading about a fallen soldier. I never knew him. He died serving our country. There will never be enough written about our fallen soldiers. I hope this poem reaches millions and for one moment out of your day you stop and say a silent prayer and thank God for those who have paid the price of their lives for our freedom. God bless America! Land of freedom, home of the brave!

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War has never been a better way to resolve conflicts but peace. For while war leave people displaced, maimed and killed, peace sure does the reverse. This poem is so touching. I love it.

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A Soldier Died Alone

Kathy J. Parenteau © more by Kathy J. Parenteau

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2011 with permission of the Author.

Amidst the desert sands dawnings just begun,
            battle rages on, bombing veils the rising sun.
           A boy not yet a man holds a picture to his heart
            of loved ones not forgotten though oceans keep them apart.
           Called to serve his country, land of freedom home of brave,
             risking his existence for the lives that he may save.
           Concealing his dismay he holds his head up high,
              his arms embrace a trusted friend watching him slowly die.
           A boy he is no more, on that day there stood a man,
              his heart filled with rage, his mind fights to understand.
           Raised to be a man of God, taught thou shalt not kill,
              now placed upon the battlefield where there tis his only will.
           Resting beneath the sunset, wounded he dreams of home,
              lying on the desert's floor a soldier died alone.



I am from a family of writers. My grandfather was a published poet. He taught me to write as a young girl. He opened up the world of poetry to me. What a sweet release it is to take those thoughts from the secret part of your soul and put them in verse. My hope is that my poems inspire others and reach them in a very special way.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Zac by Zac, Ohio
  • 6 years ago

I recited this entire poem in English class 4 years ago (7th grade). My English teacher jumped out of his seat with joy when I finished. A wonderful heartfelt poem that expresses the nefarious nature of war.

  • Onen Patience by Onen Patience
  • 8 years ago

War has never been a better way to resolve conflicts but peace. For while war leave people displaced, maimed and killed, peace sure does the reverse. This poem is so touching. I love it.

  • Tracy King by Tracy King, Washington
  • 8 years ago

I served in the 1-28th infantry reg. 4th brigade combat team, 1st Infantry Division. I was medically discharged in 08. This poem..... I just found out one of my buddies from the Black Lions regiment was killed a week ago, I'm still losing buddies. This poem is very beautiful to me, you'll never know how much. My heart won't heal until the last shots are fired but, reading this poem and knowing your heart is with us makes all the difference!

  • Patty by Patty, Waterford CT
  • 10 years ago

This Poem was written from your heart & soul. A very great friend of mine fought in Vietnam, he was there 18 months, we are still very close, I would listen to him when he needed someone to talk to, I was there through his PTSD episodes, unless you fight in a war you will never understand, to me being there for a Soldier and listening to him/her is very important, this Poem is touches my heart, thank you for writing this for our men and women that still need to hear, "We are here for you" God Bless All, for those that lost their lives, RIP, you are now our Angels. Thank you Daddy & John, you are in my heart forever

  • Elsa Rosenfeld by Elsa Rosenfeld
  • 10 years ago

No one in their right minds likes war. And the men and women who go to war do not like it either. But there they are.
In this poem, I can feel that soldier dying. He represents all who have died in war. So sad, so sad.

  • Dess Toured by Dess Toured
  • 7 years ago

That's not true a long time ago men used to go to war because they were bored and wanted a thrill in life... so some people do go to war for the fun of it.

  • Niana Business by Niana Business
  • 12 years ago

This was amazing. I am not a fan of war and personally don't like the idea of soldiers or war in the least bit but I just wanted to let you know that was you wrote was touching and beautiful. May peace fill the earth soon :)

  • Makayla by Makayla, Massachusetts
  • 12 years ago

Oh my gosh this is beautiful...my uncle was MIA aka missing in action until they found a body near the ocean with I love you written in the dirt nearby

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