Poem about Life Struggles

Negative Impact Of Fake Photos And Social Media Poem

Photo editing is rife in social media and can range from airbrushing to extreme modification. Young people, especially, are measuring themselves against these often sexualized images of unrealistic beauty standards. This can lead to low self-esteem, falling prey to scams, resorting to photoshopping selfies, or worse - mental health issues, eating disorders or undergoing cosmetic procedures. Even when we're aware that images have been altered, the constant exposure still affects us subliminally.

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Beauty Unattainable

© more by Cynthia C. Naspinski

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2, 2023 with permission of the Author.

Tummies flat and waists so tiny,
Perky breasts and cleavage shiny,
Photoshopped into 'perfection,'
On display for our inspection.

Body shapes manipulated,
Filtered, tweaked, exaggerated.
Legs made longer, thighs made lean,
Create a thigh gap in between.

Natural looking, beachy hair
Arranged and styled with utmost care.
Air-brushed bodies, smooth and tight;
Erased stretch marks and cellulite.

Flawless, poreless faces glowing,
Not a line or blemish showing.
Eyes and teeth are whitened, brightened,
Cheekbones contoured, jawlines tightened.

Plumped and pouty lips abound,
Rounded bubble butts astound.
Provocative, contorted posing
Taunt and flaunt in skin-tight clothing.

Workouts, pills, restrictive diets,
You can look like this - just try it.
Makeup, supplements, and creams;
We'll profit from your beauty dreams.

Insidiously, this toxic stream
Eats away our self-esteem,
So when we take in our reflection,
All we see is imperfection.


more by Cynthia C. Naspinski

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