Romantic Poem

Dreams That Lead You To One Special Person

This poem is about envisioning a life and realizing that all of your dreams are connected to one special person. This poem is about realizing that in order to make dreams come true, you must be willing to risk everything.

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Every Dream Leads Me To You

Marcia A. Newton © more by Marcia A. Newton

Published by Family Friend Poems November 24, 2023 with permission of the Author.

When a vision of perfect happiness comes into view,
I know every dream leads me to you.
As I lie down to sleep under the stars that shine,
I dream of a time when you are mine.

I desire to know your soft loving touch
and for you to know I love you so much.
You are my love and heart's greatest dream.
You are every wish I make it seems.

I dare to envision a time together
and a chance to share our bodies in pleasure.
You're what my fantasies are always made of
as I'm lost in dreams where we love to make love.

I have a dream and only time will tell.
if all my aspirations are alive and well.
I will fight for my dream and risk everything
if that's what it takes to live out my dream.

I am a dreamer believing dreams can come true
knowing every dream I have leads me to you.
This sensation of excitement can only mean
I'm feeling I'll soon be living the dream.


more by Marcia A. Newton

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