Boyfriend Poem

Thank You To Boyfriend Poem

I wrote this poem for my boyfriend to show him how much I appreciate him and how much I love him. We have been dating for a year and a half now, and we have been through thick and thin. Nothing will break us up. I can just tell. He is my life.

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We’re young right now. We don’t know what’s wrong and what’s right exactly, but there’s this beautiful feeling that’s inside. It keeps us going. We may be too young to fall in love, but is it...

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Forever And Always


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2013 with permission of the Author.

You are the sun that shines brightly throughout my day.
You are the gravity that holds me down in every way.
You are the moon that shimmers throughout my night.
You are stars that glimmer oh so bright.

You are the oxygen that keeps me alive.
You are my heart that beats inside.
You are the blood that flows through me.
You are the only guy I can see.
You have the voice of when a mockingbird sings.
You are my everything.

You are my one and only.
You stop me from being so lonely.
We plan our future as if we have a clue.
I never want to lose you.
I want you to be my husband, and I want to be your wife.
I want to be with you for the rest of my life.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Mildred by Mildred
  • 4 years ago

My boyfriend and I actually say these words to each other and that's why I was captivated by the title at first. This is so us. The poem is amazing. He wrote me his own poem, but I suck at writing poems so thank you for this. He is the best thing that has happened to me and I love him soo much. He is 23 and I am 20. We met just before my 18th birthday and we have been through thick and thin since then, but I thank God for giving me such a great man.

  • Ashlyn by Ashlyn
  • 2 years ago

My boyfriend and I are trying to fight long distance. We love each other, but we're no longer together. I love him and don't know how to tell him. He is my best friend, but he says he doesn't want to hurt me anymore by dating me. I'm not sure what to do.

  • Gamesbxonline by Gamesbxonline
  • 5 years ago

People always want their perfect love, but no one is perfect. So don't expect too much, don't try to change the person you love to be the perfect person you want to be. Love is looking at the strengths of the one you love and accepting the bad points of the other person. Love is caring, sharing with each other the joys and sorrows, even though small in life. Love is sometimes based on each other's shoulders when tired. Many people have been hurt in the past and don't believe in love anymore. For them, love is just something short and it will be lost very quickly. I believe in love, but I also know that love is a feeling that cannot be quantified, so it cannot be grasped, so who can be sure that I will love one person all my life?

  • Sujoya by Sujoya
  • 5 years ago

It was a summer afternoon, August 18, 2014, when he suddenly asked me to be with him forever. I was totally shocked and the first time I said 'no' when he asked. The reason was I needed some time to think about it. After 26 days, September 14, I said I was also in love with him. After that, we had lots of fights for silly things, but it's now more than 4 years 7 months and we are still together. I always want to stay with him, and he is the sunshine of my life, and I love him very much.

  • Analissa Saucedo by Analissa Saucedo
  • 5 years ago

I loved the poem. I was basically dying to read it because I write a lot. And poetry is just absolutely a beautiful way to display whatever you really want to. The title really is what got me because that's what I also say to my boyfriend a lot, and I feel I can really connect with these comments and because I love to write poems to my boyfriend, and we are also very young (in high school). Basically what I'm trying to say is I admire your bravery to post such a beautiful and personal piece. It inspires me to do that too, but frankly, I'm not that good at writing poems.

  • Nirjala Kunwar by Nirjala Kunwar
  • 6 years ago

I was so broken with my life. I was so hopeless, and I was going through bad times. Then I found a person who cared about me even though we just met. It really made me feel happy. I was just 16 when I met this boy named Ashish. He is two years older than me, and we became good friend slowly. Time passed, and we began to talk the whole night. He's a shy boy and never asked me to be his something. We felt a connection between each other, and I asked him, "Can you stay with me forever?" Guess what. We've been in a relationship for 13 months. We will always be crazy for each other. Our relationship still feels like we just started.

  • Lilian Peters by Lilian Peters
  • 4 years ago

I am not a poet, but it's a great privilege to write about the person you love, the memories, and what you share. It's five years in the relationship between us and it still feels like a day old. We're best friends because we talk about everything, we are like siblings because we care for each other. We understand each other's signs, we understand from afar when one of us is sad. Even in our absence, we feel when things are not right with anyone of us. We talk about our future, our mistakes, our past, our goals, our likes, and dislikes. I think Love is real.

  • Esha Ragadumbo-chan by Esha Ragadumbo-chan
  • 6 years ago

We’re young right now. We don’t know what’s wrong and what’s right exactly, but there’s this beautiful feeling that’s inside. It keeps us going. We may be too young to fall in love, but is it really love if waiting for the right age counts? We don’t feel each other by touching each other but by words. When he’s around, no one else seems to matter. He says he loves me. I don’t know if it’s just infatuation or if it’s love. But then everything seems to work in our favor and I can’t help but believe that it is indeed love. This pure feeling binds us together. And no, we don’t always talk about romance. We’d rather annoy each other with sarcastic comments or just make each other laugh. We don’t just talk about love, we talk about other things. Maybe that’s what keeps us going. We don’t mind sharing anything with each other. No, he’s not my boyfriend. He’s my best friend and my soulmate, too. What do I call a thing like this? I guess it indeed is love that holds us together.

  • Infinitegalaxies by Infinitegalaxies
  • 6 years ago

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years. Our anniversary is on June 7. We've definitely had our ups and downs, but now in 2018 we're stronger than ever. We've talked about our future since 2015. And now our dreams are going to come true very soon when we move in together at the end of the year. First thing we're going to do is a buy a cat and his name is going to be Finn. I hope he and I live a long, beautiful future together. That's all I want.

  • Jazzy Jazz by Jazzy Jazz
  • 7 years ago

I've been dating my boyfriend for 5 months now. There have obviously been ups and downs, but it has mostly been amazing. We're both 16 and we have plans to marry each other. He's so respectful toward me, and he's everything I want. I've loved before, and I thought I could never love again, but he's proved me wrong. He's accepted everything I've done in the past, even though he wishes I were his first like how I'm his. But I love him so much, and he's all I want.

  • Chloe by Chloe
  • 6 years ago

I'm so happy to read a young girl and her boyfriend are happy. I noticed this was 4 months ago - are you still together? I don't mean to be harsh, but you are only 16. You have no idea how hard life is, even if you think you do. I was in love at 16 and he was my 4-year high school sweetheart. I look back and still see him now and not only did we fall out of love, but there is no way we would have been the right partners to handle how hard life is and everything it requires. When you grow up, I hope you figure this out. You need someone to provide for you monetarily, emotionally, physically. Someone to raise kids with. If I didn't have at least 5 past boyfriends I swore I loved and would marry, I don't think I would have realized what love and life are.

  • Adrianna Pembrook by Adrianna Pembrook
  • 7 years ago

I just turned 16 in September. I am in love with a boy who is 6 months younger than me. We have been off and on for over 6 months now. Right now we are together. I am the happiest I have ever been. Every morning and every night we tell each other I love you and good morning or good night. I am at his house almost every day. When he is sick I am there to take care of him. When he wants me to come over I am over in less than a minute. I literally run to his house (half a block away). We have our ups and downs, but I can't see myself with anyone else. I have been there for him since day 1. It's funny how we met. My little sister and his little brother were dating. One day on the bus he asked me out. He grabbed my hand the next day and sparks flew. I then knew that I would spend the rest of my life with him. He does bad things, but I still love him and try to get him to stop. I love him so much. I wish that the person you love could actually feel how much you love them. He is an amazing person.

  • Saniya by Saniya
  • 7 years ago

I never realized that the guy I didn't notice at first would become my lifeline. We met through our mutual friends. I didn't even care to ask his name. He was just another guy sitting across the room. But something changed. He smiled, and I knew it was over. I came to know that his mom had passed away. It wasn't sympathy or pity. It was just an urge to take away his pain, to soothe him, to love him, to care for him. Now, after a year or more, I love him even more. We are celebrating our 1 year on 28th of November. I love you, Mr. Anand.

  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 7 years ago

I've known my boyfriend for about a year now, but we just started dating about a month ago. I used to think he was hard headed and cold, but now he's the main person in my life. He lives 700 miles away, and I met him a few weeks ago and already miss him. He's my life and helped me through depression and the stress of school. I love you!

  • 7 years ago

I meet a wonderful man about 3 years ago. I knew he was the one for me. He is my friend, my pal, my everything. We talk for hours about everything. He is a Brooklyn boy, and I'm a Jersey girl. The love we have is like a tree that is growing all the time.

  • Yssq by Yssq
  • 7 years ago

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years. No words can describe how much I love him. He gave me a very beautiful ring during our anniversary. Day by day my love for him is getting stronger. It kills me to imagine him with anyone else. He is so romantic, soft spoken, and easy to talk to. He is more than enough. I do love him very much.

  • Rejoice Peace by Rejoice Peace
  • 7 years ago

I met my boyfriend when we were in high school. I was 16 and he was 18. We were both in the same art department and really close friends. I liked him, but he didn’t know it. Then, he asked my friend out and they were dating. I still liked him, though, but tried to forget him. Then I finally did. He later broke up with her. Then I noticed he started having feelings for me. He finally asked me out. We've been dating for a year and four months now. Now and then we talk about how he liked me at first but was so shy and timid. I love him so much because he's so patient, romantic, and mature. And we both are looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together and raising our own children. I never thought a year later I would be saying how much I love him like this.

  • Gabriella Jade by Gabriella Jade
  • 7 years ago

My partner and I met when he was 15 and I was just 11 when he came to work at my house with his dad replastering a wall in my dad's house. We used to flirt with each other all the time. I loved him when I first saw him, but my dad used to say, "Gabby, he is too old. Leave him alone." We lost contact for a few years. I met someone else and got engaged, but then my young love and I reconnected. He started coming round again, and the feelings I had for him came back. My ex then told me he was breaking it off as he met someone else and was cheating on me, but it was a blessing really as now my young love and I are reunited. We are happy and settled. Been back together 4 years now and are planning our wedding and talking about starting a family of our own. We are really happy and content. He travelled 106 miles a day to commute to work when I stayed looking after my Nan's house for nine days because he didn't want to spend a night without me or sleep alone. If you think you got the one, go and fight for it.

  • Heart by Heart
  • 7 years ago

I feel the same way about my boyfriend, but he is leaving the state and I love him so much. I finally found someone I have a crush on who likes me back! The thought that I might never hug him, kiss him, or even touch him again is unbearable! It's like someone is trying to rip out my heart after it just got better!

  • Sadie Strickland by Sadie Strickland
  • 7 years ago

I feel the same way, but now I have someone and something better. It always gets harder before it gets easier.

  • Houra by Houra
  • 7 years ago

Same! My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship, and it is very hard. I feel that he is cheating on me, and there is this boy in my school who loves me and I love him back. My parents don't know about my secret boyfriend, and I want to end it.

  • Karla Diaz by Karla Diaz
  • 7 years ago

I'm going through the same thing right now. My boyfriend lives in another city. I love him so much, but this kid at my school likes me and I like him too. He asked me out. I denied him because of my feelings for my boyfriend. I also have the feeling my boyfriend is cheating on me with his ex. What do I do?

  • Mumuh by Mumuh
  • 7 years ago

I think if he is really into you after everything you have been through he will try to make it work even after he has left. Although long distance relationships can be tricky at times, he will stand by you. Otherwise, just let go of him and start a new with this crush. You will never know unless you try. Give your heart a break...

  • Nori by Nori
  • 7 years ago

I met the love of my life in 1987 in Coleharbor, ND, when he and I were just 14. The first time I met him I thought he was cocky and arrogant (but very cute), and he thought I was a rich stuck up California girl. Needless to say, we fell in love. I had to move back to California shortly after our whirlwind summer romance. We each spent hours every night talking on the phone until the break of dawn. Now keep in mind long distance was not unlimited at the time. We both had phone bills racked over $500.00 each (and this is no lie). We both were band from every talking on the phone, unless we sneaked to a friend's house to use their phone for a short chat just to say, "I love you and I miss you." We wrote letters and poems of love from North Dakota to California for a year. Until time took its toll and we drifted apart. Until 30 years later we found each other on Facebook and have reunited and are now living happily ever after and still in love. This is a very true story.

  • Abby by Abby
  • 8 years ago

When I was 12 years old and I found my soulmate. We met at a party where I threw up and he held my hair back. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. We broke things off for a while because he told me that he didn't like my favorite food. I realize now that I'm older, 14, that that was kind of a dumb thing to get upset about. But he apologized and now we want to spend the rest of our lives together and have three kids.

  • Akia Rivers by Akia Rivers
  • 8 years ago

My boyfriend and I have known each other for about 3 years but have only been dating for 3 months. We are only in high school, but our parents are very supportive. I'm 16 and he's 17. He takes me out every weekend and sends me a poem every morning. I don't know what I'd do without him. We argue and fuss, but we always come back to each other. He is my life and my hope. I truly love him and plan on marrying him some day. I am actually moving in with him in a year or so. He's the love of my life.

  • Elisha Barbadillo by Elisha Barbadillo
  • 8 years ago

That is so cute, Akia Rivers. I hope you and your true love stay together forever and live a happy and blessed life and one day get married and have a wonderful life together. Tell him every day how you feel about him and then he will know how much you love him.

  • Napua Iolana Bicoy by Napua Iolana Bicoy
  • 8 years ago

Wow, that's beautiful. I wish my boyfriend and I could be like that. But he lives far from me, and we only see each other sometimes.

  • Jessica Sarah Filgas by Jessica Sarah Filgas
  • 8 years ago

My boyfriend and I have been together for a few years. I love him so much. He is the chocolate to my whipped cream. I want to see him so bad!

  • Zizpho by Zizpho
  • 8 years ago

I have a problem with my boyfriend. I slept with his brother because I wanted him to feel hurt, but now he doesn't want anything to do with me. I still love him so much.

  • Shannon Macdonald by Shannon Macdonald
  • 7 years ago

If you think about it, you didn't really love him. You never intentionally hurt the ones you love.

  • M- by M-
  • 8 years ago

Sleeping with his brother is way too far, in my opinion (not judging you, but I hate seeing people hurt). If I were you, I would show him every day for the rest of your life how much you love him, by gestures that are important to him and you once upon a time. Show him what you two had was real and that you messed up and that you are meant to be together. And don't be afraid to go above and beyond. At least if it doesn't work out, you can look back and know you tried.

  • Sharlene Crum by Sharlene Crum
  • 8 years ago

My boyfriend and I have been together a short time, 3 months and we've been through more than couples that have been together years. I've never been in love like this before. Despite what's happened we've stuck beside each other and love each other more than ever. I know I have found my soulmate in James and I can't wait until we become husband and wife.
You are my everything James!

  • Conquere by Conquere
  • 8 years ago

True love is not something that cannot be found at anytime. People who are looking for love must have patience, especially teenagers. Being a teenager made me realize that people who say they love and want to spend their lives with you forever, are just saying that to keep themselves accompanied by you until they find their "Best Friend" or soulmate. But it's very rare to find couples that fell in love in their teenage years, still in love with each other in their mid 70's.

  • Tia G by Tia G
  • 8 years ago

I am 34 years old, and I am appalled at how many of you "adults" are telling these 13 year olds that they aren't in love. How do you know they don't know what love is?
I actually fell in love when I was 9 years old. He was 12. We waited until we were 13 to start going steady. Been together and happy ever since.
So shame on you all for trying to break these kids' spirits. Some may actually be with the love of their life, while others may not. But that's not for us to judge them or break their spirits.

  • Tinkyiie. by Tinkyiie.
  • 7 years ago

Falling in love at a very young age makes you experience the feeling the ones who told you that you are still young feels ...You feel all so "important" and you might think that heavens are open for you. Being with someone you love is the best feeling. I plead to everyone who is in a relationship or all so drunk in love to never let your loved ones walk away from you. Love them like it's nobody's business! Find someone who will make you the happiest person alive!

  • Melody A. by Melody A.
  • 7 years ago

You are so right, Tia. I met my husband on my 17th birthday. Some friends actually brought him to my party, and it was like lightning. I adored him and thought of him as pretty racy with long hair and a mustache and leather bomber jacket. He had just turned 20. We were together 39 years through thick and thin, raised a family, and I wish every day that he was still here with me. So no, adults think teenagers don't feel love, don't know what it is, will feel different when they are older, and some of them will, but some of us find who we are supposed to be with then!!!

  • Michelle F. by Michelle F.
  • 8 years ago

Yes, I am 12, and I met this boy in 3rd grade and we started dating in 4th grade. I am now in 6th grade. We have been on and off, but he is the only boy I've ever loved so much. I love him as much as my family. He has kissed me. We've gone on dates and held hands, but LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!

  • Someone Happy by Someone Happy
  • 8 years ago

I completely agree, I am 15 years old and in love with a 16 year old. Yes we may be young but we are in love, talking about our lives together and working towards our relationship each and everyday. The thought of him is going through my mind at all hours of the day, he is my first thought in the morning and my last thought at night. I am so in love with him.

  • Brianna Wronel by Brianna Wronel
  • 8 years ago

I was in the fourth grade when I found my soul mate but as my mother and father found out they disagreed. We broke up and then we eventually got back together in the eighth grade. He and I are now happily married with three little boys who I hope find the right one like I did.

  • Dani by Dani
  • 8 years ago

There is a boy I love. He never judges me and always stands up for me. When I'm alone, he comes and greets me with a gentle smile, while I am blushing so hard. I have loved him since I met him (1-4 grade), and I just can't stop myself from loving those chocolate eyes and the way he makes me laugh at his stupid jokes. But there is a girl that I think he likes. He always passes the ball to her, and I can get really jealous. But I hope one day he will ask me to be his, no one else's, and I just want to love him forever. I love you, Mac, if you're reading this. I just need to be strong enough to say I love you, for I love you. What should I do? So, I hope that happens to me.

  • Cynthia New Mexico by Cynthia New Mexico
  • 8 years ago

I hope so too. I wish the best for them and many more to come.

  • Vicki Bearden by Vicki Bearden
  • 8 years ago

What you found is precious & priceless. When God gives you who He has for you, there's nothing on this earth that can stop it except you. How truly blessed you are!!!!! I "envy" you...God is SO GOOD!!!!!

  • Jennifer Lee Seay by Jennifer Lee Seay, Crisp County Georgia
  • 9 years ago

I met my fiance on a social networking site when I was 23 he was 20 now I'm 25 and he is 23 we are engaged and we have 2 boys that are 1 year and 1 month apart. We have our differences but no matter what we are going to make it because we both trust each other and we both love each other unconditionally. There isn't anything in this world that can or will break us up because our love for each other is strong.

  • Sandra Supplee by Sandra Supplee, Pa.
  • 9 years ago

Me and my boyfriend got together when I was 15. I am now 18 and we couldn't be happier he is my world and I wouldn't want to be with anyone else for the rest of my life. We're getting ready to move in together. He is the love of my my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love him so much. So don't ever let someone tell you that you don't love someone because they don't know how you truly feel(:

  • Amythest Doriana Rodriguez by Amythest Doriana Rodriguez
  • 10 years ago

Being 16 with as many problems I never thought I'd never find the one. I was going through a stage with my ex who wouldn't let me go. He would stalk me whereever I'd go; my job, my house, my school. He wouldn't let me breathe at all. Until one day at work I was talking to my co-worker and he didn't like the fact my ex was doing that to me he told me if my ex kept following me he'd take matters in his own hands. I had a crush on my co-worker for the longest time ever. I didn't want him to fight my ex so I begged him day and night not to do anything to him. The next day my ex followed me to work and my co-worker saw he was at the store he grabbed my hand and walked up to him and told him to leave me alone because I didn't need him that I was perfectly happy with someone else. I looked at him confused because I wasn't dating anyone and I told him what was he saying, he stared at my ex and told him that he was my boyfriend and he wanted my ex to stay away from me from now on. I was so happy I kissed him on spot. It's been 7 months since we've been together and I'm pretty sure this is my Happily Ever After. I love him so much!

  • Melissa Smith by Melissa Smith, New Mexico
  • 10 years ago

I met this guy through a friend I have had my heart broken many times and I was ready to give up on love but he changed that showed me that love is real. Me and him are now a year and a half together and we are now engaged.

  • Atlanta Williams by Atlanta Williams
  • 10 years ago

I am 16 and I've never felt this way before. Me and my boyfriend met in 2012, but fell in love four days after valentines day this year! I never thought that I would fall for him so hard. He's the one I want to spend the rest of life with. I might be young, but age is nothing but a number. Who says you have to be a certain age to know how to love?

  • Brisa Gonzalez by Brisa Gonzalez
  • 8 years ago

I love the way you said "who says you have to be a certain age to know how to love" because people think you need to be at least 20 to fall in love when people are getting married and they met each other when they were 15 and younger!

  • Ellie by Ellie
  • 8 years ago

My goodness, Holly! Some of us do fall in love at a young age, I fell in love at 12! Take a chill pill and re-prioritize!

  • Lorena Fonseca by Lorena Fonseca, Cleburne, Texas
  • 9 years ago

I agree, age is only a number. I am in love with my boyfriend. We are both 13, him being 13 since November and I since January. My mom tells me that I'm too young to know what love is and that I shouldn't have a boyfriend. But I disagree. I know what love is and I love him!

  • Holly by Holly
  • 9 years ago

I don't argue with the fact that you feel like you're in love, we all have at 16, but I promise you it's not love honey, you will look back like all of us and cringe! This is a training platform for when you really do fall in love xx

  • Kellan by Kellan, Texas
  • 10 years ago

I'm thirteen and I met him last year. I could tell he had a crush on me but we were opposites. I was a bad girl he was a good boy. Then the next following school year he asked me out. He was so nervous so my crazy friend had to ask for him. And now I love him forever. No matter what I can't help but smile around him, can you blame me?

  • Livvy by Livvy
  • 8 years ago

I'm 13 also, and I'm in love, too! No, I would not blame you to smile around him because that's how you now your love is true…when you smile and he does too. Just remember, don't be scared about it! Good luck. I hope your love continues.

  • Lizzie by Lizzie, North Carolina
  • 9 years ago

I love that you have found it. No matter if it lasts or not nobody should tell you how old you need to be to find love and to wait until you finish school. I met my fiance at band he's two grades above me but I am only a year younger ( I was born in December). Don't let others dictate how you feel, It's stupid and if you know what your heart wants go with it!

  • Sarah by Sarah, London
  • 9 years ago

Kellan, at 13 that's not love. Trust me, you may be happy together but it's not love. At 13 I thought I found the love of my life turns out he was a cheating. But I'm now 19 been with my boyfriend nearly 2 years and planning on getting engaged soon. Wait till after school finishes to try and find love, don't find it at school. You got so much more to concentrate on than boys and finding love.

  • Kayden by Kayden
  • 10 years ago

We met in 6th grade I loved him so much. Until one day he left me because of my parents, we never really talked after that but he would stare at me and give me cute notes he always talked about me and then in 8th grade he came up to me and handed me a box of chocolates and gave me a huge bouquet of flowers and asked me if I would go out with him. Ever since we have been together. We have our own house now and we are a happy married couple. I will never forget how happy I was to have him come up to me in the middle of class and ask me that.

  • Louise by Louise
  • 10 years ago

I met my boyfriend for the first time on a class trip. Our friend in common got us sitting next to each other on the bus. He was so nervous that he could barely look me in the eye, and I was so anxious that I laughed far too much at every joke he made. Four years later and we're both in college, planning on moving in with each other and couldn't live without each other! We're best friends and even though we're polar opposites, we compliment each other perfectly!

  • Sona by Sona
  • 10 years ago

We first met each other in kindergarten. Then after a long gap of 10 years we met on a social networking site. I had got a hard crush on him when I first saw him. I started falling for him. Our friendship grew day by day. There was something untold between both of us. But we never confessed our feelings to each other. We used to care for each other like lovers, we fight with each other like husband and wife and we support each other like parents. I don't know whether he loves me or not. But there is something for certain between us that its more than friendship and near to love. People say when they fall in love they find their soulmate, I would say I have found my love in my friendship. The only truth of my life is that I just can't live without him.

  • Alexis by Alexis
  • 10 years ago

I'm 15 years old, and I swear that I've met my soul mate. I met him when I was in third grade, he was in fourth. We were best friends. Then he moved, a year after he moved, I moved also. We were separated for 3 years. When our paths crossed again. Last year I gave him a chance and we were on and off for almost 6 months. Now a year later, we are 2 continuous months. When he told me that he loves me and I questioned him on it he replied, "I love you enough that I waited a year for you to come back because I knew you would." Now, I love him with every inch of my being and I hope to spend the rest of forever with him.

  • Katie Gill by Katie Gill, Chester
  • 10 years ago

I met him when I was 15, I'd had a massive crush on him for two years but never thought it would happen, we've now been together for almost two years, I am 17 and am more in love then I thought was possible, he brings out the best in me, a side that I didn't know existed, feels like there had been a hole in my heart for so long and being with him is slowly starting to fill it.

  • Maeda Findley by Maeda Findley, Nebraska
  • 10 years ago

I fell in love with this guy who has my heart forever. We have been together for over a year and have many plans for our future. I love him more than I thought I could love anyone. He is my everything.

  • Monqo Dipuo by Monqo Dipuo, Kopela Village
  • 10 years ago

I am 17 year old girl, who just got her soulmate. Lately around July, I met this guy I adore him like ever. I want to be with him until death do us part.

  • Jachoo.Comkie Monzo by Jachoo.Comkie Monzo
  • 10 years ago

I had met someone I fell in love with. He and I were dating for less than a year when he left me. For 4 years he was always on my mind. Then one day I got on Facebook to find something from him in my inbox from him. We talked for a while and now we are back together. I am dedicating Forever and Always to him.

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