Dream Poem

Life And Dreams

A poem about the conflict between life and dreams

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Don't you worry! Every difficulty and bad time comes in your/your loved one's life for a reason. Have you ever been to a railway station? When you find out that the train is not on time, do...

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A Bed Of Clouds


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2006 with permission of the Author.

I sleep in the clouds, dream in the sky.
I'll keep dreaming as life passes me by.
I think my dreams keep me sane.
I dream of happiness, a life without pain.
Some people say I'm stuck in this place
and I'll never go anywhere,
but in my dreams I've already been there.
I know someday I'll have to wake up,
but I feel the real world is more like a nightmare.
I'm safe in my closed-eye wonderland.
This poem goes to all the dreamers that understand.
No matter what they say...
keep your dreams, but don't dream your life away.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sudarshan by Sudarshan
  • 7 years ago

Don't you worry! Every difficulty and bad time comes in your/your loved one's life for a reason. Have you ever been to a railway station? When you find out that the train is not on time, do you leave the station? Certainly not, right? Why? Because the indicator in the platform says that the train is coming. Just because you can't see hope in your situation, doesn't mean it's not there.
JUST DON'T GIVE UP. Once you give up, there is no hope, but until and unless you keep trust in God and yourself, you have that hope to overcome the situation. Remember: everything is POSSIBLE with GOD.

  • Ashanti Johnson by Ashanti Johnson
  • 7 years ago

I really like what you said. That was kind and sweet, and this goes to keep on dreaming and have the nightmares go away and have a great time in life and stay young.

  • Mackenzie by Mackenzie
  • 8 years ago

Yes, life passes by too quick and and it changes as fast as a dime, so dream but don't dream too far away from reality.

  • C Duval by C Duval, Roseburg Oregon
  • 9 years ago

My daughter is a drug addict. She had a love filled and happy childhood. Then tried drugs with friends and is lost to me and her son. She had dreams......was bright, kind and beautiful. Heroin and Meth have taken it all away.........for now.

I know she is still in there. I know she still dreams of a happier place. I dream of it too for her and for us. But we do tend to sit and wait..........dreaming. Its time for some of us to live again and hope she will join us.

I read this poem. It has brought me to tears but also the realization that we too have given up our dreams waiting for her to fulfill hers. We love and miss you Anna.

  • Aphie by Aphie
  • 8 years ago

Sorry for what happened, but always trust God in whatever she does. Just pray.

  • Beauty by Beauty
  • 8 years ago

Hi Duval, your comment is touching, and I understand what it means to wait and hope for the best for another person and sometimes just wish we can decide for them to make a better choice. Unfortunately, we can't! But we can always pray and believe God for a bright and happier tomorrow for them...Prayer for Anne and your family.

  • Amber M. Patterson by Amber M. Patterson, Jefferson City, TN
  • 9 years ago

This is an amazing poem. I know what this person is talking about. I sometimes too don't want to wake up from my perfected dream, and enter this nasty world.

  • Leah by Leah
  • 14 years ago

Oh my, this is very touching and I definitely agree. I hope you still don't think that your real world is a nightmare.... take care

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