Spiritual Poem about Death

I came across a book by accident that inspired me to write this poem. I felt that I had found this book for a reason. Was I being prepared for something? I was soon to find out. A few months later my sister was diagnosed with cancer; she was only 49, and she lost her battle just six weeks later. I now know that she is in this beautiful place and when my time comes I have no fear of joining her. This poem describes the world we go to and what is waiting for us when we pass to the other side.

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I lost my beloved son two years ago this April. It seems to hurt more now than it did then; I'm so afraid he'll be forgotten. Over 800 people came through the line at the funeral home,...

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Life Beyond

© more by Susan C Walkinshaw-Kelly

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2011 with permission of the Author.

I feel the warmth upon my face as I enter the land of God's good grace,
Friends and loved ones gone before, waiting here beyond the door.
With open arms they welcome me, amazement in my eyes they see.
They look so well and at their best, beauty beholds them, now they rest.

I walk across the grass so green, the greenest grass I've ever seen.
I jump and skip and bounce on air, it's almost like there's nothing there.
A sky of blue, not a cloud in sight, perpetual day, no darkest night.
Every flower is in full bloom, undefined colours of every hue.

The streams and rivers crystal clear, no rubbish or decay found here.
The sea is calm and turquoise blue, I long to test it, wouldn't you?
The softest sand beneath my feet, at the water's edge where they both meet.
The warmest waters gently flow, bathing me from head to toe.

A city built of alabaster walls, where translucent light illuminates the halls.
Theatres of music and concerts too, magnificent galleries for all to view.
Amazing sights for me to see, I just wander in, there's no entrance fee.
Libraries stacked with books galore, history, science, and many more.

The celestial sun does forever shine, it's a perfect temperature all the time.
Orchards here overflow with fruit, a taste in itself that is quite exquisite.
I'm told it will help my soul to restore, pick what I like, there is plenty more.
This ethereal plain is a pure delight, it's my new home, my God-given right.

There is nothing here to cause me fear, the Lord protects within his sphere.
An infinity of perfect peace, from the toils of earth I am now released.
I have landed on a higher realm, in perfect harmony to forever dwell.
So believe when I tell you my dear friends, you cannot die, life never ends.



Born in Devon in 1954 I am coming up for 65 years old, the mother if 8, grandmother of 30 and great grand mother of 7 with 3 more due very soon. I live with my two little dogs Tia and Poppy in a lovely little bungalow, surrounded by flowers, birds, bees and butterflies in Colchester Essex. Apart from poetry I love to knit and collect dolls....

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This poem gives people like myself more meaning than you can imagine. For I lost my only daughter and grandson in 2004 in an automobile accident. Then I lost my oldest sister to cancer in 2015. I know in my heart they're all in heaven! This poet couldn't have described it any better! Thanks for giving me hope!

Thank you, I wrote this poem never knowing it would help so many people over the years including myself. My own daughter took her life just 3 weeks ago on June 27th, again not long after I wrote the follow up.

  • Seattle by Seattle, Wa
  • 11 years ago

I lost my son 3 years ago, and as a Christian Woman to lose a Son, this is the only thing that gives me peace, is to imagine as this poem so perfectly says! To think of my son in such a place as Heaven and that he waits for me. His Birthday is in 2 days and I celebrate it each year as if he were here. He was such a gift from God, He was such a good Son, and I Thank God for every second of the time I had with my son. I miss him something fierce.

  • Carol Visscher by Carol Visscher
  • 7 years ago

I lost my beloved son two years ago this April. It seems to hurt more now than it did then; I'm so afraid he'll be forgotten. Over 800 people came through the line at the funeral home, everyone loved him. We were there for 7 hours. A common statement was "all of Nichols is grieving." In 2011 our town experienced a "500 year flood"...my son was credited with saving 89 lives...1 out of a tree he had been clinging to for 24 hours - hanging over the river. At first I'd be stopped in the grocery store because someone had a story to tell me of what my son had done for them...bring them water....rescue them out of the second floor of their home...save their dogs/possessions....etc. and etc.

Thank you for this poem; my sons favorite hymn was the Old Rugged Cross. We sang it at his funeral - the last line, "I'll exchange it someday for a crown." I just didn't expect him to exchange this life for his eternal life so soon :(

  • Burton by Burton
  • 12 years ago

I lost my Darling Husband 3 yrs on the 6 September of cancer at the age 42. He was the love of my life I think of him every minute of every day and this poem gives me hope he's at peace. It is a really beautiful Poem.

  • Donna Denoyer by Donna Denoyer
  • 12 years ago

I was very touched by this poem. We all want are loved ones to be at total peace and basking in the beauty Of a peaceful and wonderful land. I fell in love with the poem and kept thinking of my sister then I read the top about how it was written and it hit home even more you see I lost my sister who was only 49 to cancer just about 7 weeks after she was diagnosed.

  • Erica by Erica
  • 7 years ago

May you never worry...he is with God. The Lord knew his mission while on Earth and it was well fulfilled. Just know he is in a better place. Serve God always.

I have only just returned to this site and found the lovely comments. I am so happy that my poem has brought you comfort. Over five years on and I miss Diana so much. Sadly her husband joined her just three years later. I imagine them walking through this amazing place, hand in hand. My job is done xxx

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