Spiritual Poem about Death

Poem About Being With God After Death

Three years ago my sister-in-law was diagnosed with cancer. She fought for three long, hard years with the odds against her all the way. In the end of August 2011, my sister-in-law gave up. She was too weak to carry on. She passed away on September 1st, less than two weeks after deciding she could no longer live like she was. I loved my sister-in-law. I wrote this for her the day before her Celebration of Life, and read it to the family and friends attending the service.

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I was once was ill that I thought I was dead or felt dead. Being in a coma makes you feel dead, but God, in his good graces, said He's not ready for me, so He brought me back to face life's...

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Remember Me


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2015 with permission of the Author.

Remember me when you hear the wind blow.
I am with God, I need you to know.
He called my name, and I went to see
If the voice I heard was speaking to me.
He took my hand, we walked along
The road to heaven, where I belong.
The angels sang so sweet and clear.
They sang of love and that Jesus is near.
I felt his touch, I saw his face,
I knew in an instant I was in his grace.
He spoke to me, I heard him say,
You are home now child, you have found your way.
So remember me when you hear the wind blow.
I am home now with God, I need you to know.


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This poem is gorgeous. It makes you feel like you're in heaven.

  • Ray Villanueva by Ray Villanueva, 4224 ROYAL OAK DRIVE
  • 8 years ago

I was once was ill that I thought I was dead or felt dead. Being in a coma makes you feel dead, but God, in his good graces, said He's not ready for me, so He brought me back to face life's journey. I just want to be left alone to see where life takes me next, but on the other hand I don't want to be alone forever. God is always there but sometimes you need someone else on your level to accompany you on life's journey. God sits there and watches you then tries to guide you through perseverance. Let Him light my way.

  • Jamie by Jamie
  • 8 years ago

I lost my mom 9-4-2016. I miss my mom so much, and reading this poem brought tears to my eyes.

  • Kat by Kat, Chicago
  • 9 years ago

Death can seem so scary and so hard for us to fathom and it hurts a lot when someone we love leaves us behind. This poem shows the promise of death: the beautiful peace and freedom for the departed. Thank you for sharing this with your readers!

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