Sweet Love Poem

Poem To My Sweetheart Who Has Changed My Life

A few words of gratitude and love for my dearest Jen. From the first time we chatted, I knew there was something special. And as time went by, it only got better. Being with her has turned me around, and for the first time in years, I look forward to the next day. Thank you for everything you've done. You'll never know how much you've changed my life, Jen.

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These poems are soooo amazing. I love reading them. They bring back memories from the past with me and my 1st love. I've never been in such a great place reading these poems :) I remember a...

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Life With You

© more by Greg Thung

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2015 with permission of the Author.

You taught me how beautiful life is,
Everything from your words, your touch, your kiss.

You gave me hope, you gave me love,
And I know you were sent from heaven above.

The way you showed me the person I could be,
It's something you, and only you, would see.

You were always different and unique,
But I never guessed it was me you would seek.

How someone like me would end up with someone like you,
I honestly don't believe it; it cannot be true.

But it is, and I know every day
That I have YOU, and it's needless to say

You've made my life beautiful and taught me how to live.
To show you how much I'm grateful, anything I'd give.

So thank you for coming into my life.
In doing so you've taken away the sorrow and strife.

You put a smile on my face and a skip to my stride
And I know you'll always be there by my side. <3


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Peter C. Free by Peter C. Free, Wellington, NZ
  • 5 years ago

Hi Greg,
Thanks for sharing this. These words are even more true after 30 years than they were in the first few days of our love.
Peter :-)

  • Carmen Rodriguez by Carmen Rodriguez
  • 7 years ago

These poems are soooo amazing. I love reading them. They bring back memories from the past with me and my 1st love. I've never been in such a great place reading these poems :) I remember a time I once felt loved until he broke my heart. To this day I still have trouble finding love. I try to get negative attention from boys, and I hate that I have to do that because I feel worthless. At the end of the day I know he's still with me no matter what. Yeah, he moved on, but I know in his heart that he still loves me and he still cares for me. We crossed paths one day, and I was so happy to see him, and then I never saw him after that, so now I ask y'all what can I do? I'm stuck here thinking of him.

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