Alone Poem

Feeling Lost In This World

My inspiration for this poem is from feeling lost in this world. I don't know where this will take me, but it is how I am feeling in the moment. This is the first poem I have written to give me some hope in life.

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I feel the same way, and I think I understand how you feel. I'm only eleven and have lost my mom to drugs. I went to live with my dad and step-mom. I am not allowed to see my real mother or...

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Searching For My Soul


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2017 with permission of the Author.

In this life
I once felt hope.
I sometimes still believe in this,
but each moment a little less.
I feel abandoned in my despair,
and it's difficult to repair.
I get broken each day some more,
keeping these emotions in my core.
I find myself hiding behind this smile,
the one that shows my denial.
I have thoughts of lonesomeness,
which no person should possess.
I camouflage this so well;
it feels like I'm in hell.
I hurt on the inside,
trying to push these demons aside.
I want something better,
to not feel all this terror.
I know it can be manageable;
there are things that make life tolerable.
I just cannot find the thrill,
like when I was a child with a one dollar bill.
I remember when dreams were imaginable,
now it feels like I'm undoubtedly fallible.
I wish to find myself soon.
This feels as if I'm trapped in a cocoon.
I would like to hatch,
not be so detached.
I need to end this coldness,
before death leaves me soulless.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Dean Pattrick by Dean Pattrick
  • 7 years ago

I lost my parents a long time ago. Now I live in a foster house. Well, I should say foster houses. A lot of parents kick me out after some months because they think I am trouble. They think I do drugs, but honestly, I don't. The last time I was kicked out of the house because my boss from the cafeteria where I worked to fulfill my needs kicked me out because I saved my colleague from him, and now I am here writing this, but I really appreciate you. You write really well. Keep writing. God has blessed you by putting those words in your mind. Stay blessed; keep writing.

  • Leyla by Leyla
  • 5 years ago

We all go through crap. Sometimes it feels as if our life is only the crap, in a messed up, brutal and breaking way. Nobody deserves to feel unwanted and unloved. I honestly feel completely unloved myself, but one day you will find your place in the world.

  • Roby Hines by Roby Hines
  • 5 years ago

I feel the same way, and I think I understand how you feel. I'm only eleven and have lost my mom to drugs. I went to live with my dad and step-mom. I am not allowed to see my real mother or her side of the family. I miss her so much, and my dad and step-mom don't understand why I don't like it here, and I am to scared to tell them. I am having troubles, and these sad poems really help me to see that others feel the same way as me.

  • Donna Music by Donna Music
  • 7 years ago

My heart goes out to all the ones who suffer with depression, anxiety, panic disorders, or any kind of mental illness. Those who have never suffered from this cannot understand and some don't want to understand. What's the saying? Walk a mile in my shoes. Well, I have walked in those shoes many, many miles. The bottom line is I know what it is to suffer from deep dark depression, anxiety, and panic disorders. I know where it is to be scorned by others saying get it together, it's all in your head.

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