Alone Poem

Alone In My Battle

This poem is about someone who is struggling and is alone in their battle. Their partner doesnt want to see it and believes them when they say they're fine. They leave and are finally "seen" by someone who knows what it's like to fight alone.

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Unseen, Unheard

Ebony Black © more by Ebony Black

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2021 with permission of the Author.

Unseen, unheard, my voiceless cries
I tell you I'm fine through honeyed lies
You smile and nod, just what you wanted to hear
You don't really care, that much is clear

Unwanted, unloved, the voices whisper to me
I'm breaking and drowning, but you don't see
You just smile absently and turn away
Leaving me drifting another day

Unhappy, unpleasant, my life has become
Will somebody save me before the damage is done?
Someone to guide me into the light
Someone to help me win the fight

Unending, unbearable, these thoughts and fears
I number my breaths as I shed silent tears
I pray and I beg that you'll glance up at me
Notice the darkness, finally see

Unfeeling, uncaring, I can't take anymore
You don't even register that I head for the door
I walk and walk, no destination in mind
Seeking only to leave you far behind

Unthinking, unseeing, the world passing by
I hold myself as I softly cry
Someone sits down beside me, wipes away my tears
"I see you, I hear you, I had the same fears"

Unsteady, unsure, I begin to smile
This feeling, this stirring, it's been a while
Someone has come to pick up the fight
The voices lessen, I'll be all right


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