Addiction Poem


This poem is about the struggle of heroin. I lost someone I was very close to from it, and my heart is still hurting. I hope you enjoy it.

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I'm so sorry to hear of your husband. You must be devastated. I'm addicted to oxycodone. I've been on them ten years and am due to be weaned off. I hate being the only addict in the family. I...

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A Life That's Wasted

© more by Josselyn Jackman- Williams

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2009 with permission of the Author.

a life that's wasted
a breath that's gone
he knows he's been fighting this addiction too long

he says he's sorry
he says he'll try
he thinks of a prayer and looks up to the sky

it hurts so much
he just can't stop
he shoots the drugs until he drops

he drops his hopes
he drops his spirit
his soul cries out, you just can't hear it

a life that's wasted
a breath that's gone
the results of heroin - he just couldn't move on

he slowly lets go
he is slowly dying
he takes his last breaths and quickly starts crying

his life is gone now,
wasted away
the day his life ends, today is the day


more by Josselyn Jackman- Williams

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Valery Reyes by Valery Reyes, Morgan City, Louisiana
  • 5 years ago

My husband died this year in June, and it broke my heart. He said if he ever touched the stuff again he would die. At the time, he didn't know how true that statement was. It started off with meth and after 5 years clean of heroine he started doing it again without my knowledge. Within a month he was dead, and I had to be the one to find him. It was so sad and hurt so many. Rip Charles Reyes

  • Rebecca Molloy by Rebecca Molloy
  • 4 years ago

I'm so sorry to hear of your husband. You must be devastated. I'm addicted to oxycodone. I've been on them ten years and am due to be weaned off. I hate being the only addict in the family. I have fallen out with my sisters. My dad used to worry. He died in 2011. I nursed him and slept by his bed every night so he wasn't alone. My darling, let me know how your coping, please. My heart goes out to you. xxx

  • Caylie Savage by Caylie Savage
  • 5 years ago

I lost my daughter’s father to an overdose. He went to rehab and was so positive and a whole new person. I noticed about 2 weeks before he died. He said to his best friend at rehab (who also died the same week he did), “This isn’t goodbye for us.” The day he called me wanting to come home from a friend’s house, he said to me, “I’m going to sleep for like 2 or 3 days, so don’t let anyone call me or bug me for anything.” I never saw him again. Later that night he died in his bed. It’s been 2 years, and my pain is just as bad, if not worse. It never goes away. If anyone has any good coping skills, please let me know. I’m so sorry to all of you and for your losses. When someone says they feel your pain, I do. R.I.P. Mathew Chaffee.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 6 years ago

Lost a beautiful brother to drugs. He's still alive, but he's hanging about with the wrong crowd. I've been trying to get him off of it, but he just loves it too much.

  • Robin Alderman by Robin Alderman
  • 6 years ago

On Oct, 8th 2017, we lost a beautiful woman who was a mother, daughter, sister, all because if the demon of heroin. During the month of October, Melbourne lost 5 young girls. Please help us. I'm starting a nonprofit to help addicts and families. We're all in.
Sincerely, Robin

  • Linda by Linda, Dumbarton UK
  • 10 years ago

Oh how sad I lost my son to that awful drug 3 years ago and the pain is unbearable. I often say if this is how an addict suffers no wonder they find it hard to combat. I pray every night for all people on drugs as it is an illness and God help them to get it together.

  • Jacob by Jacob, Minnesota
  • 11 years ago

I'm from a small town in rural Minnesota and this drug has descended on us like a wildfire. No one knows where to begin but we are losing many young people rapidly. I put this poem on my Facebook so the people in my community would read it and feel the compassion that I did when I read it. I teared up, I have many family members and friends addicted to the drug and its like nothing I've ever seen. Thank you for writing this poem, hopefully someone reads it and it saves their life!

  • Texas by Texas
  • 11 years ago

My brother died last year from the disease of addiction at the age of 17 and now my other brother is waging the same war as have I for the last 14 or so years of my life. I'm only 26, I am now in recovery and clean for 7 months and this speaks volumes to me and my heart and makes me feel the pain and agony that I knew so well and now want to share with others what was so freely given to me. Thank you for sharing this it helps remind me where I never want to be again ... God bless

  • Paris by Paris
  • 13 years ago

My mom had been using for years. She quit then started back up again. I fear for her. She tore our family apart I just don't want to loose her.

  • Sara by Sara, UK
  • 14 years ago

my fiancé died last week from a heroin overdose. I wasn't even aware he was using. There are so many questions unanswered and so many lies uncovered. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy the pain is just unbearable.x

  • Jessica by Jessica
  • 14 years ago

Wow, this is very touching; it's painful too, you can feel it, the words you write and think touch your soul.

  • Connie by Connie, Dry Ridge KY
  • 14 years ago

I'm in love with a guy that has been banging for awhile, quit, and has started back up again. I'm so scared for him, every night I cry and shake worrying about him overdosing or dying. I'm so scared. I've tried to explain things to him and what he's loosing but I need somebody to help me explain it to him.

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