Husband Poem

Poem About Husband Always Being There

I have been through a difficult time recently, and my husband has been there every step of the way, and now I have noticed how special he actually is, which inspired me to write this poem.

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My fiance came into my life and stole my soul, and I thank God every day for this man that I prayed for.

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For My Husband


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2011 with permission of the Author.

You are my first thought in the morning,
My last thought at night.
For you, I have always been longing.
You bring me so much delight.
You have changed my life so much.
You have a special kiss
And a special touch.
Forever we will be like this.
We met over 8 years ago,
A brilliant 8 years it has been.
Oh...where does the time go?
There was such a big space in between,
But we came through it.
Although it always seemed mean,
It was well worth it.
Being able to get a cuddle from you
Makes me so happy and feel wanted.
Everything you do,
Some I may take for granted,
But nothing can be stronger than my love for you.
What we have is bliss.
Even though we have ups and downs,
Nothing can come between this.
We have our smiles and our frowns,
But when we kiss and cuddle
All the frowns seem to drown.


  • Stories 4
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  • Rating 4.34
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sassi Niecy Washington by Sassi Niecy Washington
  • 6 years ago

My fiance came into my life and stole my soul, and I thank God every day for this man that I prayed for.

  • Misura Halder by Misura Halder
  • 7 years ago

Just saying I love this poem. It is so loving. The poem shows all the qualities of a perfect, happy, adoring husband.

  • Jade Milord by Jade Milord
  • 8 years ago

I love this website these poems mean so much to me

  • Lena Harun by Lena Harun
  • 9 years ago

My husband found me when I was so alone, I had lots of friends but not the one I needed. Then he found me and I thank God for giving him to me. He loves me unconditionally and he treats me like a beautiful flower. He's tender, soft, and so beautiful. I love you baby for ever. You're my light in the dark, my air I need to breath, my water when I'm thirsty, you're everything I need.

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