God Poem

The Providential Care Of God

We need not live in fear and anxiety despite what is going on in the world.

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God's Providence

© more by Lenora McWhorter

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2022 with permission of the Author.

When night changes into day
we get a chance to start over again.
We can complete the things left undone
and reach back and make amends.

God protects us by His power.
We are not here by happenstance
But by a divine connection with God
He upholds us with His hand.

God oversees all that concerns us 
keeping watch night and day.
With His all-seeing eyes He leads us.
He orders our steps and direct our way.

God surrounds us with His mercy,
and He covers us with His love.
He speaks peace to our weary souls
as He looks down from up above.

God knows the way that we take,
our lives are in His hand.
And the outcome of every situation
is under His divine command.

God's all-seeing eyes are upon us.
He protects and shelters His own.
We are forever secure in His loving care
and He promises not to leave us alone.


more by Lenora McWhorter

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