Addiction Poem

Fighting An Eating Disorder

I have been battling an eating disorder for 20 years. I have been unable to tell anyone about it because it has been my friend. I am slowly being able to face this disease, and writing helps me to express how I feel and how much control it has over me. Now having daughters of my own, I want to set an honest example of body image, but I am unable to until I deal with this myself. I fought a drug addiction. Now I have to fight an eating addiction.

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I recently stumbled across this poem as I was looking for a literature analysis topic. I searched and read hundreds of poems, and this one pulled me in. Every time I read it, it grabs me in a...

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I'm Your Disease

© more by Jodi

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

Sucked like a vacuum, I held my fear,
built up anger you want to hold near.

Shaking and trembling is what I feel,
purging my thoughts is how I heal.

Feelings of emptiness that have no depth.
Disappointment climbs the walls inside my chest.

You've lied to me all these years,
holding in the pain that has caused so many tears.

You think you're strong, but I make you weak.
I know the truth you're looking to seek.

You thought you had control over me all these years.
I'm your friend when you looked into your mirror.

You think you can forget me and run and hide.
I'm the only one who has stuck by your side.

I've given you comfort and relief.
Why now do you treat me like a thief.

I've stolen from you your sense of pride,
not letting you see that you are beautiful on the inside.

I've come to steal your strength and health.
Don't look to me to give you wealth.

You've been fighting this battle all alone.
Haven't you figured it out that you can't do this on your own?

This has been our secret for so long.
Do you have the courage to make you strong?

I'm the monster you won't admit,
afraid that now you'll have to commit.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ben by Ben
  • 2 years ago

I recently stumbled across this poem as I was looking for a literature analysis topic. I searched and read hundreds of poems, and this one pulled me in. Every time I read it, it grabs me in a different way each time. I know it's been a long time since it was written, but I hope the author is well and has found peace.

  • Jake by Jake, New York
  • 14 years ago

I love this poem. It truly is sad what we go through. Only each person that goes through this knows why they are and do. As for myself I was pushed to a low self esteem after a bad I feel empty every day, weak, and my disease honestly is my only confidence. I wish I could tell the world to help me...the 1st time I reached out for help they thought it was a I just keep it to myself...but truely thank you for your poem I can't help but read it every day.

  • Michele by Michele
  • 16 years ago

I to know this battle all to well!!! For it feels as if its your only release, from the pain, anger, misery and the emptiness that goes to the core of your being!!! Just know your not alone, even though it may feel as if you are. I walk the same dark twisted road, cold feeling as if no one can hear your cries! For I am here walking it with you!!!

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