Current Events Poem

Poem About The Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The coronavirus is now worldwide and there is no vaccine. It seems our only defense is to keep our hands clean.

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Excellent topical poem to us all over the world with what we are faced with. We must take responsibility not for just for him/herself and one's nearest and dearest but for all people of the...

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Keep Safe

John P. Read © more by John P. Read

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2020 with permission of the Author.

No more shaking hands.
Don't touch your face.
Never stand too close
In a crowded place.

A virus is amongst us.
It's roaming around our land.
It contaminates and does us harm
By the simple touch of our hands.

Dark days are fast approaching.
We have to be aware.
Hygiene is our only shield
To this demon who waits out there.

Our world is now at war
With an enemy that's unseen.
But we can beat the invader
If we all keep our hands squeaky clean.



John Peter Read was born in the East End of London in 1948. He was brought up by his Nan and mother, as his father left home when he was 5 years old. At the age of 15, John left school with just a basic education. While in school, he wrote little rhymes just for fun. A couple of his religious poems were published by the Christian church in the...

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Thank you, Zoey, dear friend, for your kind words. Keep safe.

  • Vuyo Abongile Ndlela by Vuyo Abongile Ndlela
  • 4 years ago

A great poem indeed. We shall share with kids in order for them to learn and be aware about this pandemic.

  • Vimla Westwood by Vimla Westwood
  • 4 years ago

Excellent topical poem to us all over the world with what we are faced with. We must take responsibility not for just for him/herself and one's nearest and dearest but for all people of the world who are suffering more.

Hi Vimla, we have to take extra care until there is a vaccine. It will be a long, hard road, but as in life, all things must pass.

  • CINDY L Nelson by CINDY L Nelson, Texas
  • 4 years ago

John, I love your poem and how true! Something we can do to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Hi sister Cindy. These are worrying times. Keep safe.

Thank you, sister Beryl. It's amazing what with all the troubles in our world, it has taken a virus to unite us as one. Maybe it's a warning from God.

Excellent write brother John about the current situation we're in.
Not only us here in the UK but the whole world too.
All we can do is keep safe as you say and isolate to keep the bugs at bay.
Sis Beryl

  • Zoey Herman by Zoey Herman
  • 4 years ago

I agree with you. I think brother John is an amazing and insightful poet.

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