Just Friends Poem

We are all human with true emotions and complex feelings. I know we all feel this way about someone. And whether we can admit it or not, to make that extra step into taking your friendship even further is a decision that is very hard to make. To fall in love with your friend is a tough situation, but things do happen for a reason. I truly believe it.

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I have no story.I just love to read poems about friendship. I hope you will not take this against me. That I do not know how to construct poems.

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No More Than Friends

© more by Sopheap Sam

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2013 with permission of the Author.

It is so quick how we forget
The very first time we met.
My heart skipped a few beats
As I tried to catch my breath.
I looked softly into your eyes.
I knew that very day
That I was in love, but the wrong way.

I saw you look at me
With those eyes and a smile so boldly.
At that time you were not free.
I knew that this could never be.
My heart sunk to the floor.
I stared through those eyes of yours
And thought to myself, I will never be yours.

I kept my feelings deep inside
To remain just friends....
That was how it was going to end.
I knew just how you felt.
I could feel it burning inside
That the love we shared could never be.
No more than friends,
Which is exactly how it began..


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  • Lorenzo Katigbak by Lorenzo Katigbak, Lipa City Batangas Ph.
  • 11 years ago

I have no story.I just love to read poems about friendship. I hope you will not take this against me. That I do not know how to construct poems.

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