True Love Poem

To Love Forever

I wish to die before my love, and even after that I won't stop loving him and will be there for him always...

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I came across this poem when I was writing to my fiancé to express how much I loved him. I think it really touched me because it was exactly what I was trying to say in the card I gave him. I...

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I Will Always Be There For You

© more by Nidhi Kaul

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2008 with permission of the Author.

I will always be there for you,
I am your little friend..
I will always be in love with you,
all the way till the end..

I will always care for you,
I will never leave...
you are one person,
I can never deceive

I shall go off to sleep,
much before you think,
Maybe I'm not with you,
The next second you blink

The day, when I'm not with you,
Just close your eyes
and take my name,
I promise you dear.
Your life will be the same.

I will love you more and more,
with each rising day,
I will always be there for you
even if we are far away


more by Nidhi Kaul

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Abigail Miriam Jones by Abigail Miriam Jones
  • 10 years ago

I came across this poem when I was writing to my fiancé to express how much I loved him. I think it really touched me because it was exactly what I was trying to say in the card I gave him. I just know that he sometimes feels like he has no one to talk to and I just wanted to express how much I would be there for him even if we got separated by some distance long or short.

  • Octovius Itswabare by Octovius Itswabare
  • 10 years ago

I really loved the poem because it touched me so much, it encourages the true love to partners.

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