Ocean Poem

Exploring Life's Possibilities

The sea is a metaphor for our inner desires that are stirred when we reach life's crossroads. Like the sea, the future possibilities are both intriguing and daunting. Our desires can taunt us to plunge into life and let it take us where it will. Yet, fear also cautions us about the risks and dangers of failure. The real shame isn't failing but in never trying and making new discoveries that enrich us. One day, we'll either wonder what might have been or be glad we explored new possibilities.

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I used to think that I was nothing, but I'm not anything - I am something - that is a talented, intelligent, calm, kind, pretty, artistic, unique girl who is loved by everyone around me. I...

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Promises Of A New Day

© more by Belinda Stotler

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2019 with permission of the Author.

The perpetual cadence of the vast sea
Stirs a restless desire that engulfs me.
Like an infinite force I dare not impede,
Briefly rushing in - only to then recede.
Beckoning me to leave life's safe shore,
Into deep waters of mystery and lore.

The seagulls' cries seem to taunt me,
To follow them over the endless sea,
Where I'd be free to spread my wings
And discover the new life the sea brings.
Yet, fear holds me fast to a familiar place,
Away from the unknown trials I may face.

Even the ocean's waves seem to conspire,
Relentlessly calling to stoke curiosity's fire,
As they rumble ashore with impatient haste,
Swirling about my feet with purpose chaste,
Urging me to follow as they return to the sea,
Leaving a luring trail of life or its relics for me.

Shall I boldly explore the sea's possibilities,
Or allow imagined worries to be liabilities?
Although I cannot foretell all the sea offers,
The strong desire to enrich my mind's coffers
Begs me to obey the sea's enticing siren song
And let its wandering currents carry me along.

As the day slowly wanes on the sea's horizon,
I ponder the sea's glittering trail to the sun,
Inviting me to watch its vibrant dying light,
Before the day's life gives way to the night.
Still, I lingered a while after it faded away,
Wondering about the promises of a new day.


more by Belinda Stotler

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ryeleigh Linscott by Ryeleigh Linscott
  • 2 years ago

I used to think that I was nothing, but I'm not anything - I am something - that is a talented, intelligent, calm, kind, pretty, artistic, unique girl who is loved by everyone around me. I love everyone, especially my boyfriend, Gavyn. I live an amazing life so far at age 15, and I can't wait to see where life takes me in the future.

  • XAVI by XAVI
  • 2 years ago

This is a really nice poem. It was well-structured, and the theme and ideas were conveyed well. I loved how the poet personified the ocean and used it as a metaphor and symbol. I am truly inspired to write my own poem.

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