Spring Poems

Spring Poems

Seasonal Poetry about Spring

Spring is a miraculous experience. The whole world comes alive after the winter in which it seemed that everything was dead. The world comes filled with color and the scent of delicious greenery. The world that seemed so dull and cold has come alive once again. Little did we know that beneath the cold hard ground the plants and trees were preparing for rebirth. Spring gives us hope for rejuvenation in our own lives as well. Spring is a time to renew the excitement and zest for life that lives inside.

33 Poems about Springtime

1 - 20 of 33

  1. 1. When April Comes

    Famous Poem

    • By Virna Sheard

    When April comes with softly shining eyes,
    And daffodils bound in her wind-blown hair,
    Oh, she will coax all clouds from out the skies,
    And every day will bring some sweet surprise, --

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  3. 2. Spring

    Famous Poem

    • By Henry Gardiner Adams

    A bursting into greenness;
    A waking as from sleep;
    A twitter and a warble
    That make the pulses leap:

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  5. 3. Spring Fever

    Famous Poem

    • By Charles A. Heath

    When a feller feels a longing
    For the medder in his breast.
    When the robins north are thronging,
    Where they haste to build their nest.

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  6. 4. A Light Exists In Spring

    Famous Poem

    A Light exists in Spring
    Not present on the Year
    At any other period --
    When March is scarcely here

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    The poem depicts supremacy of nature. Nature is beyond natural laws. It's the underlying truth that nature poets communicate to us through their writings.

  7. 5. Dear March - Come In -

    Famous Poem

    Dear March—Come in—
    How glad I am—
    I hoped for you before—
    Put down your Hat—

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  8. 6. Spring

    Famous Poem

    To what purpose, April, do you return again?
    Beauty is not enough.
    You can no longer quiet me with the redness
    Of little leaves opening stickily.

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  9. 7. When The Geese Come North

    Famous Poem

    Their faint "honk-honk" announces them,
    The geese when they come flying north;
    Above the far horizon's hem
    From out the south they issue forth.

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  10. 8. Song Of March

    With winter's footprints in the past,
    and snows begin to melt at last.

    With longer days and shorter nights,

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  11. 9. And Now It's Spring

    • By Lhtheaker
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2018 with permission of the Author.

    The grass is green across the hill,
    But yellow blooms the daffodil.
    It's sunshine on a little stalk,
    A friendly flower, I bet they talk...

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  12. 10. Nature's Way

    • By Heidi Campbell
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2007 with permission of the Author.

    Analysis of Form and Technique

    Upon a nice mid-spring day,
    Let's take a look at Nature's way.
    Breathe the scent of nice fresh air,
    Feel the breeze within your hair.

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    Have you ever thought of this poem as a response to Thomas Moran's, "The Grand Canyon of Yellow Stone"? It is beautifully written and encompasses themes of freedom, nature, and serenity, as...

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  13. 11. Charming Spring

    Reminiscent melodies
    serenade the morning breeze.

    Feathered creatures nest with care

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    It's a very beautiful creation about the everlasting beauties of nature. It reminds me of the poem by Robert Frost "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening."

  14. 12. Spring

    • By Martin Taylor
    • Published by Family Friend Poems March 2016 with permission of the Author.

    One of four siblings,
    the youngest of course.
    Or am I the oldest?
    Not really sure.

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  15. 13. Mellow May

    Mellow, mild, May day,
    calling children out to play.
    Summer's on her way!

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  16. 14. It Must Be Spring

    • By May Fenn
    • Published by Family Friend Poems June 2014 with permission of the Author.

    Hush, can you hear it?
    The rustling in the grass,
    Bringing you the welcome news that
    Winter's day is past.

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    Really nice poem for spring. Thank you for sharing!

  17. 15. Spring

    • By Camille Gotera
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2013 with permission of the Author.

    Analysis of Form and Technique

    When the cold, harsh winter has given its last breath,
    When the sky above shows life instead of death,
    When the claws reaching to the frozen sky become decorated with leaves,
    When the animals -long in hiding- scurry from trees,

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  18. 16. Hello, Spring!

    • By Sal
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2013 with permission of the Author.

    The cold winter has passed, and now comes spring.
    The newly hatched baby birds will cause the mother birds to sing.

    The warm sun comes out, little cherry blossoms are in bloom.

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    Springtime is a great time of joy to every person, girl and boy. The flower buds, the springy smell, are lovely springtime charms. Enjoy!

  19. 17. Spring

    • By David Feng
    • Published by Family Friend Poems March 2018 with permission of the Author.

    Beautiful fresh purple flowers on a hill
    Slowly moving water mill
    Clumps of wet frost on the ground
    Life is all around

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  20. 18. The Spring Crocus Fairy

    • By Anne Pollock
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2021 with permission of the Author.

    Awake, little crocus, spring is nigh!
    Let me kiss the slumber from your eye.
    Come! Dance with me upon the lawn,
    The night is o'er, embrace the dawn!

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    A beautiful poem for spring. Love the idea of the crocus fairy dancing on the lawn and in her element embracing the dawn.

  21. 19. Spring Has Sprung

    There is nothing that can quite compare
    To the fragrance of the fresh spring air,
    Floating on the softest breeze,
    Stirring the world from its frozen sleep.

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  22. 20. The 2nd Season

    • By Billy R. Warner
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2020 with permission of the Author.

    Fresh spring morning time.
    That's the sound of solitude,
    the presence of peace.

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