Environment Poems

Environment Poems

Poems About Our Environment

What is the true state of the environment. You have the politicians on the left telling you that there is undeniable evidence of global warming. Thousands of species become extinct every day because we are cutting down the rain forests. All around the earth, environmentalists are pointing out devastation. On the other hand those on the right would have us believe that the earth is perfectly fine. They say that all of the changes that the earth is going through are perfectly OK and that we have nothing to worry about. Who is right?

22 Poems about Pollution and Conservation of Natural Resources

1 - 20 of 22

  1. 1. The Way Through The Woods

    Famous Poem

    THEY shut the road through the woods
    Seventy years ago.
    Weather and rain have undone it again,
    And now you would never know

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    I am a born nature lover. I have always been inspired by its grace and beauty. Currently I'm trying to make my own poem diary containing all my favourite poems, most of which are based on...

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  3. 2. Warned

    • By Sylvia Stults
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2015 with permission of the Author.

    The sands of time have rendered fear
    Blue skies on high no longer clear
    Stars were bright whence they came
    Now dimmed, obscured, pollution's haze

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    Environmental pollution is a global issue, and hence it has entered into world of poetry. Poets have unique ability to express to communicate with their audience more effectively than anyone...

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  5. 3. Let's Preserve Our Nature

    • By Arjun
    • Published by Family Friend Poems November 2015 with permission of the Author.

    The sun is shining,
    The sky is blue,
    The birds are flying,
    And the breeze is so cool.

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    I really like it about future generations and thinking ahead.

  6. 4. Awareness About Our Environment

    • By Sylvia Stults
    • Published by Family Friend Poems June 2011 with permission of the Author.

    Broken bottles and charred pieces of glass,
    Wadded up newspapers tossed on the grass,
    Pouring of concrete and tearing out trees.
    This is the environment that surrounds me?

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    Good message. And to think there are some who are planning to inhabit other planets. Haven't we done enough damage to this one?

  7. 5. Our Mother Earth

    • By Joshua Isham
    • Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

    This Mother Earth,
    Who gives us life;
    This Mother Earth,
    Heart filled with strife,

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    This is really a very heart touching poem. After reading this poem we realize that what the Mother Earth has given us is the best and we should preserve it full-heartedly. This poem gives a...

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  8. 6. Mother Earth

    • By Sophia E. Valdez
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2019 with permission of the Author.

    The land is in a constant state of birth,
    Giving life to all who live on Earth.
    Our carelessness and fears
    Have taken a toll over the years.

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    Good write. It's so sad that we don't realize what we have and are doing to our own home.

  9. 7. Nature's Law

    • By Pistol
    • Published by Family Friend Poems May 2015 with permission of the Author.

    The waves are rolling toward the shore.

    A silent world - an empty core.
    Lifeless land with nothing more.

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    This expresses my thoughts about the world in a way I could never explain. I loved this!

  10. 8. Wind Is Anywhere

    • By Dee McDonald
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2008 with permission of the Author.

    The wind, it moves in wondrous ways.
    Through the tree branches it blows and it sways.
    It takes all the leaves and flies them so high.
    Then briefly it lets go and they fall from the sky.

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  11. 9. Look Outside

    • By Josie Greveling
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2008 with permission of the Author.

    Look outside, see the trees.
    Watch the flowers in the breeze.
    Things won't be like this in a year or two
    If polluting is all we do.

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    I'm a college student who found your poem almost 10 years later. I am using it for my literacy analysis paper for an Intro to Literature class! If you ever come back here, just know your poem...

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  12. 10. Solutions For Pollution

    • By Joydip Dutt
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2022 with permission of the Author.

    Is it too much to ask for a pollution free world?
    The condition of the environment leaves us appalled.

    Can we call this progress if life comes to a halt?

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  13. 11. Mother Nature

    Our world is always changing,
    Constantly rearranging.
    From ocean depths to mountain peaks,
    Mother Nature moves and speaks.

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    A stern warning by the poet that we all need to respond to and act accordingly.

  14. 12. Fragile World

    • By Mary V. Botten
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2022 with permission of the Author.

    Moving together, we pass through time,
    Step by step, no reason nor rhyme.
    Pondering on our existence here,
    For nothing is certain, nothing is clear.

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  15. 13. Mother Earth

    • By Dave Mottram
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    Our Earth is beautiful as viewed from the sky.
    But wait! Is Mother about to cry?
    This blue planet shakes and trembles and sheds its tears
    As it feels the wars and the pain of its tenants' fears.

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  16. 14. A Wonderful Yesterday

    • By Wendy Evans
    • Published by Family Friend Poems June 2022 with permission of the Author.

    Mother Earth, she weeps, but her tears are all in vain.
    Men who seek profit and power will never feel guilt or shame.

    What is happening to our world? Wake up and see what we have done.

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  17. 15. Mother Earth

    • By Joydip Dutt
    • Published by Family Friend Poems May 2020 with permission of the Author.

    This is a wonderful world, and it's true.
    It's for us, the trees, and animals, too.

    Mother Earth provides us with what we need,

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  18. 16. A Shadow From Before

    • By Sylvia Stults
    • Published by Family Friend Poems November 2016 with permission of the Author.

    Standing on the ocean shore
    Waves rushing through my toes
    Images run across my mind
    From the days of long ago

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  19. 17. The Changing Earth

    • By Michael A. Lopez
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2019 with permission of the Author.

    Earth is a beautiful place,
    a place we live every day.
    We should have the grace
    to make sure it doesn't go away.

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  20. 18. Staring Through The Window

    My child, sit by my side,
    have a look outside.
    What do you see?

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  21. 19. The Brink

    • By Sylvia Stults
    • Published by Family Friend Poems March 2020 with permission of the Author.

    Take a walk inside a park or
    Jaunt a forgotten trail.
    Close your eyes and listen.
    Take a deep breath and exhale.

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    This is a wonderful poem. I had to read the other ones you've written, Ms. Sylvia, and they are all beautiful. I, too, enjoy walking in the woods and also really share your concern about the...

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  22. 20. Nature Speaks

    • By Dionie B. Fernandez
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2019 with permission of the Author.

    Nature paints the waters blue and the mountains green,
    As the music of swaying trees and roaming beasts reign.
    Touching human hearts in breathtakingly amazing scenes.
    Under the blue sky, God's unconditional love is evidently seen.

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