Romantic Poem

The Simple Things I Love About You

Hi, I have been writing poems since I was around 11 years old. My grandpa is also a poet and I am proud to say some of his talent has rubbed off on me. I am now 27 years old and feel ready to share some of my words with the world. I am from England but am currently living in Shanghai, China, as I am an ESL teacher. I hope you like what I have to offer.

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I am not a poet or even remotely related to poetry. I just want to write a poem for my girlfriend and surprise her on her birthday and I came here to understand how it works. I wanted to...

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Silence Is Golden

Hanna Eardley © more by Hanna Eardley

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2018 with permission of the Author.

It is not your conversation
That keeps me entertained
But rather the way you look at me
That makes me feel sustained
It's the curve of your lips
And the curl of your hair
T'is all of the little things
That make me stop and stare

It is not your intelligence
That drew me close to you
It is not your sense of humour
That has thrown me all askew
It's the touch of your hand
And the thoughts in your head
T'is all of the little things
The things that don't get said

It's not your vivid history
That's made me fall in love
It's not your comprehension
Of the world or what's above
It is your soft temperament
And the way you smile at me
T'is all of the little things
That make me want to see

It's not when we are talking
That I want to know some more
It is not whilst you teach me
I learn what I'm looking for
It is the time we spend alone
And the time in utter silence
T'is all of the little things
That form a strong alliance

It's not the job you work so hard
That shows your true commitment
It's not your crazy habits
That give me great fulfilment
It is the way you use your hands
And the way I have been chosen
T'is all of the little things
Why I know silence is golden



Hello. My name is Hanna. I am twenty seven years old and currently living in Shanghai as i am a ESL teacher. I have been writting poetry since i was around eleven years old. My grandpa is a poet, and i'm proud to say some of his talent has been passed down a generation - or two! I love my job as an ESL teacher, i love how a child can say...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Tom by Tom
  • 4 years ago

I am not a poet or even remotely related to poetry. I just want to write a poem for my girlfriend and surprise her on her birthday and I came here to understand how it works. I wanted to write the perfect poem for her. And then I read this poem. And believe me, it's so beautiful that I started having goosebumps and I hadn't even finished the first stanza. I could relate to every single word in this poem, literally EVERY SINGLE WORD. This is the perfect poem. It deeply touched my heart, and I have never felt this way about a poem before. I don't know how I am going to top that. I wish I could just send this to her (we're in a LDR because of the pandemic), but I want to write one myself to make it more special.

  • Anthony M Shartzer by Anthony M Shartzer
  • 4 years ago

Ok so very rarely do my heart strings get tugged on, but this poem is probably the most touching words that I've ever heard. Don't stop writing darling, you have mad skills. (that means you are very good at it).
I am a 54 year old man, never have I ever read such sweet words. I am sharing them with my lady tonight (37 years old) and she's going to love this poem, who knows maybe if we get married we will use it in our Ceremony?
Don't stop I will be reading all of your other poems too.

Thanks for your comment. It's always nice to hear support and appreciation.
My Goodness! I would be honoured to have 'silence is golden' used at your Wedding :) I'd also be happy to write you something more personalised. I have an account on fiverr, (but for a comment such as yours i'd be happy to do anything free of charge ;) ).
I also have a lot more poemes on my site : and have recently started a youtube channel by the same name. I think you would enjoy looking through them.
Let me know if you tie the knot!

  • Katie by Katie
  • 4 years ago

Thank you. This is perfect. I'm 34 and I have been divorced and found a wonderful man I've been with for 4 years now and it's really difficult to put into words how important he is to me. The usual I love you's don't do my feelings justice. This is perfect. - I'm going to print your poem and add it to his gift. Beautiful.

  • Charlene Carlies by Charlene Carlies
  • 6 years ago

Wow, this poem is really beautiful! Keep writing; you have great talent! I've always noticed the little things in people as well; that's what makes them unique!

  • Fridah Thomas by Fridah Thomas
  • 6 years ago

Sweet! Because I'm in the mood of love, this poem gives me more hope for loving. "The touch of your hands touches my heart."

  • Paul  J. O'Brien by Paul J. O'Brien
  • 6 years ago

I like a poem that rhymes, and this one does that well and has a lovely message throughout.

  • Eden Wong by Eden Wong
  • 6 years ago

Thank you. It’s a warm poem. It reminds me of the boy I loved silently in primary school. I forget when I fell in love, but I remember when he yelled, “I like you,” but not to me. I remember the simple things. I remember he liked to touch his earlobe. I liked to look at him stealthily and silently. I hope I don’t forget them in the later days since I might not meet him again.

  • Najeeb by Najeeb
  • 6 years ago

Beautiful...touching...made me get lost in my joyful past. How beautiful were those days! :(

  • Cecile Marie by Cecile Marie
  • 6 years ago

This is really beautiful. You have a gift. Keep cultivating it. I hope to see your poems out there one day.

  • Thaiana Alcantara by Thaiana Alcantara
  • 6 years ago

What a lovely, beautiful poem! I've shared it with someone special. Thanks and keep writing. The world needs your talent.

  • S_is_awesome by S_is_awesome
  • 6 years ago

This poem is nice, and I could relate to it. The way you use the words is also remarkable.

Thank you. I am currently working on a website to promote my poetry. I hope you will check it out once it's up and running.

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