Long Distance Poem

Your Love Has Changed Me

A poem about loving someone in a different country. No matter the distance, as long as you are willing, anything is possible. Needless to say, you may still have to wait to be with the person you love. A single person can change you. That's why it's important to follow your heart no matter what. Believe and the time will fly. Emotions are unique to each individual; hold on to them; don't let them go. Love is a bond unlike any other; it is truly special to me and was my motivation to write this poem.

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I'm online dating this really sweet, kind, handsome, protective guy. I've been dating him since October 17, 2019, and like my grandfather told me and my sister if a man doesn't treat you like...

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Published by Family Friend Poems December 2016 with permission of the Author.

Words simply can't describe
My feelings for you,
For my feelings are so many,
But words, they are so few.

Encouragement you give me
And a connection that is true.
I'm glad while reaching out
I found someone like you.

You give your love so sweetly.
I am lost if you are away.
You have me so completely.
I cherish you night and day.

You make me laugh
When I want to cry.
You make me happy
When you don't even try.

Your laugh makes me smile.
You make my life a better place.
I love everything about you.
You're someone I could never replace.

It's you that keeps me up all night,
The one getting me through the day,
And so it seems to me that there
Is only one thing left to say.

I don't know how to say it
To make it sound so true,
So I'll say it how I feel it.
I'm in love with you.

No distance can keep us apart.
You are someone I can't forget.
You will always be in my heart.
I know I'll be with you yet.

I will tell you from my heart
We will never drift apart.
You keep me from being blue,
And I love you for being you...


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Babygirl by Babygirl
  • 9 months ago

I have been dating a soldier for a year. He is the most sweetest man on earth. He is deployed right now. When he told me it shook my World. He was going to be deployed For at least 2 years. But this will be his last deployment because he retiring. He asked me to marry him when he comes. We even set a date June 16, 2025. Its so hard being away from the man you love

  • Raven Robinson by Raven Robinson
  • 5 years ago

I'm online dating this really sweet, kind, handsome, protective guy. I've been dating him since October 17, 2019, and like my grandfather told me and my sister if a man doesn't treat you like the Queen of England, they don't deserve you. And he treats me like the Queen of England. He also calls me his princess and queen. He doesn't take advantage of me. My mom and stepdad don't know about him yet, but my stepmom and father know about him. You know the type of boyfriend who's very loyal? That's him. I don't get how he has been dealing with me and my crazy family for almost 3 months

  • Perry Thomas by Perry Thomas
  • 11 months ago

I'm in a similar situation and all I can say is that you better hang on to this guy, because good guys or good women are hard to find these days. I just happened to get lucky as well. I can't ask for a better person to give my love and my life too. Good luck with this. I really wish you all the best, because this truly is hard to find.

  • Stephen Ofarrell by Stephen Ofarrell
  • 5 years ago

I met the love of my life in Madrid almost 18 months ago. I live in Liverpool, and next week she is coming to live here with me. This poem is more perfect and profound than anything I could say.

  • Navjyot Verma  Reet by Navjyot Verma Reet
  • 7 years ago

It is really super duper awesome. The poem really expresses your feelings. And bro believe me she is really your destiny.

  • 7 years ago

Once I met a girl. Her big eyes and cute smile lured me. Her silence towards me--it hurts now. My sisters even say something about her, but this heart never believes. She has become my destiny.

  • Brittany Rivera by Brittany Rivera
  • 7 years ago

Great poem. I really like it. I can tell it came from your heart.

  • Mikaela Smithson by Mikaela Smithson
  • 7 years ago

My love lives very far away, and I miss him truly. It feels like time can't break us and our love is forever. Only feelings can express my love for Michael. I love him dearly, and I'll be waiting for the day I get to finally see him.

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