Poem about Sadness

How stress takes over with all life's ups and downs.

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Hi everyone! My name is Tanya Joshi and I live in Almora, Uttrakhand. I am in class 11 and I am much obliged with the fact that stress effects life. However, to some extent I think it can be...

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Stress Affects Life

© more by Jody Mark

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2007 with permission of the Author.

Stress is eating at me every minute and second of the day.
How do I cope with the horrible effects and make it go away?

I feel so tired and run down and I don't sleep.
I lie in bed at night and wonder why it runs so deep.

Everyone asks why do you look so sad.
Do I tell them that my stress is eating me up and that I feel really bad?

Does everyone notice how I walk around in a daze,
and that I have deep black bags under my eyes nowadays?

I wake up every morning feeling so hopeless,
like nothing ever goes right and wondering why my life has to be such a mess.

Stress is my one worst enemy.
It's taken over my mind and my whole life in every single degree.


more by Jody Mark

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Subhash Bansal by Subhash Bansal
  • 4 years ago

Stress, now a days, has turned into pandemic. It is eating up our personalities. The effective remedy, in my opinion, is not to give up hope and keep on trying again and again. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with any one of your confidents can also be an effective way to come out of your stress and depression.

  • Tanya Joshi by Tanya Joshi, Almora,Uttrakhand, India
  • 6 years ago

Hi everyone! My name is Tanya Joshi and I live in Almora, Uttrakhand. I am in class 11 and I am much obliged with the fact that stress effects life. However, to some extent I think it can be overcome with the hope and courage inside us. If we will think positively and have spirit to face everything, then stress is just like passing clouds in our life. Life is just like a cycle; it keeps on going and in this cycle, stress should not be considered as a blocking event. In fact, it is an overcoming event which should be overcome by the dint of courage and positive spirit to fight with all the challenges. If our goal is set and we want to achieve it truly then, we can face any problems at any rate. We should just keep going and never give up.

  • Tshering Yangzom by Tshering Yangzom
  • 8 years ago

Stress makes our life hopeless. Because of stress, life is hard.

  • Lawence Michael Salzer by Lawence Michael Salzer
  • 9 years ago

Life has it's up and downs but as long as what's in you is responsible for you're problems, then life will call to you.

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