Christmas Poem

As the president of a theological college, each year it was my pleasure to present the personnel with a Christmas honorarium with a personal note attached. One Christmas, instead of the usual note, I composed the following poem. It has never been used since.

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The Hush Of Christmas


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2019 with permission of the Author.

Have you observed this Christmas thing?
How shoppers shop and sleigh bells ring,
And children wrapped in muffs and cuffs
Are trying out their newfound stuff.

Have you observed how fast it comes,
Overtakes, invades our homes?
How life takes on that quickened pace
That makes each day another race.

But have you noticed how the rush
Is stayed with times of holy hush?
And no one ever seems to know
From where they come or where they go.

A pause upon a Christmas stage,
A costumed, bearded ancient sage,
Points to a distant tinseled sky,
And all at once the Christ is nigh.

Or at a time when by the tree
The children watch so eagerly,
As shining bells are put in place
And wonder fills each tiny face.

Or by the fire when children sleep
And parents whisper so to keep,
The stillness of the fading day
As treasures in their hearts to stay.

Or when amidst the candlelight
The choir begins, "Oh, Holy Night,"
And lives so filled with busyness
Are wafted to a quiet bliss.

So as the season comes your way
For you and yours, we humbly pray
That in this time of Christmas rush
You will find that holy hush.


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