Christmas Poem

What Christmas Should Really Be About

Christmas should be a time when people forget their problems and form a fellowship with one another because that is what Jesus wants. Everyone should be able to put aside their differences and live as a loving, Christ-centered family. Christmas is more than gifts; being surrounded with those you love is the greatest blessing you can have for your life.

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What Christmas Means

© more by Edarly Edouard

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2018 with permission of the Author.

Christmas is a time when everyone gathers together
To share love and bring hope of a light that will last forever.
At a time like this, there's no such thing as being alone.
When you're with the ones you love, you'll then learn to grow.

Nothing can be more comforting than the love you share.
Your family should tell you there is someone who always cares.
Everyone is entitled to abundant joy and happiness
Because this blessing is a Christmas gift you should never forget.

As long as you're surrounded with those who love you,
We should not despise each other, for love is the ultimate truth.
If Jesus Himself said to help and love one another,
Then we need to form a fellowship and be there for each other.

This season, we should be able to put aside our differences
And stop choosing whom to love based on preferences.
Love should be beyond words this time of year,
And forevermore, bringing songs of glorious cheers.

May this Christmas be a time of good will,
Because love is a mission we all need to fulfill.
Let our friendships and relationships have Christ in the center.
Let this holiday season be a time of worship and prayer.

Christmas should be about giving and enjoying the good times.
It may come once a year, but its impact should never die.
Let's not lose hope of what Christmas should come to be.
Jesus came to love, and so should we.


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