Christmas Poem

My mother means the world to me. She is fighting for her life because she has cancer. I wanted to honor her with this poem. She came from poverty beyond what most could imagine. When she was a little girl she wrote a letter to Santa. She didn't use postage. She just placed it in the mailbox. The mail man read the letter and got together with a local church to make mom's dream come true. Her dad was a very proud man that would not except charity, however, this one time he graciously accepted.

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I love this poem. It touched me in the heart. I read it and wept; I love this poem. This made me change my heart and perspective of Christmas and its true meaning. Thanks for making me change...

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Mama's Christmas Miracle

Kathy J. Parenteau © more by Kathy J. Parenteau

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2011 with permission of the Author.

Mama told me a story a long, long time ago, not like any that I'd ever heard,
all about a little girl mama used to know, how I remember every word.
Seems like a lifetime ago, though I remember it so well.
It was a Christmas Eve I'll never forget as far as I can tell.
We were sitting at the kitchen table, it was only my mother and me.
I was dreaming of Christmas morning and all the presents under the tree.
Dad wasn't doing that well and money was scarce that year.
Mama found a way of telling me without me shedding one tear.
She told me a story of a little girl and a Christmas long ago,
who came from far away, a place where it rarely snowed.
Santa was just a dream to her, but she believed so much inside,
that Christmas was going to be special, so she knelt by her bed and she cried.
"Lord, let Santa remember me if not just this one time.
I promise I won't ask for much, maybe a dolly I can call all mine."
She closed her prayer and thanked the Lord for all that she received.
She knew that Santa would really come if only she believed.
She wrote a letter to Santa, unfamiliar to most girls and boys.
Though her list was long and full, on it there were no toys.
Only things we take for granted, like new shoes or underpants,
hair bows for her sisters and gloves to warm her brothers' hands.
At the bottom of her list she asked, if it not be too much,
for a brand new baby doll she could hold and love and touch.
Then Christmas morning came and she looked beneath her tree,
Not a present to be found as far as she could see.
She didn't give up hope as she heard a knocking sound.
When she opened up her door, a great big box she found.
She called out to her mother and dad, brothers and sisters too,
She said, "My prayers were answered, there's something in here for all of you."
Her daddy got brand new boots, her mother new underpants, her sisters got beautiful hair bows, her brothers warm gloves for their hands.
Buried deep beneath the box was a brand new baby doll and a note that said, "Merry Christmas, I love you one and all."
I'll never forget that story because much to my surprise,
I saw the true meaning of Christmas shining in my mother's eyes.
For those of you who are wondering, as if you didn't know,
The little girl in Mama's story was my mother long ago.

This poem is about a childhood memory I will never forget. God bless all the mothers in this world, and may all your Christmases be ones to remember.



I am from a family of writers. My grandfather was a published poet. He taught me to write as a young girl. He opened up the world of poetry to me. What a sweet release it is to take those thoughts from the secret part of your soul and put them in verse. My hope is that my poems inspire others and reach them in a very special way.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Samantha J. Batey by Samantha J. Batey
  • 6 years ago

Loved this poem. Made me think about Christmas being about God and being with family. God does listen. Thanks for sharing.

  • CalmMisticBeautifulRain by CalmMisticBeautifulRain
  • 6 years ago

I love this poem. It touched me in the heart. I read it and wept; I love this poem. This made me change my heart and perspective of Christmas and its true meaning. Thanks for making me change my heart and mind!

  • Destini Schumacher by Destini Schumacher, South Dakota
  • 11 years ago

My Dad has it for 3 years and then it went away... They had to take off one side of his nose, But now he has it on his other side now! He's still been fighting it since! :'(

  • Amanda Cifra by Amanda Cifra, Fayetteville
  • 12 years ago

I too came from a very, very poor family, not from this country. My Mom has since passed (2 years ago). She too had cancer and suffered greatly for 3 years. Your poem broke my heart. How true it is. Thank you so much for sharing.

  • April by April, Oklahoma
  • 12 years ago

This poem made me cry. I am a single mother of 3 wonderful girls. My kids have never known a Christmas loaded with toys. When my daughter wrote her letter to Santa she only asked to have a great day with her family. I work 2nd shift so she doesn't see me much during the week. Her letter broke my heart but made me realize that maybe she needed to have the kind of holidays she does to know what is truly important. I find it funny that while I was worrying about getting her presents she just wanted the gift of family. I love your poem. Thank you so much for posting it.

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