Hurting Poem

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The hard truth of having one too many last changes. Sometime there is no coming back from crossing the line. We may not be able to fix what we broke, but learning from it can help prevent us...

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You Have Shattered Every Memory Of Us

© more by Jordan Byrnehouser

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2021 with permission of the Author.

You have drowned every emotion of us,
Held it under water until it could no longer breathe.
You have shattered every memory of us,
Like glass, touching it I risk hurting every time.
You have burned any future of us,
Only left ashes of what could have been.
We could have been great together.
We could have made it.


Jordan Byrnehouser is the author of two poetry books: It’s You, It’s Always Been You and Hers and His Poetry.


more by Jordan Byrnehouser

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The hard truth of having one too many last changes. Sometime there is no coming back from crossing the line. We may not be able to fix what we broke, but learning from it can help prevent us from breaking things in the future.

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