Dark Poem

Dark Days

I think that everyone one time or another has had dark days

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I hope everything has changed, light has fallen upon your soul and love and happiness knocked on your doorstep. No matter what we go through, always pray. Some things happen for reasons we...

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A Cry From The Soul

© more by Charlene Valladares

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2011 with permission of the Author.

Trapped with nowhere to turn, life is changing beyond my control,
causing this deep ache in the bottom of my soul.

Someone else is pulling the strings,
oh to fly, oh for wings.

Escape, I want to dig my self out,
filled with despair, filled with doubt.

Mute not able to express,
this gnawing pain and feeling of relentless distress.

Tears that are not visible to the naked eye,
silent screams that no one can hear.

I try to speak but nothing can express,
this feeling of sadness and worthlessness.

Emotional pain, walks with me through the day,
and sleeps with me through the night,
leaving me depletes with no strength to fight.

Anger for not having the courage to turn things around,
keeping me anchored to this remorse,
not able to untie the chains and change my course.

False pride rules supreme,
always there to whisper in my ear.

Time, wasted and badly spent,
lots of hurt, lots to repent.

Solace, please come and calm my soul,
for this is what I need to make me whole.

Empathy, what I need is for someone to see,
someone to see the real me.

Love with no strings,
just giving generously amongst other things.

Words, when used as a weapon can cut like a knife,
capable of doing so much damage and take the joy out of life,

but softly spoken and softly expressed
can bring so much happiness.


more by Charlene Valladares

  • Stories 7
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  • Rating 4.52
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Grayson Marsh by Grayson Marsh
  • 3 years ago

I can relate. It feels good to know there are people feeling exactly what I feel.

  • Julie by Julie
  • 5 years ago

I can relate to most of these poems and words. It really is a great poem. It was very heartfelt.

  • Carole Mason by Carole Mason
  • 5 years ago

When you read words that have similarities to your own, there is a feeling of relating to and understanding them. I believe this is an important factor in writing: getting the feelings out to the reader. I'm relatively new at this, but countless times we read something only to ask why we aren't really certain of the key point; I truly got this.

  • Thapelo Ntuli by Thapelo Ntuli, South Africa
  • 9 years ago

Sometimes desiring fancy things in this world can chase your happiness and invite misery in your life. Something died inside of me for not realizing that life is life. If you are not satisfied about what you have, that God gave to you, you will curse your soul to death. Forgive me lord for I do not know what I was doing.
God thanks for blessing me with a beautiful voice, but selfish ambition led me astray:
I thought I can sing alone, play guitar alone, but I was wrong.
I loved money more than my destiny and forgot that money is the root of every evil.
I disregarded the things I had because I never knew what it feels like to have nothing until I reached it. Loneliness came to pass and seized me to realize that selfish ambition will destroy what was meant for you,
maybe if I had someone who will play guitar for me and someone who will play piano for me, so that I can just put my voice and sing a nice song, things wouldn't be like this. Maybe I should have loved my destiny more than money,

  • Gp by Gp, Georgia
  • 11 years ago

I can somehow relate to this poem. I'm a fourteen year old girl who can't express what I really feel about things. for about two years my family and I have been going through a lot. At first I thought, God why me? but then I realized why not me? For a while after my dad cheated on my mom I didn't feel anything or at least I didn't know what to say when people asked me how I felt. Then my mom in a emotional state suddenly moved all six of us children to GA. We had family there but we had to leave the family like people in TN. In the middle of everything a year later I felt lost and didn't know what to do anymore but wait for something to change. I've been under a lot of stress during that time and even now. The next year after that we finally started going back to church. I now know I just need to trust in JESUS and everything will be okay because everything I went through didn't break me but made me stronger.

  • Lala Zulu by Lala Zulu
  • 3 years ago

I hope everything has changed, light has fallen upon your soul and love and happiness knocked on your doorstep. No matter what we go through, always pray. Some things happen for reasons we can't figure out sometimes. After rain comes the sun, right? Trust in your God.
Love, Lala

  • Amy by Amy
  • 12 years ago

Hey this is so cool I never thought I would ever be doing this. Thanks this poem is so great.

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