Loss of a Friend Poem

Beautiful Short Poem For The Death Of A Friend

To a lovely friend who will be missed forever.

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In memory of my aunt, Rose, who is looking down on us right now. She is definitely a guardian angel because my 7 year old (who is now 9) was hit by a drunk driver while crossing the street...

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Shining Star


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2012 with permission of the Author.

The angels looked down from heaven one night.
They searched for miles afar,
And deep within the distance
They could see a shining star.

They knew that very instant
That the star was theirs to gain,
So they took you up to heaven,
Forever to remain.

Look down on us from heaven.
Keep us free from hurt and pain.
You'll always be within my heart
Until we meet again.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Maria Patalano by Maria Patalano
  • 5 years ago

In memory of my dear sweet nephew whom I raised like a little brother. My dear sweet Antoni Patalano passed away in his sleep in Utah at the age of 41 with cardiac arrest on Wednesday, February 13, 2019. It is already one month, but we are grieving Antoni so much. We know he is our angel looking down on us from heaven, but we just miss him so much and we wish he were still here with us. My sister from Ventura, California, sent me this special poem yesterday on my email...Shining Star. I just love it, for our dear Antoni was indeed a true shining star for us all. It's no wonder Jesus took him while he was asleep...an angel's death. For our dear Antoni was truly an earth angel...no wonder Jesus wanted his angel back home. Antoni has been a blessing for us in his short 41 years. We love you so much, my sweet, dear Antoni. RIP with dear Nonno (granddaddy in Italian). My daddy, whom we all named Antoni from...his sweet Nonno Antonio...they are both our angels now.

  • Cameron Colburn by Cameron Colburn
  • 5 years ago

For myself, I know someone wants me dead. I'm watched over by all the people I failed. All the people I let die. They watch over me. I feel them behind me when I have a gun to my head. Not in my hands. I should be dead long over and I'm not. Bullets miss. Knives miss. My friends will not let me go until justice is done. I'd name them all but it's 52 people.

  • Benjamin Answers by Benjamin Answers
  • 6 years ago

I lost my sweetheart in an accident in April 2017. She was only 27 years old. Akua Afriyie, I don't know how to live without you. Life is so dim. It's been over a year, and it's not getting any easier. I miss your laughs, I miss your life, I miss your smell, I miss you. I can't stop the tears. Forever in my heart, Akua.

  • Connie by Connie
  • 6 years ago

In memory of my aunt, Rose, who is looking down on us right now. She is definitely a guardian angel because my 7 year old (who is now 9) was hit by a drunk driver while crossing the street with me. I almost lost her. She was lifeless, and all of a sudden she came back to life and said she saw Aunt Roro, which is my Aunt Rose, and she told her it wasn't time for her to meet her yet. She told her that she was going to lay her on her side to go to sleep, and when my daughter landed on the road from the hood of the SUV, she landed on her side. Thank you, Aunt Rose, for saving my baby. I love and miss you. You are definitely our guardian angel. I wish you were still here on Earth with us. We miss you every day.

  • Barbara D. Weinkam by Barbara D. Weinkam
  • 6 years ago

I lost my sweet daughter, Kim, in January 2000. She was only 27 years old. She was with us one moment and then she was taken away. Not a day goes by that I don't think about her. She had a beautiful smile and an infectious laugh, which I can still hear. I miss her so much. Heaven has a beautiful angel. I long to see Kim. Love you, Mom and Dad.

  • Summer by Summer
  • 7 years ago

When you're in a cast, you're so close, it's like family. I didn't even know her all that well. I knew her favorite things and what she liked to do in her spare time, but that's about it. She was closer than a cousin, but not quite as close as a sibling. I never realized how much pain she was in.
One day we were in an optional class on Greek mythology, which I loved. She started drawing something, but I didn't pay much attention because she did that all the time. She was a great artist, so at the end of the class I looked over at what she had drawn. It was a picture of herself holding hands with a skeleton. Both the drawings had the same hair and were wearing her favorite green hoodie. I didn't pay much attention to it and soon forgot.

One day, my mom told me, "Come sit down. I have something to tell you."
She was 14.
Too young to die.
I can't help but feel if I had said something about the drawing or talked to her, I could have stopped it.
It's unfair.

  • Ajayi Michael by Ajayi Michael
  • 7 years ago

A friend closer than my girlfriend died of a headache. It still seems a folk tale to me. I just don't know how to bear the thought of the loss of this dear friend... Oh death, how lethal.

  • Rafiya Fathima.M by Rafiya Fathima.M
  • 7 years ago

Life was beautiful in your presence; it's hateful now. You left me without a word, but your memories will never leave. In your remembrance. - Rafiya

  • Highlander66 by Highlander66
  • 8 years ago

In Memory of Janet Baron, my dear sweet friend and shining star. This poem comes from my heart. You are and will always be my shining star. Always when I look into the heavens above and see the brightest shiniest star, I know it's you watching over me and so many of your family and dear friends that love and miss you so much, until we meet again, I love you and I always will.

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