Spring Poem

The Loveliness Of Spring

My poem is a about the delights of spring we all patiently await and the charms of spring that awakens our senses up with gentle breezes, fresh colors, lovely scents, and songs of nature. It is refreshing after a long, cold winter. I hope it can remind readers of the loveliness and gracefulness of spring.

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It's a very beautiful creation about the everlasting beauties of nature. It reminds me of the poem by Robert Frost "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening."

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Charming Spring

© more by Patricia L. Cisco

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2018 with permission of the Author.

Reminiscent melodies
serenade the morning breeze.

Feathered creatures nest with care
in cherry blossoms pink and fair.

Perfumed scent of roses flow.
Tiny blades of green grass grow.

Misty showers soak the earth,
glorious colors come to birth.

Gathering clouds come and go,
rain, sun, and vibrant bow.

Dainty petals, fancy flair,
dancing in the warm, sweet air.

Violets, yellows, purest white,
graceful, gentle, welcomed sight.

Thank you, oh sweet lovely Spring,
patiently waiting the charms you bring!



I am a mother of two grown sons, we are an extremely close family & extended family, like all families we have had many wonderful & blessed times through life and we have experienced heart ache as well, I raised my sons, to never make judgement upon another persons journey in this life and to be the best them that they can be , that is all we...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kumari Weerasooriya by Kumari Weerasooriya
  • 3 years ago

It's a very beautiful creation about the everlasting beauties of nature. It reminds me of the poem by Robert Frost "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening."

  • Florence Hope by Florence Hope
  • 4 years ago

I really love this poem. It is written in such a magical, fabulous and elegant way. Thanks for sharing it, Patricia.

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