Daughter Death Poem

My daughter passed away at the age of 3; she was A-plastic Anemic.

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I know that in life we are going to have are ups and downs. But I had to find the strength in me to move forward in life even through all the failures and mistakes. Poetry was my way of...

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Dear God, Please Take Care Of My Little Girl

© more by Terry Gouveia

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2012 with permission of the Author.

Dear God, please take care of my little girl,
The one with big eyes and soft brown curls.
She was special, as you should know.
I really didn't want to let her go.

She touched the hearts of everyone she knew.
Letting her go was so hard to do.
Her smile could brighten up the darkest room.
I wish you didn't have to take her so soon.

Could you sit and rock her and read her a story?
She's probably afraid; please tell her don't worry.
Tell her mommy loves her and wishes she could be here,
But it won't be for many more years.

She loves to sing all kinds of songs.
Please tell her that she did no wrong.
Would you comfort her and hold her in your arms tight?
And tell her she is missed every day and night.

Please tell her she is loved so very dear.
I'll say it every day for her to hear.
Her short life on earth is now completed
For lessons I'm sure you felt I needed.

Tell her I promise to see her again someday.
When that will be, I really can't say.
I promise to make up for the time that's passed,
To hold her and comfort her in my arms at last.


more by Terry Gouveia

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Noah Sanchez by Noah Sanchez, Amarillo, Texas
  • 3 years ago

I know that in life we are going to have are ups and downs. But I had to find the strength in me to move forward in life even through all the failures and mistakes. Poetry was my way of escape from the troubles in life. I can write about the pain, suffering, days I felt alone, but also the victories and triumphs too. In 2002, Thanksgiving Day, I lost my wife and daughter to a drunk driver. My whole life had changed after that. I couldn't function in life 'cause I felt so lost without them. Though it's been 18 years since their death, it still haunts me today. But I thank God for giving me the strength to see me through it all. Maybe that's why I love that poem called, "Footprint in the Sand." And I knew that I didn't have to walk through this alone. Because I knew it was He who had carried me in my toughest times. Now I share my story about courage and strength with others that may help someone who's been through the same storm I have been through.

  • Margie Rinaldi by Margie Rinaldi
  • 1 year ago

My heart cries for you and I share your pain. My situation is different but the loss and the grief are very much the same. I myself couldn't move on with my life and at times it felt like I couldn't breathe....I hate this feeling and I can't seem to find my way in this world now that my daughter is gone. There are so many people who think they have the answers and tell me to just get on with life, then there are those that understand and know the pain we feel. I wish you well and pray God gives you a little peace and comfort in your heart.

  • Deanna Kropa by Deanna Kropa
  • 4 years ago

I lost my sister when she was 13, and I know she is in a better place. For me to know that is the best thing for me. I would talk to her every night and tell her I am sorry for being mean to her. My heart is broken without her here with me. I wish I could see her walk in the door after going to school and a friend's house. I always played anything that she wanted to play. She told me before she passed away that I was going to be a mom someday, and she was very right. I wanted them to meet her, but they didn't get the chance to. They would have loved her so much. I wanted to ask God why he has to take the people we love so much. I lost my sister and dad and uncle and grandmother on my dad's side and many more.

  • Jaclyn A Duquette by Jaclyn A Duquette
  • 6 years ago

I have experienced this loss also. My beloved daughter was brought home 16 years ago. I think my way of coping is knowing she is in perfect peace. She told me so in a dream I had shortly after her passing. Keep your faith. She is in a perfect world at peace and watches over you. I believe that. It's through my faith that I have gotten by. God bless you. Be at peace also.

  • Shellie Chandler by Shellie Chandler
  • 8 years ago

My daughter JoLeen had open-heart surgery when she was five and was released from hospital on her 6th birthday. She was my precious miracle, so beautiful and full of life! Only 3 months after seeing her cardiologist who stated she was fine, JoLeen suffered from an unexpected heart attack at the age of 11 years. I've been so upset at God for taking her from me, her family and friends, and at such a young age. This has been so hard for me! I believe that she wasn't ready and and I am having such a difficult time accepting this! Everyone says it will take time to heal but how does anyone expect a parent to get through such a traumatic experience and move on?? It's just not possible ! I'm grateful for the prayers but they won't bring back my daughter! March 30, 2016 is when she passed. After reading other similar stories like mine, I realize I am not alone. But will I ever be at peace??

  • Cynthia Senn by Cynthia Senn
  • 2 years ago

I know it's very hard, and they say it gets better, but I haven't seen that. I lost my daughter at age 21. She was murdered, and it took us 7 days to locate her body. It's something no parent should ever have to go through. Although our cases are different, my heart is with you.

  • Vicki Hanson by Vicki Hanson
  • 4 years ago

We just lost our Ellie, whom was born with half a heart. She endured 4 open heart surgeries. The last one did her in. She went into full cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest in front of us. This pain will never go away. I feel your pain. Open heart surgery is something a parent should never experience. It feels like our hearts will never heal. She also was 11 years old. Her service is March 7th. The grief is profound and deep.

  • Lynn Smith by Lynn Smith
  • 7 years ago

I lost my daughter. It happened October 21, 2016. She had a rough life as an adult, as she was addicted to pills. One night she took too many. I got a phone call telling me she was gone. I ask where and was told that she had passed. This was one day after she moved to Helen, Georgia. The day she left, I took her to meet the people she was moving with. As I left her, I was crying. She called my cell phone to say, "Mama, don't cry." Those were the last words I heard my daughter say to me. I think about her every day. The pain is not any less today than the pain I felt on the day God said, "Okay Tiffany, no more. I'm taking you home." Part of me went with her that day, and I don't think it will ever get any easier for me.

  • Sandra Robinson by Sandra Robinson
  • 8 years ago

I lost my little girl, Clara. She was born with CHD. She was two when she has a heart cath and went into cardiac arrest and was on ECMO for six days. On the third day she went into cardiac arrest again and had no brain activity. At this point her body was shutting down, so I held her as they took her off the machines. Never thought this would happen to me. This happened Oct 25 2015.

Never did I think God took her but, I was told by her father that God took her 'cause I wouldn't get back with him. No way did that happen. God does not do that! I'm so sorry that you lost your little one. I do understand your pain, and I will be praying for you. I know it hurts and you wonder will there ever be peace. I hope for us both there will be. I hope I didn't make you upset. I just want you to know I will be praying for your peace, peace with God. And in your own time please know God loves you and understands your hurt. Keep praying.

  • 9 years ago

I came across this poem and it made me think of my precious Victoria. Tori was so full of life that heaven just couldn't wait for her. Words can't express my love for my baby girl. I will pray for you that God gives us both the strength and peace we need to get by day to day.... I love you Tori and miss you dearly 13 years just wasn't enough time....Love Mommy

  • Sandra Anderson by Sandra Anderson
  • 6 years ago

I lost my Victoria 4/20/18 age 28 from an overdose. I am devastated. I feel lost. How will I go on? My precious, beautiful girl was taken. I know your pain. A pain no one but a mom who lost a child can know. Her name means "Victorious." I know she is victorious with the Lord. She made great strides in overcoming obstacles of autism. It's nearly 60 days since she died. My world stopped. I long for her so. I ache. Her birthday is coming up 6/25. Will I ever feel okay again? How do I go on? I'm broken. I'm praying, seeking answers. Why? People said, "Each day gets better," but that's not the case. I feel crazy, as each day is harder. I enjoyed the poems. I like writing them as well. They help me, especially knowing others understand. I love her, I miss her. Rest in glorious peace my angel, Victoria. Loving you forever, Mommy.

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