Alone Poem

I'm Feeling Alone Poem

This poem is about feeling very alone in the world. Like someone turned off the lights and has me walking the streets with nobody beside me. I just want someone to hold me so that the world doesn't seem so dark and depressing inside me. I want to feel some kind of hope that someone does care about me.

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I have never felt loved, and I feel like it will never get better. I just want to feel wanted. I always told myself I would not be the kind of teenager to sit on my bedroom floor silently...

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Hold Me


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2008 with permission of the Author.

I'm hurt all the time.
I don't want to cry for the way I feel inside.
I just want someone to hold me.
I'm alone in the dark; please try to find me.
If no one cares, I don't see a point to go on.
Anyone find me! Anyone care!
I'm sorry, I just don't want to be alone anymore.
I feel unheard and unseen. Depressed and weak.
No one cares, and yet I'm always the sorry one.
Someone find me! I'm scared.
Please hold me until it all ends.
Just hold me; that's all I want.
I don't want to be alone in the dark.
Just hold me as I start to disappear from the light.
Just hold me as I start to cry.
Just hold me so I won't be alone inside.
Just hold me so I don't do something wrong.
Just hold me so tight, that for a moment I could feel the light....


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  • Rating 4.37
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Brooke Van Norman by Brooke Van Norman
  • 2 years ago

I have never felt loved, and I feel like it will never get better. I just want to feel wanted. I always told myself I would not be the kind of teenager to sit on my bedroom floor silently screaming, but look where we are. I just want to be chosen for once. But he will always choose the skinnier girl. Mom will always choose her boyfriends. Dad will always choose his new wife and my siblings. Grandparents will always choose my sister. My friends will always choose the prettier, skinnier, funnier friend. Honestly, at this point, I am holding on by a thread. I have been through my parents' separation, addiction, depression, anxiety, anorexia, BPD, rape, self-harm, and I am still so young. Life is just a maze of living, suffering, dying, and choosing. I am fat, ugly, and annoying, but I do not choose to be these things, I just am. Reading these poems always makes me feel a little better. I don't want to die, I just don't want to continue living the life I'm living.

  • Megan by Megan
  • 6 years ago

This poem says a lot about how I am. I alone, and I am 18, but as long as you have the Lord in your heart, you're not alone. It took me forever to realize that. Then I let Jesus in my life and I don't feel so alone anymore.

  • Albert Shan by Albert Shan
  • 7 years ago

I love my dear Elizabeth Wangui so much and my heart will keep on looking for you my dear angel. I'm here waiting for you. Just come. I need your cooling touch to hold me...I just need you. I'm here.

  • Olivia by Olivia, Texas
  • 9 years ago

Thank you for the beautiful poem. I have always felt alone even though I am pretty moderately popular and many people like me. I cut. I felt like no one cares about me, I felt alone for a long time. Then I reached out to someone in a poem. They knew me a long time so they understood. They came to me later that day and talked with me. Together, I made it past my cutting days. I sometimes look back once and a while and I slip up. But I always have someone to hold me. Someone to catch me.

  • Alicia by Alicia
  • 7 years ago

I am alone all the times and no one cares for me for a while. I walk alone and sit alone because everybody doesn't know my feelings. They just hurt me more. And when I read this poem it makes me cry because I am alone.

  • Jay by Jay, India
  • 9 years ago

I just felt every bit , the poem explains how one feels mental pain when left alone. I could see myself in the poem!

  • Sherry McClendon by Sherry McClendon
  • 10 years ago

Nobody Loves Me. I just wish somebody loved me what wrong with me am I ugly I am over weight what's wrong I just wish somebody would love me I am 27 and I don't know what it is like for someone to love me I just wish someone would love me back every man I meet I have to force them to like me to want to be apart of my life why is that am I to loud and not the right skin complexion am I not educated enough is it because I don't have money is it because I am a Tom boy I don't know but what I do know is that I am not happy and I want to leave this place and go where the unwanted and unloved people go is there such a place where somebody will say cherry I love you I think you are special and life wouldn't be the same without is that to much to ask I am just so tired of being unwanted and unloved I look at my friends and they are happy they have someone to love them someone to say where you at? Where you been? When you coming home? I love you I am 27 years old and I am just tired of not being loved......

  • Anna B Verzura by Anna B Verzura, Florida
  • 2 years ago

You must look at yourself and accept and love who you are. Do not wait or expect other people to love you. If you love yourself, you will carry yourself in a way that you tell the world, "I am special, and I do not need anyone to validate it." Do not compare yourself to other people. Build your self-image. Call a psychologist. Get help. I am sure that you are gorgeous.

  • Anna Bella. by Anna Bella.
  • 6 years ago

I am 77 years old and I am still hoping to be held and loved. What is wrong with me? Why can I not be loved? I am in a relationship, and he does not look at me or care to hold me or search for me. Every day I have ambivalent feelings. Perhaps today he will hold me or look at me, and I also feel to run away, but where? I am 77, but I look young and vibrant. I am not sure why I cannot be loved. Many times I've wanted to end my life. Do not let this happen to you. Get help.

  • Laura Wyman by Laura Wyman
  • 7 years ago

I feel your pain. You're not alone, although it feels like it. There are many of us out there suffering & struggling to get through the day, every single day. No hope, no friends, no one you can talk to. Living every day in your own hell and it's very sad and lonely. No one gets it, no one understands and nobody wants to. We should form a lonely club so we're no longer alone. Hang in there. From one very lonely lost soul to another. LauraSuan

  • Zack Zatimi by Zack Zatimi
  • 8 years ago

You don't need anyone to tell you that you are special... be more confident, there are so many beautiful things in life worth to live and fight for. Make your own smile let the people wish to be you (your wondering how is that possible.... just be you be yourself nothing is impossible and the most important thing is that there is nothing worth to cry for, just carry on. The life is so short and so damn beautiful she really deserves a chance to show you the fantasy.. )

  • 8 years ago

Love is difficult! Just remember learning to love yourself is the hardest one has to battle. Hearts find hearts, healthy loving hearts are the hardest to find. My Motto: Live,Life,Love. Most people say Live,Love,Life. I believe you have to live life to know what love is. Start with your own heart.

  • Priyanka Mohan by Priyanka Mohan, India
  • 8 years ago

So similar to me. I too feel the same. I'm 25 and still I have to force a person to be in my life. I'm educated, good looking, and still I'm alone. No one to talk, no one to ask you if you're fine or where are you or I'm missing you. I feel so lonely.

  • Tiffany Goodwin by Tiffany Goodwin, West Virginia
  • 10 years ago

It hurts more when you have people there that don't see the signs or hear you when explain your pain. Alone and lost sounds better then being in a sea of people and no one hears or sees you drowning.

  • Sydur Rahman Sohag by Sydur Rahman Sohag, Bangladesh
  • 10 years ago

It's really a touching poem to my heart because I'm feeling alone now. Thank you for a such poem.

  • Frank C by Frank C
  • 11 years ago

Thank you for this poem. You may not know it but reading all these comments below your poem really helped me just now. I especially related to John from Tucson Arizona, I'm married and have 4 kids and it just seems as though everyone in her family is more important than me. Her sister, mom, and dad. Where do I come in? I'm just tired of masking my feelings by crying alone all the time when everyone is asleep. She's cruel sometimes without knowing she's doing it and it just gets old when you always apologize for your part of arguments and she always thinks she's right, never apologizing back for her side. Anyway, thank you for your great poem and thank you John for your story above, Goodnight.

  • Wysdom by Wysdom, Idaho Falls
  • 11 years ago

This poem hit me hard because I was alone but got a boyfriend who cares but I still feel like I'm in the dark and he grabs for my hand. Our hands touch and I grab on but then I stat to slip. We lose grip and I fall deeper into the dark hole.

  • Sam by Sam, USA
  • 11 years ago

I loved this poem. I feel so alone and depressed all the time. Sometime I wonder if I will still be here if my daughter is here. She is my back bone without her I don't think I will be here. I am alone and depressed and angry all the time. And this poem felt like it was telling my story.

  • Cat by Cat, US
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for your poem and for all of the people that replied. I have been married for 12 years, but feel utterly alone. All I yearn for is to be held. To be wrapped in the arms of my husband. The person who is supposed to love me and make me feel safe, but this never happens. Instead I silently cry myself to sleep at night. If it wasn't for my daughter, I wouldn't be here wishing someone would hold me. Instead, I try to be strong to take care of her and make her feel loved like I long to be.

  • Solitário by Solitário, Brazil
  • 12 years ago

You've described me in this poem.
Thanks for writing it.
Sometimes I feel that no one understands me in this world, and with a few words in this space, you've entered in my soul in a depressed times and described me.
Thank you again for writing this poem.

  • Austin by Austin, Sherwood
  • 12 years ago

Much like the comment made by Scarlet Murry, I am 13 years old. I am very sad most of the time, because I usually see how all of my classmates have their best friends and loved ones to get carried through their hard school lives, what with mean teachers, tricky tests or quizzes, and more. Unfortunately, I don't even have family, because they don't seem to want to pay any heed to me or my problems. When they do, they say the same terrible, boring advise like broken records, and even my brother, whom I've felt was the closest thing I ever had to being a friend, I can now see is slipping away as he matures more. Friends are a vital part of life - to help you grow and relate and socialize and discover. I don't have that. None of it. I don't possess the smiles of those happy to see me, those I can leak out my emotions to and make my dark, endless sea of sadness and depression full of some cloudy light. I don't have people that would fight for me, and defend me from a world that is hopeless and seething with monsters of dehumanization and social isolation.

  • Evan by Evan
  • 12 years ago

I really want to thank your for this poem. It perfectly reflects what I too feel. The comments too, its peaceful reassurance that I'm not alone with these overwhelming feelings of loneliness. I don't often cry but this brought me to tears, and its exactly what I needed to read. Thank you.

  • Shivani by Shivani
  • 12 years ago I was feeling exactly what you wrote in your poem. I was hurt but I didn't want to cry. From past few months I am alone and depressed and I just want someone to hold me. I don't feel like going out or socialize ...only what I want is someone who can hold me tight when I am low. All my thoughts my feeling are expressed by your poem....This poem gives words to my feeling. Thanks for your poem. I hope someday we all will get someone who can hold us tight when we are low.

  • Gaurav Kumar by Gaurav Kumar
  • 8 years ago

Hi...I'm Gaurav and I have same problem as you. This world seems so strange. all people are busy with their stuff. I have also many relatives but still I'm so alone. I need someone who can hear me. You and I have the same problem.

  • Scarlet Murry by Scarlet Murry
  • 12 years ago

Hey my name is Scarlet and I read the poem and it touched my heart. I am 12 almost 13 and I have already lived life. And well things just don't reach out and touch my heart but this did and it reminds me of how much I still have to look forward to. thank you I think this poem just might have just saved my life.

  • Lizzy by Lizzy, Summerville
  • 12 years ago

I find this poem helps me explain how I feel. I've been trying to find the words and ability to understand these feelings and its hard. In my search I usually find "talk with a friend for support" or "lean on family", but I, like many of you it seems, don't have these luxuries. This poem is the first thing I've found that helps me. thank you

  • Moises by Moises
  • 12 years ago

Well this poem really touch me because I really fell like this. I feel like nobody really cares about me and I feel like I am disappearing....

  • India by India
  • 12 years ago

I think I'm the most unwanted person . Never have I had this feeling so strong. but know each day every second every instance makes me feel stronger and stronger that no one loves me... Wish the day comes soon when the journey of this life comes to the end... Oh god please ensure no one shreds their crocodile tears on my funeral... Please get my end closer very fast.

  • Rohan Jain by Rohan Jain, India
  • 12 years ago

I must be the loneliest person on earth. Friends always ditch me, my parents stay far, I have no one to share my feelings with. No one understands me. I wish I had a true friend whom I could share my problems with. Sometimes I feel that life is playing a practical joke. Being left all alone is the worst feeling ever. I wish I was dead.

  • Florencia Martinez by Florencia Martinez
  • 12 years ago

I'm 16 years old and writing poems is what I love to do the most.... It makes me feel so fresh after finishing one like all the weight I've been carrying around just vanishes.. I've written about love heartbreaks loneliness anger etc.. though I mostly write about my life how people don't see the real me they just see the me they want to see and its aggravating

  • Evelyn by Evelyn, Oudtshoorn
  • 13 years ago

I was in a marriage that was the most cruelest time of my life. After finding out that he was having an affair I tried to commit suicide that was not successful. I wished that I died that day. I do not want to live anymore and know the word loneliness. I am so tired and everything is hurting, life is hurting

  • Alexis by Alexis
  • 13 years ago

I'm 13 and I feel the same way. I feel nobody cares, and if I do something wrong I'm hated. but nobody is here to tell me that I did good, they are just here to yell at me for the wrong things I did. I need someone to hold me but nobody's there for me

  • Catherine Kiswili by Catherine Kiswili, Kenya
  • 13 years ago

I have so many friends yet feel so lonely. People think of me as one happy, very social girl. IF only they knew...I'm tired of putting up smiles even when I'm not okay. I've gotten so used to saying that I'm just fine even when I'm not okay. I don't know till when I'll keep on wearing this mask. I hate it when night time creeps in because that's when I feel so alone and lonely, uncared for and unloved. I'm so good at uplifting people when they're feeling low about themselves yet I can't do the same for me. I yearn to be held and loved. I yearn for someone to talk to and confide in. My relationships never seem to work because I end up withdrawing from my partners. Don't know why I find it difficult to let people reach out to me.

  • Courtney by Courtney, Ohio
  • 13 years ago

This poem is so on par with how I feel. I started crying when I read it. I had a dream last night and in the dream was a song. The lyric "even though I'm all alone, I'm still waiting for you" stayed in my mind so I goggled it and found this beautiful poem. Nice to know I'm not the only one with this overwhelming sadness. Good luck to everyone looking for someone to hold them. I know I need the luck too :(

  • Imran Ali Khan by Imran Ali Khan, Dubai
  • 13 years ago

Well after reading this, I also cried like most of them, I'm 24 yrs old and still alone, nobody cares about me nor my friends nor anybody seems to understand my problem, all makes fun of my problems what I have and the situation I'm going through, I have never got the true love in my life, I was in love with a girl hoping she loves me a lot, but she didn't she left me one day making me cry, and leaving me all alone she doesn't cared about me, she doesn't even want to know how I am. She betrayed me and she left, before she came in my life and after she left I'm all alone through my life just was with her for few months, I thought we can make it but she didn't turned out at all I cried a lot I pleaded her but she never came back, now I'm left all alone, what ever I try or even attempt to live again I'm always getting embarrassed by the world, leaving me not fit for any thing, I don't know my life seems to be dark and will I ever be able to live happily I don't know

  • Stacy by Stacy
  • 13 years ago

this really almost made me cry. I had a feeling but I don't know what it was. I have spent awhile in a foster home and now I am back homeee...but things still aren't right...I try to get away every day but sometimes you can't just runaway from your problems.....but besides that I have someone I love a lot which is my foster mom...and she was there for me and now I cant see her a lot and it hurts me so bad and every last word of this poem is exactly how I feel. EXACTLY...I just love it...<3 you are very talented thank you..

  • Rob by Rob, San Bernardino
  • 13 years ago

I have been married 30 years to the same woman. There were problems all the way through our marriage, but I always remained committed to working them out. For the past ten years or so, however, I've noticed my wife is gripped with fear that everyone around her means her harm, myself and our children included. She has reacted in violence at times (hitting me) and at other times, she just pushes us all away, by withdrawing her love and showing us distrust and anger over everything we do. Most nights, she just goes in her room, closes the door, and ignores us. My children (now grown), some of whom still live with us, go to their rooms to avoid the coldness and stress of the atmosphere in our home. I have the lived the life of a lonely bachelor for ten years. I sit in the "living room", alone each night, slowly dying.

  • Mustafa by Mustafa, Kabul
  • 13 years ago

It really hurts, when you have 100s of pals around , but none of them cares about :( none of them feel your emotions :( I thought I am my friend's favorite, but now I know I was nothing more than a time pass stuff :( this poems really did make me cry and I don't see any spirit of remaking friends :( hope we all could be around each other and make good friends :) God bless you all

  • Tianne by Tianne
  • 13 years ago

Well this did touched me because when I was somewhere at 9 years old I was feeling alone at school even at home !!!! I really did not have that much friends. Sometimes I know how those people feel they feel alone. Sometimes I feel like people push me away. but when I heard this poem it made me feel like I'm not alone.

  • Kristin Comaduran by Kristin Comaduran, TX
  • 13 years ago

It's so horribly ironic. I feel alone, like I'm underwater and everyone else is above, and I cant swim out. and so many other people do too, but I've never met a single person who feels like this. not really... It's ironic how, when we all post something on this page, we all feel the Exact Same Thing. but I can't find anything to help it..

  • Josh by Josh, FL
  • 13 years ago

I've been married going on 11 yrs. and recently she told me she doesn't love me anymore. She says she doesn't want to get a divorce and that falling in Love with me again was possible. So I've made up my mind to do all I can to win her heart back but it seems the harder I try the more she pushes me away. Sometimes when I try to tell her how I feel I break down crying and she shows no emotions. I've never been one to cry in front of people including her. There has been a couple times she seems mad or annoyed. In Love or not, how can anybody see somebody hurting and turn a cold shoulder, especially your spouse... I don't have anyone to talk to. I feel so lost and empty. I just want someone to hold me.

  • Sunshine by Sunshine, U.S
  • 13 years ago

I feel you in this poem. I feel the same way. The first time I read this....I began to cry when I read the "I don't want to cry for the way I feel inside". you are not alone.

  • Moni by Moni, New Zealand
  • 13 years ago

thanks for this poem...
sometime I feel like people don't really understand me even though I have friends but why am I the only one feeling alone at night just looking at the stars wondering if anyone out there feels the way I do and when I read your comments it just gives me that hope you know...well I try not to show it but I'm really hurting inside....:(...and when I read this poem it reminds me of myself ....thanks for this poem and the comments everyone you're not alone....:(

  • Joey by Joey, San Antonio Tx
  • 14 years ago

Ever since I lost my grandmother, I have felt empty inside. It seems like the only person who truly cared for me is gone. My relationship with my partner is not good and we always fight. This poem reminded me of how special my life was when she was alive. I just don't seem to have a purpose anymore and I can't go on.

  • Steven Goldman by Steven Goldman
  • 14 years ago

hi my name is Steven I am 22 I have ADHD and when I am with people I smile but deep down I am very sad I am very hyper a lot I tried medication did not do anything. I never had a girlfriend I never even kissed a girl before all I feel is hyper and feeling like ending my life I feel alone and I am sick of not having any friends.

  • Mm Ramos by Mm Ramos, CA
  • 14 years ago

I feel like I don't have friends anymore, they seem to be okay even if I'm not around. I feel like everybody just turned their backs against me. When I read this poem, tears just went down... I couldn't help it.

  • Moses by Moses, OR
  • 14 years ago

I cried, I don't cry often. But I could help my self when I read it. IDK what to do anymore. Sometimes I get the feeling that none of my friends really care about me. Sometimes I go weeks with out getting a call or text from anyone. And no one remembers to invite me to hang out. Why do we all want to feel like someone really cares. We sit and wait for a hug or a kiss, but the day ends and there is nothing but an empty chair

  • John by John, Tucson AZ
  • 14 years ago

You know, this poem just really hit home with me. I'm married and have children but my wife pushes me away, I have no one to talk to, confide in, vent to or anything. It seems funny that here I am a man and I, too, just want to be held.

  • Kip Light by Kip Light, Winder GA
  • 14 years ago

Very nice poem. Thank you for sharing it. Recently divorced after 32 years, I'm just starting to realize how much I, too, miss being held and holding someone who needs me. Your words feel as if they came from my heart. I wish you good fortune in finding that person to hold you and be held.

Awesome poem. Your really tallented. Allot of people can relate to this poem, as can I. Good job.

  • angela by angela
  • 15 years ago

thank you for writing this poem. it means so much to me. I can feel it inside. I'm so depressed and alone. I thought I loved someone, but nothing ever works for me. I just needs someone, something, to stay with me so I'm not so alone. I know that's what you said in your poem and it feels good that I'm not alone even though I'm still alone. but I'm still so sad.

  • shenica by shenica
  • 15 years ago

sometimes I feel like no one understands me I read poems to vent my feelings I write them too but I don't really like how they sound but these poems make me feel like I am not alone I love reading poems like these because every one thinks I'm a laughing loving and smiling girl but I cry a lot I tried to be emo but I hate pain so I know that that's not for me I put on a mask because I cry a lot and although its not recognized I do feel like no ones there but these poems somehow just comfort me. I don't think I'm a dark soul cause I'm naturally sweet and nice but I love dark poems and dark everything I mean my favorite color is pink but I love black nail polish and black eye shadow I am very weird I like being weird its keeps me different from everyone else but I would like to thank you for these poems that make me feel like I'm not alone

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