Earth Poem

A Lovely Old Tree Outside My Window

I wrote this poem about a big, old tree that stands outside my window that I love.

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I'm reminded of a similar experience. When I was a young boy there was a pear tree on the edge of a field a couple hundred yards or so behind the house I was born and raised in. I would go to...

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My Loyal Friend

Patricia A Fleming © more by Patricia A Fleming

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2018 with permission of the Author.

Outside my bedroom window
Stands an old majestic tree.
She's been standing there for decades,
Just as proud as she can be.

And every morning when I wake,
She's the first thing I see.
This lovely constant in my life,
So magnificent and free.

I can see the early, rising sun
Peeking through her lush green leaves.
I can hear her moving gently,
In the summer's warming breeze.

She has a personality
That she wants the world to see.
And her moods are ever changing
Behind her silent dignity.

She responds to every season,
In her own unfettered way.
All we have to do is gaze at her
To know what season's on its way.

In the Spring she comes alive again,
As her leaves begin to bloom.
And beneath the sun's attention,
You can almost see her swoon.

And in the heat of the summertime,
When her joy is magnified.
She has never looked more beautiful,
All "decked out to the nines."

And when the Fall comes creeping in,
And a chill floats on the breeze,
She prefers to don more earthy tones,
And does just what she please.

But when the Winter's looming large,
It's impossible to hide
As her barren limbs droop soulfully.
They betray her grief inside.

She's stood by me through all my days.
She's watched me laugh and cry.
She's listened so intently
While I've pondered on my life.

And when I see her dank and weary,
I will sit with her sometimes.
And all the years we've shared together
Will come rushing back to mind.

But both of us are strong and true.
We've become the closest friends,
And we will weather every storm
Together till the end.



Started writing at an early age and kept journals over the years. After retiring in 2016, wrote primarily poetry every day. This site is the best of all and I am still so grateful to have found it. There are some immensely talented writers on here.
I have not been writing quite as often lately but I keep my hand in it. My other hobbies include...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!

I'm reminded of a similar experience. When I was a young boy there was a pear tree on the edge of a field a couple hundred yards or so behind the house I was born and raised in. I would go to that tree just to hang out and gaze at clouds passing by and occasionally eat some pears. Well, fast forward many years and I moved away. And on one of my trips back to my hometown, I went to that pear tree. It was nearly dead and much smaller than I remembered. It was then that it hit me; life moves on regardless of how much I loved the way some things used to be. I was disappointed. I've never returned.

  • Jutta Klinner by Jutta Klinner
  • 4 years ago

What a beautiful poem. Every morning when I get up, I look out on my tree. I say a prayer in front of the tree. It feels so good, and it is a lovely beginning for another day. I pray for protection and healing of all the animal kingdom, people, plants, and trees in the Universe. Let there be peace on Earth. Let's enjoy every season, as they all bring something magical.

  • Candice Lorraine by Candice Lorraine
  • 5 years ago

Love this poem. You've captured the essence of this tree and the introspection of nature really beautifully.

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